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Oct 20, 2024: Today we crossed the mighty Mac

Oct 19, 2024: The first day of our fall 🍁 road trip was fantastic.

Oct 18, 2024: I wonder whether religion’s emphasis on belief rather than faith is contributing to the current state of the United States in which believing an …

Oct 17, 2024: More fall color is appearing on this tree from when I took this picture of it a week ago.

Oct 17, 2024: Finished reading: Falling Upward, Revised and Updated by Richard Rohr 📚 This is third time I’ve read this book, albeit the first time of this edition. …

Oct 17, 2024: Long time fellow blogger Dave Farquhar frequently writes interesting articles about computing history. I recommend his site, The Silicon Underground.

Oct 16, 2024: Android 15 Private Space

I upgraded my Pixel 7a to Android 15 yesterday and so far the two new features that I have enabled are Theft Protection and Private Space. The key to …

Oct 16, 2024: I really like this post by John Philipin, and this quote about education and colleges that I wish was my own: A university is to educate .. not …

Oct 14, 2024: I wonder, how valuable is it really to cross post? I cross post what I write in to Mastodon and Bluesky but I don’t really seek nor …

Oct 11, 2024: If your eyes don’t see it, but your camera does, is it real? (Context: what is a photo?) My buddy in my home town sent me pictures like this one …

Oct 10, 2024: The problem is not that politicians lie, it’s that there are no consequences for their lies, that is the norm that has been broken.

Oct 8, 2024: Ironic Indeed I’ve been thinking about the contexts within which the United States was founded, specifically Holy Roman Empire and protestantism. The Holy …

Oct 8, 2024: Today is an American religious holiday, otherwise known as Amazon Prime Day. So powerful is our addiction to consumption, driven by the art (hunt) of …

Oct 6, 2024: First sign of color this fall.

Oct 4, 2024: Every team to beat the Brewers has gone on to be in the World Series, so the Mets are going to the World Series! If one is a Brewer fan, do you feel …

Oct 2, 2024: The 2024 Detroit Tigers are exhibit A of evidence for how pitching in Major League Baseball is changing from a emphasis on starters to a team pitching …

Oct 1, 2024: I am surprised the’s playoff summary of the Mets/Brewers series doesn’t ask the obvious question. Will the Brewers …

Sep 26, 2024: I use Readwise Reader to read items that I find on the web. One way it could apply AI/LLMs is to filter what I send to it so that for example I see …

Sep 26, 2024: I find the essay, Free Speech on the Internet: The Crisis of Epistemic Authority, thought provoking. The essay establishes our reliance on trusting …

Sep 24, 2024: On this day in 1984 I watched the Chicago Cubs make the playoffs for the first time in my lifetime thanks to the pitching of Rick Sutcliffe. At the …

Sep 24, 2024: Forty-five years ago, before the World Wide Web.

Sep 20, 2024: Just yesterday I wrote about how major league baseball has changed making the bullpen more important, at least as important, as starting pitchers and …

Sep 20, 2024: A great thing about baseball is that because it has existed for so long debates over who are the greatest players are endless. A case can be made that …

Sep 20, 2024: According to the Apple Weather app, the 80 degree temps we are experiencing will continue through the weekend and then we drop down to the 70s, which …

Sep 19, 2024: Nadia Bolz-Weber: That’s what’s hard about reading Jonah - I have to look at how maybe I too need my enemies to stay my enemies, since it’s hard to …

Sep 19, 2024: Looking To Next Season The Cubs did not meet their expectation to win the NL Central division this year and they will not be in the playoffs this year. Last year I wrote …

Sep 17, 2024: Cool view of the moon the other night.

Sep 17, 2024: My Point Of View On Voting I understand people’s reasons for why they do not like either Trump or Harris, in fact those reasons are obvious, either vote to put a person in …

Sep 17, 2024: Gruber On Apple Past And Present I think John Gruber’s description of the differences between Apple led by Steve Jobs and Tim Cook is right on. Just today I was in a meeting in …

Sep 14, 2024: We are experiencing above average temperature in southeast Michigan, but it is very pleasant in the morning and evening.

Sep 12, 2024: It’s my opinion that too much focus is put on the presidential election. The congressional election is much, much more important because it …

Sep 12, 2024: After reading Jeff Jarvis blog post, What Became Of The Times & Co?, I wonder whether/how USA Today contributes to the problem Jeff describes. One …

Sep 11, 2024: I think too much weight is put on the presidential debates mostly because of the first ones in 1960 between Kennedy and Nixon. Presidential debates …

Sep 6, 2024:

Sep 5, 2024: BTW, the Cubs did it again, putting up another football score (12-0) on the Pirates. The pitching staff and catcher posted a combined no-hitter. The …

Sep 5, 2024: Tonight the 2024 NFL season kicks off, and with that one of the best time of the year with the MLB pennant races in progress leading up to the World …

Sep 4, 2024: The last two weeks sum up the Chicago Cubs 2024 season. Last week the Cubs put up football scores against the Pittsburgh Pirates (18-8, 9-5, 14-10) …

Aug 29, 2024: has enabled AI generation of photo alt text and search keyword tagging for uploaded photos. I posted the picture below using the …

Aug 24, 2024: Installed the upgraded version of Fabric on my Macbook.

Aug 24, 2024: Techsploder Pixel 9 Overview Today I watched Jason Howell’s video overview of the new Pixel 9 phone. Rather than being an opinionated review, this overview does a good job …

Aug 21, 2024: Reviewers and Influencers

Because of the Google #TeamPixel kerfuffle this past week, I had great interest in reading the reviews of the Pixel 9 series posted by 9to5Google, The …

Aug 21, 2024: In Hindsight

I am a lifelong fan of the Chicago Cubs and feel blessed to have lived long enough to see them win the 2016 World Series. The players on that 2016 …

Aug 20, 2024: I did not know that weather radar decreases detecting events like tornados and lake effect snow, which typically are below 4,500 feet, at about 60 …

Aug 19, 2024: A nice autumn evening in southeast Michigan. In August.

Aug 15, 2024: Composed Pictures

Thinking about the debate between AI and photography. I’ve heard the question, “what is a photo?” being raised, implying the …

Aug 13, 2024: Long elections are all about money, pure and simple. Hopefully one of the lessons to be learned from this upcoming U.S. Presidential election is that …

Aug 13, 2024: Democrat led state legislatures should be writing laws that hold election officials accountable for not certifying elections for frivolous reasons. I …

Aug 12, 2024: The Cubs have been playing better since the All Star break and have got themselves to 1 game below .500, making the series against Cleveland that …

Aug 8, 2024: The antitrust ruling against Google describes how Google benefits from being a monopoly, but Om Malik convincingly describes how Google’s …

Aug 7, 2024: Google Is A Monopoly, But What Is The Remedy? Finding that a company is a monopoly matters less than determining a proper remedy, which is not the same as punishment. The purpose of the remedy in …

Aug 1, 2024: Daniel Miessler suggests replacing the phrase “Artificial Intelligence” with “Intelligence Tasks.” The explanation he provides …

Jul 31, 2024: After The 2024 Trade Deadline Officially the All-Star game is considered to be the half-way mark of a MLB season, but the real mid-season milestone that matters is the trade …

Jul 29, 2024: Too Much Religion I am convinced that a problem, may be even “the” problem, is that there is too much religion in America, and people do not recognize this …

Jul 26, 2024: A Weinermobile rolls over on a U.S. freeway, oh the humanity!

Jul 25, 2024: Starting a virtual walk of the John Muir Trail.

Jul 24, 2024: Today I completed walking the 535 mile distance of the Camino de Santiago, tracked in the Walk The Distance app.

Jul 22, 2024: I am of the opinion that the U.S. Presidential election cycle is too long and tool expensive. Time is needed for a good democratic process, but still …

Jul 22, 2024: Over the years I have heard it said that the Democrat and Republican political parties are essentially the same. To the extent they are both political …

Jul 22, 2024: According to Ben Thompson, EU regulation requires Microsoft to provide kernel space access to security software providers and the same regulation does …

Jul 20, 2024: What I know is that Jesus taught love expressed as forgiveness as non-violent resistance against the idea that the only way to peace is through …

Jul 20, 2024: I agree with all of Dave’s points here about the Democrat candidacy for President. As much as I dislike straight party voting, I think in this …

Jul 14, 2024: Finished reading: Render Unto Caesar by John Dominic Crossan 📚 Most of Crossan’s writing puts the teaching of Jesus within our human evolutionary …

Jul 14, 2024: Finished reading: Naming the Powers by Walter Wink 📚

Jul 12, 2024: The way political parties vet their candidates for President is through primary elections. Democrats making claims that Biden’s advisors have …

Jul 2, 2024: Seems to me that the SCOTUS ruling yesterday means that any order the President gives to the military is lawful. In other words, it sure looks to me …

Jul 1, 2024: Maybe I was dreaming. I could have sworn I was taught in school that the U.S. Constitution institutes checks and balances between the three branches …

Jul 1, 2024: I wonder. Does, the SCOTUS decision today on the Presidential Immunity case put a thumb on the definition of “high crimes and …

Jul 1, 2024: I guess Nixon was right. Is what Trump did on January 6 an official act as POTUS? What is the definition of an official act? Anyone celebrating this …

Jul 1, 2024: Read a blog post by Doc Searls about the crazy number of accounts one needs to “use” the Internet that directs me to what Searls calls …

Jun 28, 2024: It’s embarrassing. Unfortunately, for too many it is funny, but the consequences are dire. We ought to be asking how it got this way, and I …

Jun 26, 2024: Should government officials be allowed to receive gratuities from individuals or businesses to which they awarded government business? SCOTUS says …

Jun 26, 2024: When one violently confronts evil, evil persists because that confrontation in turn makes one evil; this is nearly the whole of the teaching of Jesus, …

Jun 21, 2024: Cool cloud formation during my evening walk.

Jun 13, 2024: As far as I can tell, one of the main measures that a typical person has for inflation is the price of gas. Many complaints I read about Biden are …

Jun 13, 2024: Forty years go today the Chicago Cubs signed Rick Sutcliffe and the team would go on to the NLCS for first time in my life. Unfortunately, in 1984 the …

Jun 13, 2024: Matt Webb has a different take on AI that appears to be a polar opposite to mine that aligns with personal computing. Webb sees the potential for …

Jun 13, 2024: The main reason why I have invested in and use Google’s hardware, mostly phones running Android, all these years is that I believe the idea of …

Jun 13, 2024: A People's AI

Over the last year we’ve seen Microsoft, Google, and now Apple demonstrate what they are doing with AI. As a somewhat casual observer, it seems …

Jun 13, 2024: I am so old that I know who is the person who does the speaking part and laugh in Thriller.

Jun 12, 2024: On this date the Chicago Cubs' record is 32-35 and they are 7 games behind Milwaukee for the NL Central division and a half game behind the last …

Jun 11, 2024: I created a notes outline of the Apple 2024 WWDC Keynote while watching the stream of the keynote. I will make updates to the outline as I read …

Jun 10, 2024: Forty seven years ago today Apple launched the Apple II and basically at that point really started becoming the Apple we now know today. I doubt that …

Jun 8, 2024: I wish that my RSS feed reader could filter out items behind a pay wall, or at least flag them in some way. It would also be nice if bloggers either …

Jun 7, 2024: The reviews of last nights Michigan Central live concert that I have read do a good job of describing the moment. The concert was free for the little …

Jun 7, 2024: Over the years I’ve seen so many deer and wild turkey within our condominium that they no longer surprise me, but the appearance of new wildlife …

Jun 6, 2024: I realize that category archives of this blog has pages in a manner similar to how Old School creates monthly pages, so I decided to create a notebook …

Jun 6, 2024: On a whim I decided to give NotebookLM the RSS feed to the essays (titled posts) to this site, and it ingested the feed and does answer questions I …

Jun 6, 2024: Google Updates NotebookLM

Google has released an update to NotebookLM that allows one to provide specific sources to Google’s Gemini LLM, store the results from questions …

Jun 4, 2024: The author of this article, AI Alignment Is Trivial, is overlooking the lessons learned from the Internet. The real concern is not with the …

Jun 4, 2024: The State Of Sports In the Atlantic there is an article (subscription required) that is an ode to the one-hand backhand, which is how I was taught to play tennis, but is …

Jun 3, 2024: I don’t think there is a more fitting example of how Detroit is rising up than the restoration of the Michigan Central Station. I hope to see it …

Jun 3, 2024: If something like inflation starts going bad during a President’s term, and then under that President that something improves or is better than …

Jun 1, 2024: Currently reading: Naming the Powers by Walter Wink 📚 I think this is a good book (series of books actually) for those who desire to follow Jesus to …

May 31, 2024: The difference is – you have to use something before your criticism makes any sense. That was the mistake the music industry made with Napster. …

May 31, 2024: I am seeing lots of people in my social feeds reacting as if these are normal times. As much as I would like to think people will not elect a felon, …

May 29, 2024: For those who wish to use their vote to protest the U.S. participation in the genocide occurring in Gaza with their vote for President, I suggest you …

May 28, 2024: The Debate Never Resolved. Currently reading: Democracy in Chains by Nancy MacLean 📚 Yesterday I read an article about James Buchanan that is inspired by this book, which I …

May 28, 2024: Why do tech reviews matter? Are iPad sales affected in any way by the ‘iPadOS is too constrained" reviews? I don’t think they are, …

May 27, 2024: Remembering Sacrifice As I reflect upon what I wrote earlier today about Memorial Day, it occurs to me that my thoughts about the meaning and purpose of this day are …

May 27, 2024: On Memorial Day, when we remember the sacrifices of those who died serving our country during war, we ought to reflect on what it is that these people …

May 26, 2024: Unofficial start of summer based on the blooming rhododendron.

May 22, 2024: The tariffs on imports from China first imposed by Trump and continued by Biden did not increase jobs in the U.S. but increased prices. While imports …

May 22, 2024: Dave shared an easy way to transcribe voice mails to Google Docs, and I read it I thought, “that’s cool” but then asked myself, when …

May 22, 2024: Feeds All Around provides a way to discover RSS feeds related to a mastodon account. The app appears to be able to dig out the RSS feed from a site. …

May 20, 2024: Cicada Brood emergence time cycles with prime numbers like 13 and 17 years may be an evolutionary protection against predators.

May 20, 2024: Eleven elements of the Periodic Table are in the human body. The human body is an incredible, but there is a surprising amount about it, particularly …

May 18, 2024: It was a beautiful July day here in southeast Michigan.

May 16, 2024: The spread of major sports streaming outlets is getting ridiculous. Netflix will be streaming two NFL games on Christmas day. At least that is a …

May 16, 2024: New iPads: Deja vu All Over Again

I was mostly offline the last week as I on the road visiting family and friends. Catching up on my feeds, I see the reactions to the reviews of the …

May 5, 2024: Finished reading: The Jesus Driven Life by 📚Michael Hardin. The author’s use of the work of Rene Girard to understand humanity, and from that …

May 1, 2024: 1984 Is In The Past

Dave Winer recently wrote that we in the United States are already living in an authoritarian state. He cites as evidence the probability that SCOTUS …

Apr 30, 2024: It’s ironic that people who mock the idea of college students equating speech to violence whenever they react to somebody saying things they …

Apr 25, 2024: I am beginning to think that while much focus is on the upcoming Presidential election what may be more important is Democrat majorities in the Senate …

Apr 25, 2024: SCOTUS Can Push The Republic Over the Edge In my opinion the Presidential Immunity case before the Supreme Court could be the most consequential to the future of the United States of any case …

Apr 25, 2024: It is draft day in Detroit!

Apr 24, 2024: The 2024 NFL Draft is tomorrow and Detroit is buzzing. This is a time when I wish I were still working at the RenCen, I am sure the energy of the …

Apr 24, 2024: I wish that I could use the glossary function in Drummer for my posts so that links to pages I frequently refer to, like my now page, are …

Apr 24, 2024: Change To How I Make Summary Posts

I upgraded the theme to this site and now the summary posts function stopped working. I had not read an update that with the release of Version 2.7 of …

Apr 24, 2024: Rolling Through The Blogs

Dave Winer is putting much effort into rebooting blogrolls, which traditionally are a list of other blog sites shown on the right side of a main blog …

Apr 19, 2024: Finished reading: The Divine Dance by Richard Rohr 📚 Trinity matters to the extent that our understand of God matters, which does matter because we …

Apr 19, 2024: What we are seeing played out between Israel and Iran and between Israel and Hammas is retribution. Violence begetting more violence. Empire convinces …

Apr 18, 2024: Today I start lap 59 around the sun. Unlike the last two years, there is no snow. Morning sunshine gave way to clouds in the afternoon. My bride and I …

Apr 16, 2024: From Buildings To Floors

Yesterday GM announced that it is moving its headquarters from the Renaissance Center to the new Hudson building next year. The announcement has me …

Apr 15, 2024: I’ve added a blogroll to my Daynotes blog to checkout how it works. I think I prefer the blogroll to be a tab on that site rather than a block …

Apr 14, 2024: The weather today felt more like mid July rather than mid April, with temperature approaching 80 degrees. I very much enjoyed my walk tonight.

Apr 14, 2024: Finished reading: The Trouble with Resurrection by Bernard Brandon Scott 📚

Apr 9, 2024: First flowering tree to bloom this year, as always.

Apr 9, 2024: I watched an introduction to AI video yesterday in which the presenter went to great lengths to try and convince me that AI is really ok and we really …

Apr 8, 2024: This is what 99% of a solar eclipse looks like. Still plenty of light.

Apr 8, 2024: Right now it is a normal, sunny Monday morning.

Apr 8, 2024: Good morning Cubs fans! Welcome to Eclipse day. Our Cubbies have played three series and won two of them. We could have won all three of them if you …

Apr 5, 2024: The flowering tree in our neighborhood that always blooms first has blossoms.

Apr 4, 2024: I just checked and discovered that circle to search is on my Pixel 7A. I don’t know why I didn’t get some form of a notification from …

Apr 4, 2024: We Need An Emoluments Amendment

I don’t think it controversial to say that much of what ills the government of the United States is caused by money. What may be controversial …

Apr 2, 2024: How much of the lack of trust in Biden and Trump is due to money? What about politicians in general? Of news organizations? Of the medical industry? …

Apr 1, 2024: Today is the Chicago Cub’s home opener after they completed the first series of the season with one again and two loses against the Texas …

Mar 27, 2024: Pugnosticating The 2024 Chicago Cubs

The Chicago Cubs have completed the 2024 Cactus League spring training “season” and will start the 2024 MLB season tomorrow at the Texas …

Mar 27, 2024: If you are watching the NCAA men’s or women’s basketball tournament and think to yourself, “that’s a nice basketball …

Mar 24, 2024: Finished reading: FAITH IN THE FACE OF EMPIRE by RAHEB 📚 Can a people enslaved in empire not realize that they are enslaved?

Mar 24, 2024: Finished reading: The A to Z of the New Testament by James F. McGrath 📚

Mar 22, 2024: The 2023-24 CCHA Mason Cup champions. Michigan Tech is going to the NCAA tournament!

Mar 22, 2024: Apple will say that consumers benefit from their exclusive control over the iPhone ecosystem. I imagine that Google will say that consumers benefit …

Mar 22, 2024: Markets and Ecosystems Based on what I’ve read so far, it seems to me the biggest challenge the DOJ has in its lawsuit against Apple is convincing a court that there …

Mar 22, 2024: Two days after the spring equinox, mother nature does have a sense of humor. Just got back from a short walk and I think there is about four inches on …

Mar 20, 2024: I agree with everything that Om Malik wrote in this post about how AI IS Changing Writing, in particular the following: My approach to AI has been to …

Mar 20, 2024: I agree with everything that Om Malik wrote in this post about how AI IS Changing Writing, in particular the following

Mar 20, 2024: The upcoming U.S. Presidential election is unique in my life time in that it is an election between two incumbent Presidents. Consequently, we …

Mar 18, 2024: I might be out of touch, but the idea of one being able to buy a Macbook at Walmart seems odd. It feels like a cheapening of the brand. I get the …

Mar 18, 2024: To Be Disturbed By Ideas Is O.K.

From “The Problem with Defining Antisemitism” by the New Yorker

Stern tells this story in “The Conflict Over the Conflict,” a work that …

Mar 18, 2024: I have to remind myself that the high 30/low 40 degree temperatures that we are currently experiencing is closer to normal than the 70 degrees we had …

Mar 17, 2024: Watching me like a hawk on St. Patrick’s day.

Mar 15, 2024: Site Changes It started with a post that Manton Reece wrote about long form content publishing in a microblog format and before I knew it I had completely …

Mar 15, 2024: I don’t think the blogroll on the right side of Scripting News is visually appealing. To my eyes the page is now cluttered and that affects …

Mar 15, 2024: I know that one can have a physical book printed from a journal in DayOne. What I would like is to be able to import all of the titled posts …

Mar 14, 2024: Daffys are about to make their appearance. Spring is springing.

Mar 14, 2024: Everything old is new again, even on the Internet. Blogrolls are making a come back. One can think of them like the news feeds/timelines one sees on …

Mar 14, 2024: Today I am starting my next virtual walk of the Camino de Santiago. I think I should be able to complete the 577 miles later this year.

Mar 13, 2024: It took 582 days for me to walk the equivalent of the 2024 miles of the Appalachian Trail. Goal achieved!

Mar 13, 2024: I’ve written down some of my thoughts about the pending iPad announcements. I am curious about what Apple will announcement but not anticipating …

Mar 12, 2024: I will make the case that March is one of the better, if not the best, months of the year. March 1 begins meteorological spring, temperatures get …

Mar 12, 2024: I am down to the last five miles of my virtual walk on the Appalachian Trail that I started on July 24, 2022. I should complete the walk some time …

Mar 12, 2024: A problem that I see about reporting on inflation is there is little understanding nor explanation for why inflation is occuring, only assumptions. …

Mar 12, 2024: What is Realtime? “Our automated engine continuously tracks public data feeds, detects key changes in real-time, and uses AI to distill them …

Mar 11, 2024: I did some reminiscing about the smartphones that I have owned since I first started using Android in 2008. Looking back at that those phones the ones …

Mar 11, 2024: The first day of Daylight Savings Time is never as bad as the second day, which is a work day. Need more coffee!

Mar 6, 2024: “Global village is not created by the motor car or even by the airplane. It’s created by instant electronic information movement. The global …

Mar 5, 2024: We know that Trump and Netanyahu share similar ideological goals, so re-electing Trump makes it almost certain that the United States will not exert …

Mar 5, 2024: As I read and learn about the history of Israel and Palestine, and reflecting on the history of the United States, I think that part of why there are …

Mar 4, 2024: Spotted the neighborhood hawk last night.

Feb 29, 2024: Assuming that Mitch McConnell sees himself as fighting a war for a better America by his definition for what that means, at some point he will realize …

Feb 29, 2024: It’s leap day! I feel like this day needs to be properly observed.

Feb 28, 2024: I think this article by The Atlantic titled “The New American Nihilism” that describes the concept for the “need for chaos” …

Feb 28, 2024: Just took a walk, the thermometer says the temperature is 44 degrees but there are 19 mph winds from the northwest making it feel like 30 degrees, …

Feb 27, 2024: The thermometer shows that the outside temperature is 73⁰, but I had to convince myself to just wear the hoodie when I went for my walk. I took a pair …

Feb 26, 2024: I saw a text message from my buddy first thing yesterday morning, telling me that the Cubs had signed Cody Bellinger. It’s a three year for $80m …

Feb 24, 2024: Finished reading: If the Church Were Christian by Philip Gulley 📚

Feb 23, 2024: Go Cubs Go! First day of MLB spring and the sun is shining.

Feb 23, 2024: On paper the Cubs don’t look much better than last season, in fact you could make the case that they are worse. The saving grace is that no …

Feb 23, 2024: Today is the the first day of spring. The Chicago Cubs and Chicago White Sox start spring at 3 PM EST today, and the Cubs have not signed Cody …

Feb 22, 2024: Dear Google. Please stop being hostile to users by switching Google Assistant with Gemini on Pixel phones. I rely on Google Home routines and because …

Feb 18, 2024: Finished reading: Saving Grace by Kirsten Powers 📚”Grace is what makes human coexistence possible.”

Feb 16, 2024: Finished reading: Gold from Iron by Triumph Books 📚As a fellow Yooper, I was cheering for Nick Baumgartner at the 2020 Winter Olympics. While this is …

Feb 16, 2024: Retirement practice brought me to Ground Control roasters in downtown Farmington, Michigan.

Feb 16, 2024: Public Service Announcement! It’s seven days until the Chicago Cubs spring training 2024 opener. Spring is only seven days away people!

Feb 16, 2024: Today I am enjoying my first vacation day, or what I like to call retirement practice, of the year. My company provides the Presidents Day holiday on …

Feb 11, 2024: Finished reading: The Amen Effect by Sharon Brous 📚

Feb 9, 2024: I installed the Google Gemini app on my Pixel 7a and found that it breaks the ability to initiate Google Home routines/automations via Google …

Feb 9, 2024: Day 3,285

Feb 8, 2024: February 8, nearly a new record high but still crazy warm for this time of the year. Forecast for tomorrow is more of the same.

Feb 8, 2024: It is very strange to see Michigan Tech Winter Carnival snow statues with exposed grass near by. It’s amazing what they were able to build given …

Feb 7, 2024: I’ve been receiving many “offers” from AT&T lately trying to get us to drop our landline and convert it to AT&T’s VoIP …

Feb 6, 2024: Smart Monitors On Faces Despite reading more about the Apple Vision Pro, I have yet to warm up to the idea of strapping a headset on to my face, no matter the potential cost …

Feb 4, 2024: Temperature way above normal for February, makes for a very nice day. More of the same for the upcoming week, but I doubt that Mother Nature …

Feb 1, 2024: Having seen more writing on the decline of local news, I sought out and found a link to an independent news site for the county that I live it. In a …

Jan 31, 2024: Really good, and I think really important, column here by David Brooks in The Atlantic, The Zeitgeist of Doom. I think he correctly puts his finger on …

Jan 30, 2024: I think the biggest argument that should be made to the American people is that you are being used. I get the feeling that everything is so bad that …

Jan 30, 2024: It’s still morning and my gratitude list is full. Grateful for fresh fallen snow. Grateful I work from home so that I don’t have to drive …

Jan 29, 2024: If you know someone living in southeast Michigan today, be kind, they are likely hurting from the crushing defeat of the Detroit Lions to the San …

Jan 27, 2024: Finally some blue skies and sunshine, if only for a brief moment this morning. A day in Michigan to get outdoors.

Jan 26, 2024: I don’t think I’ve ever seen Pebble Creek this high. It’s the result of several days of rain and melting snow.

Jan 25, 2024: I had not thought much about the computer mouse and its slow moving extinction until I read this article from The Atlantic. The emergence of the real …

Jan 25, 2024: Today I was looking for a book in my home library and came across this, which caused me to chuckle in light of everyone posting pictures of their …

Jan 24, 2024: Now that I am annotating more PDFs using the Boox Note Air 3C I am looking for ways to make the annotations searchable as that is not what is produced …

Jan 23, 2024: I bought the Boox Note Air 3C for the ability to better hand write notes in digital ink and to read with less eye strain. Reading and writing with any …

Jan 23, 2024: “The American media has spent a generation letting politicians lie about every stupid little thing, and the net effect was to make an …

Jan 23, 2024: Reading Dave Winer’s recollection of first seeing and using the Mac on the 30th anniversary of its introduction has me reflecting on my first …

Jan 22, 2024: Just a couple of turkeys hanging out in a tree.

Jan 22, 2024: Parting Ways With Evernote Today I canceled my subscription and closed by account with Evernote, which most will think a trivial event. People stop using software all the time, …

Jan 19, 2024: Skiers favorite fresh powder.

Jan 18, 2024: What separates the Boox Note Air 3C from competing products is that it has the Google Play store and is capable of running any Android application. …

Jan 18, 2024: My latest technology purchase is the Boox Note Air 3C, which is a Android tablet that has a color eInk screen. If you are familiar with the Amazon …

Jan 16, 2024: “If he [Trump] should return to the presidency in 2025, we have no reason to expect him to leave in 2029. So maybe the issue on the ballot in …

Jan 15, 2024: Football Fun Yesterday was fun for me as a football fan. I am a life long Green Bay Packer fan and really enjoyed watching the Packers pummel the Dallas Cowboys. …

Jan 13, 2024: At my home we got sleet, snow, and some wind but not the extent to which had been forecasted. It’s icy enough to keep me indoors and I see some …

Jan 12, 2024: Weather forecasts from all local outlets declare that a snowpocalpyse is imminent. The skeptic in me suspects the actual results might not be so …

Jan 11, 2024: BGR reports that Rabbit Inc. received 10,000 orders for the R1, which I made note about yesterday, on the day they announced it. I imagine for many …

Jan 11, 2024: Enough snow has fallen to make it pretty and the walking slippery.

Jan 11, 2024: Woke up way to early this morning and could not fall back asleep, therefore I will be running on lots of coffee.

Jan 10, 2024: Personal Computing Continues To Get Real Back in 2011 when Apple announced the iPad I believed it marked the real beginning of the personal computing era rather than the beginning of the …

Jan 10, 2024: First significant snow storm of the winter in southeast Michigan resulted in no snow at my home. So far this year we have had some snow flurries that …

Jan 9, 2024: A lot of attention is being spent on Artificial Intelligence, with most seeing it as the next big technological iteration after mobile Internet access …

Jan 8, 2024: Intentional Trusting This article in The Atlantic, We’ve Been Thinking About America’s Trust Collapse All Wrong by Jedediah Britton-Purdy is very good. Too bad it’s …

Jan 8, 2024: Recently discovered Tal Wikenfeld, via YouTube and her song Corner Painter. Currently listening Prince’s Welcome 2 America album on which Tal …

Jan 5, 2024: I store personal data like the steps that I walk in, which I highly recommend. Today I received my Year in Review summary that told me that …

Jan 5, 2024: This article in The Atlantic implies that people, many of them Republican, are resigning from Congress due to frustration with getting nothing done. …

Jan 4, 2024: I have Microsoft Copilot installed on my Pixel 7a and my iPad Mini and don’t understand what are the practical uses for it. It’s a nice …

Jan 3, 2024: What scares me most about a possible second presidential term for Donald Trump is not Trump himself but rather the fact that for his supporters there …

Jan 1, 2024: Year in books for 2023 I doubled the number of books that I read in 2022. Here are the books I finished reading in 2023.

Dec 29, 2023: Enjoying a day in Grand Rapids before hockey tonight.

Dec 28, 2023: Today I reached a milestone of sorts, our car crossed the 100, 000 mile mark. It’s the first time I’ve owned a car that I’ve put …

Dec 25, 2023: We got a green Christmas, but there is a strange glowy thing in the sky.

Dec 25, 2023: “When we say “Come, Lord Jesus” on this Christmas Day, we are preferring his Lordship to any other loyalty system or any other final frame of …

Dec 25, 2023: “We do not think ourselves into a new way of living. We live ourselves into new ways of thinking.” — Preparing for Christmas: Daily Meditations for …

Dec 24, 2023: Weird weather on Christmas Eve. The birds seem happy, they are very vocal.

Dec 24, 2023: Finished reading: This Here Flesh by Cole Arthur Riley 📚

Dec 24, 2023: “A life that is holy is a life that allows for all of your uncertainties, your curiosities and unbelief. That doesn’t just allow for them but holds …

Dec 22, 2023: One major improvement that Lilihub has over the native web app is that when reading the Timeline past the first page and then clicking a …

Dec 21, 2023: Over the course of my career the company I work for has provided me a number of different computers to do my job, most of them have been pretty cheap …

Dec 21, 2023: It’s the first day of winter and what snow we got earlier is almost gone. Forecast through Christmas is for temperatures in the mid 40s.

Dec 21, 2023: “We all tend to aim for the goal instead of the journey itself, but spiritually speaking, how we get there is where we arrive. The journey determines …

Dec 20, 2023: It’s another MLB offseason, deep in to December, during which the Chicago Cubs have yet to sign any free agent. By this time last year the Cubs …

Dec 19, 2023: We got a dusting of snow yesterday, enough to cover the grass. I don’t expect the snow to last for Christmas.

Dec 19, 2023: What I like most about Readwise Reader is its support for keyboard shortcuts, just about anything one might want to be done can be done via the …

Dec 18, 2023: Got an early Christmas present from Google last week when the December 2023 Security Update was pushed to the Pixel 7a. After the update the battery …

Dec 17, 2023: It is said that what Jesus most often spoke was, do not be afraid, and some claim the United States is a Christian nation, yet those people are driven …

Dec 17, 2023: “In each case Jesus describes his work as moving outside of polite and proper limits and boundaries to reunite things that have been marginalized or …

Dec 15, 2023: First thing I noticed when I started my walk this morning is the number of squirrels out and about. Temps are going above normal today, and they seem …

Dec 15, 2023: I have started the final segment, which is Maine, of the Appalachian Trail in the Walk The Distance app. I started walking the distance of the …

Dec 13, 2023: Finished reading: Strange Rites by Tara Isabella Burton 📚

Dec 13, 2023: I think the biggest consequence to what Om predicts is a potential shift in how we direct young people toward professions that provide for a good …

Dec 13, 2023: Om Malik’s blog post about AI has an interesting chart from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook that predicts the …

Dec 12, 2023: After the American Revolution was over and time came to decide how we were to govern ourselves, some might have wished to make George Washington a …

Dec 12, 2023: In 2005 in McCreary County v. ACLU, Sandra Day O’Connor tendered the decisive vote to hold unconstitutional a Kentucky courthouse’s Ten …

Dec 10, 2023: Finished reading: Romans for Normal People by J. R. Daniel Kirk 📚

Dec 10, 2023: “Whatever you trust to validate you and secure you is your real god, and the Gospel is saying, “Will the real God please stand up?”” — Preparing for …

Dec 9, 2023: It’s 60 degrees outside!

Dec 8, 2023: Every day that the sun is shining during winter is a good weather day.

Dec 8, 2023: “When people say piously, “Thy kingdom come” out of one side of their mouth, they need also to say, “My kingdom go!” out of the other side. The …

Dec 7, 2023: Google dropped the December Feature update for their Pixel products that includes new watch faces that are already available in the Watch app on my …

Dec 6, 2023: Seems to me that the 2023 college football “playoff” decision that picked Texas and Alabama over undefeated Florida State is strong …

Dec 6, 2023: I think most people intuitively know the corruptible nature of wealth, and that is why they don’t trust any of our institutions. We see any …

Dec 6, 2023: When Feeling Better Trumps Being Better I am reading Jonathan Haidt’s article in The Atlantic, The Coddling of the American Mind, and I am wondering whether the hypersensitivity to …

Dec 4, 2023: Seems to me there ought to be one simple message broadcast large, wide, and far, and that is to not trust anything on X, the site formally known as …

Dec 3, 2023: The epitome of a gray day.

Dec 1, 2023: Notice that the version of Feedland Dave is built to be hosted by Wordpress is at

Dec 1, 2023: Article recently published lists the metro Detroit intersections with the most crashes during 2022. I live near, and thus frequently drive through, …

Nov 30, 2023: Apparently writing and maintaining a list of apps that one uses is a thing. Some folks are even publishing this info via RSS, although I am not sure …

Nov 30, 2023: I think this says that I am boring.

Nov 30, 2023: Is it just me, or does there seem to be server problems in land today? Seems like external app access is available, I am able to access via …

Nov 30, 2023: My Praise for The posts that I write here are hosted on a platform known as that hosts my feed (in RSS format) and a network of feeds to which members of …

Nov 28, 2023: Never before, in my life time, have I seen a person who ran for President of the United States and lost be nominated again by their party for the next …

Nov 28, 2023: I’ve come to the belief that religion may be the most dangerous of our instincts because of how it is used by those in power to gain and grow …

Nov 28, 2023: What OpenAI Shares With Scientology: “The OpenAI saga is a fight between God and Money; between a quite peculiar quasi-religious movement, and a …

Nov 27, 2023: The basis of my concern about AI and the saga that unfolded weeks ago is the knowledge that humans see the world in the simple binary of winners and …

Nov 26, 2023: My first walk today was in the falling snow, the first of the season.

Nov 23, 2023: Have no fear…

Nov 22, 2023: I can’t help but feel that the big picture behind the OpenAI saga that occurred over the last fourteen days should be the recognition that the …

Nov 19, 2023: Finished reading: People of the Way by Kurt Struckmeyer 📚

Nov 18, 2023: Finished reading: The Franchise: Chicago Cubs by Bruce Miles 📚I enjoyed reading this one about my favorite baseball team.

Nov 9, 2023: I can’t be the only person to think that the Humane missed an opportunity when the designed the Ai Pin to be a square rather than something that …

Nov 8, 2023: Thunderstorms with 46 degree temperatures just doesn’t seem right, but yet that is what is going on outside right now.

Nov 8, 2023: I keep reading articles that are interpreting the hiring of Gregg Counsell is a sign that the Cubs will be aggressive in the free agent market this …

Nov 8, 2023: The United States is not about my freedom, it is about our freedom. The consequences of the selfish, individual, and not Christ-like ideology promoted …

Nov 8, 2023: Thinking back to this glorious morning in Houghton.

Nov 7, 2023: I realize that what I wrote below and how I relate what the Chicago Cubs have done (sports) to the state of the world may appear to be overly …

Nov 7, 2023: I have read The Athletics’s articles on the firing of David Ross and the hiring of Gregg Counsell that confirmed that the decision went down as …

Nov 6, 2023: Another Chicago Cubs Scapegoat Whenever a general manager/front office of a professional sports team fires a good coach, or in baseball manager, I am suspicious of the true …

Nov 3, 2023: I find this to be an interesting debate of whether or not humans have free will. I think argument made against free will might really be making the …

Nov 3, 2023: “Our growth (transformation) relies in embracing the seemingly conflicting values of liberty and unity, by transformation from an either/or …

Nov 2, 2023: Seven years ago the greatest game ever played was played, on a Wednesday, in Cleveland.

Nov 2, 2023: I thought that the Arizona Diamondbacks were going to win the World Series, but I guess I forgot to take into account the fact that the middle three …

Nov 2, 2023: Just Looking In The Rear View Mirror From the perspective of my life time of 1966 to present, I think the most consequential change on society has been the rise of conservatism. Today …

Nov 1, 2023: I’ve read, and recommend, Steven Sinofsky’s reaction/response to POTUS' Executive Order on AI. I am inclined to agree on it’s true …

Oct 31, 2023: Was it an event or a release? For me an event is in real life and running a pre-recorded video stream is something else, and I wonder whether that is …

Oct 31, 2023: It’s 30 degrees outside. Just five days ago I was walking outside in a T-shirt.

Oct 30, 2023: This article in The Atlantic raises concerns about the changes in the U.S. economy driven by private equity but doesn’t touch on what may be …

Oct 27, 2023: World Series Starts Tonight Two wildcard teams, the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Texas Rangers, will play each other in the 2023 MLB World Series. Before the playoffs began I …

Oct 26, 2023: Wearing a T-shirt outside on October 26, 2023.

Oct 25, 2023: I took many pictures during our trip last week, and some of them are too good to not share. Therefore, expect more pictures over the coming days. This …

Oct 24, 2023: I learned via HPC Factor that Microsoft’s extended support for Windows CE 8 has come to an end, completing the embedded operating system’s …

Oct 24, 2023: Fall colors are not just about the leaves, it is as much about how the sunlight hits the leaves. My wife took some incredible photos during the golden …

Oct 24, 2023: We traveled from the southern most point to the northern most point of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan last week during near peak fall colors.

Oct 13, 2023: I understand the frustration that Dodger, Braves, and Orioles fans feel right now, their teams won divisions and had the best season records but are …

Oct 13, 2023: The smoke alarm near our bed room decided to notify us that the battery was getting low at 4:15 AM. It’s a sealed, ten year unit so I will need …

Oct 12, 2023: I recommend this article in The Atlantic, What Happened to Empathy? From it this question, “How emotionally healthy are we, as a people, when, …

Oct 12, 2023: Morality cannot coexist in a world in which the ends justify the means. A world void of morality is barbaric. This article by Zack Beauchamp of Vox is …

Oct 11, 2023: I’ve read some common themes regarding Google’s change to seven years of full support for Android on the Pixel 8 phones. The comments boil …

Oct 10, 2023: Personal computing is a tool used by humans for good or bad, as is the case for every tool ever invented. The problem then is not with the tools, but …

Oct 8, 2023: The temperature outdoors dropped to the low forties over night and it got down to the low sixties in our house, so my wife turned on the furnace. I …

Oct 6, 2023: Google announced the Pixel Watch 2 during the Pixel event earlier this week. I’ve been wearing the original Pixel Watch and the sports band it …

Oct 5, 2023: If you think you are not religious then you don’t know what is religion. I think Americans are more religious today than ever before, but …

Oct 5, 2023: All of the MLB wild card series games of both leagues are done with sweeps of each. The NL wildcards that I preferred to advance won. The Diamondbacks …

Oct 4, 2023: We have had temperatures well above average the last few days, and today could be the last one in the 80s so I’ve tried to get outside often. …

Oct 4, 2023: I had an early meeting this morning so that enabled me to take my morning walk earlier than normal. The morning sun is glorious in what might be one …

Oct 3, 2023: My 2023 MLB Playoff Preferences I am not as crazy as to pretend that I can predict what will happen in this year’s Major League Baseball playoffs, but I did want to go down on …

Oct 1, 2023: The mornings of sitting outside on the patio drinking coffee are numbered for this year. The leaves are falling.

Sep 29, 2023: The intoxicating drug of wealth and the power it affords is driving the human race toward extinction, it appears to only be a matter of when and how.

Sep 29, 2023: “The Trump campaign is very good at manipulating the media, because it understands that liberal ideological bias is not the primary factor in …

Sep 28, 2023: I’ve written before about how the then low cost Timex Sinclair 1000 personal computer was so influential on my life. Today’s equivalent to …

Sep 28, 2023: Much more of the moon was visible when I started to take this picture, but still I like it.

Sep 27, 2023: I found the site Georgia v. Trump, a curation of articles published about the Georgia 2020 election interference trial. Added the RSS feed to my …

Sep 27, 2023: I use Drummer to write many of my posts for I wonder what happens when I delete a post way back in the past? As a test, I deleted a post …

Sep 27, 2023: Now that the iPadOS lock screen supports widgets, I’ve started playing with focus modes to change what I see throughout the day. Two of the key …

Sep 27, 2023: Looking back at it, the last week of the MLB baseball season is often been filled with angst. I do agree with what I wrote back in 2019, I’d …

Sep 26, 2023: I read that the U.S. government is again providing free Covid tests. We have a bunch of tests that probably expired and should be thrown out.

Sep 25, 2023: Over the weekend the samples of the astroid Bennu collected by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft landed in Utah. The samples were collected hundreds of …

Sep 23, 2023: Today is the first day of autumn and on this, a day in the life of a member of the micro blog community in West Bloomfield, Michigan, ducks are …

Sep 22, 2023: I’ve turned an emotional corner regarding this year’s Chicago Cubs. I now don’t expect them to make the playoffs, they are clearly …

Sep 21, 2023: Cubs starter Justin Steele got pounded by Pirates last night, and the Cubs lost 7-13. Fortunately, the Marlins also lost so the Cubs maintain the half …

Sep 19, 2023: Why The Cubs Are Fading The World Series, like most major sports championships, is won by defense. In baseball that mainly translates to pitching, but also fielding. When you …

Sep 18, 2023: We are at the start of the second to the last week of the 2023 Major League Baseball season with the Chicago Cubs in the midst of a five game losing …

Sep 16, 2023: I’ve read in many places how Republicans are authoritarian, no longer support democracy, and would dissolve the constitution. I don’t …

Sep 16, 2023: I don’t understand why Satya Nadella ever agreed to have Microsoft re-enter the smartphone market. Three years ago they produced the Surface …

Sep 11, 2023: The United States of America is only 247 years old. In comparison to the world, the U.S. is a toddler, to the universe, an infant. Our growth …

Sep 8, 2023: It is a sign of something, but I am not sure of what, when influencers make walking while not tuning out the world with headsets a thing. My wife …

Sep 7, 2023: Tim Hortons has a credit card for which one can earn Tims Rewards. One redeems Tims Rewards for items on Tim Hortons menu. Problematic capitalism …

Sep 6, 2023: It has come once again, 906 Day!

Sep 5, 2023: Last Friday I was bemoaning the fact that September had come signaling the pending end of summer. Today mother nature is saying, “not so …

Sep 5, 2023: America has never truly been a democracy, it has always been an oligarchy behind the mask of “representative democracy.” A group of rich, …

Sep 4, 2023: Sitting outside on the patio this morning, the first Monday morning of September, what is known as Labor Day in the United States. The air is thick, …

Aug 31, 2023: Welcome To September Baseball As of this morning the Chicago Cubs are 3 games behind the Milwaukee Brewers for the N.L. Central lead and have a 2 game lead in the N.L. Wildcard. …

Aug 30, 2023: I wonder, how much of inflation is caused by Trump’s tariffs? One of the arguments that any opponent to Trump should make is that there is a …

Aug 29, 2023: Time For The Chicago Cubs To Embrace The Pressure The 162 game schedule is a big part of what makes Major League Baseball unique among professional sports in the United States because it tends to …

Aug 26, 2023: I use Readwise Reader to read articles that I select from my RSS subscriptions, and I think it has information that would like to extract. For …

Aug 26, 2023: It has been so long since I have used Google Reader that I have forgotten why it was so valuable. Now I keep seeing the same articles in my feeds, …

Aug 25, 2023: Casey Newton’s article on The Verge, “Why note-taking apps don’t make us smarter” hits home. I use a variety of different apps …

Aug 24, 2023: The Republican party is a circus and Trump is P.T. Barnum. I don’t see how any of candidates who debated last night seriously think they can win …

Aug 23, 2023: Cubs vs. Tigers at Comerica Park, Detroit, Michigan The Chicago Cubs are playing the Detroit Tigers in Detroit this week, and I went to the Monday and Tuesday night games. The Cubs won 7-6 Monday night …

Aug 22, 2023: In the upper deck tonight and this happened.

Aug 21, 2023: Cubs win! Cubs win! Cubs win!

Aug 21, 2023: Go Cubs Go!

Aug 21, 2023: Another deer family passed me by yesterday.

Aug 14, 2023: I agree with most of what David Brooks writes here, but I do think he is missing some context. The main societal change of my life time has been the …

Aug 12, 2023: Putting this here so that it’s not forgotten. Thanks to Patrick Rhone for sharing. Love Notes to Newton - Full Movie - Official - YouTube. The …

Aug 11, 2023: Yesterday Ruth and I celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary doing something we had never done together, and we survived.

Aug 8, 2023: I’ve set up Joplin to be my digital scrapbook / repository to possibly replace Evernote. A big part of the process was getting OneDrive to run …

Aug 8, 2023: Retirement practice (aka vacation) day 2. Annoyed that my morning coffee is interrupted by the lawn care people. Over joyed that my morning coffee is …

Aug 7, 2023: On the first weekday of this vacation I had this fantastic seafood omelet and grits at We Got Brunch.

Aug 6, 2023: Yesterday the Cubs beat the Braves, who by record is the best team in the National League. Today will be a test to see whether the Cubs can beat a …

Aug 5, 2023: Zack Beauchamp To figure out how to get the country past its current impasse, we need to look at reality as it is, not as we imagine it might be. And …

Aug 5, 2023: I am seeing lots of articles about the demise of the PAC-12 college conference. To an older guy such as myself I find the current conference names no …

Aug 5, 2023: Beginning a summer vacation week at my favorite place under these trees.

Aug 3, 2023: Reading what I wrote about the results at the end of the MLB trade deadline last year where the Chicago Cubs did not sell Wilson Contreras or Ian …

Aug 2, 2023: The game last night encapsulates why it has been frustrating to follow the Chicago Cubs this season. They have the hitting to put up a huge number of …

Jul 30, 2023: The Chicago Cubs winning streak ended at eight games today with a loss to the Cardinals in the last game of the season against their division rival. …

Jul 30, 2023: Once again I am looking for the best replacement for Evernote. I have found that I can import my Evernote notes into Obsidian and notes that contained …

Jul 30, 2023: Here is a really good article titled the “Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism.” At the conclusion the words “be careful what you ask for, …

Jul 28, 2023: The Chicago Cubs beat St. Louis last night and evened their record to 51-51, and sit at 5.5 games behind first place in the NL Central and 4 games …

Jul 24, 2023: Today is the one year anniversary of when I started tracking my walks in the Walk The Distance app. In that one year I have walked 1,231 miles, which …

Jul 22, 2023: Spoiler, every industry in the United States is “Big Tobacco,” not just Big Tech. It is the American form of capitalism that makes it ok …

Jul 22, 2023: Right now Cody Bellinger is carrying the Chicago Cubs, so when he is traded some time in the next couple of weeks the Cubs will stop being competitive …

Jul 21, 2023: Read this morning that Tony Bennett has passed away, and what a life of 96 years to celebrate! Happy to be able to say that I got to see him perform …

Jul 20, 2023: Danah Boyd’s take on the emergent Twitter alternatives is worth the read. I think a point not made is whether the emergent service is driven to …

Jul 19, 2023: Last month I wrote about impact the wildfires in Canada had on the air quality at my home. Last week there was another occurrence in which the air …

Jul 18, 2023: In the neighborhood where I live I have developed the reputation as the guy who walks a lot. The reputation may be aided by the fact that I usually …

Jul 18, 2023: I am a proponent of the idea that computer science education should be cross-curriculum rather than focused solely on singular classes and college …

Jul 17, 2023: Yesterday I added a TP-Link switch that supports Matter to my smarthome configuration. The installation process was not as smooth as advertised, but …

Jul 17, 2023: Hope Is Not A Strategy I am resigned to the fact that Chicago Cubs are not going to be a playoff team this year, which makes them sellers for the upcoming trade deadline, …

Jul 14, 2023: The MLB All-Star break is over and the Cubs play a rare Friday night game at Wrigley that I am looking forward to watching tonight to end the week. …

Jul 13, 2023: I am confused about cross posting. It looks like I should be able to cross post to Bluesky and Mastodon as part of my “base” …

Jul 13, 2023: The reason I will never vote for Donald Trump as President is how he handled COVID-19. Trump demonstrated that he did not and will not see himself as …

Jul 13, 2023: In my opinion, the debate over whether or not the COVID-19 pandemic leaked from a lab or naturally occurred keeps missing the real issue of the U.S. …

Jul 10, 2023: Chrissy Stoop writes that the strongest promoters of Christian Nationalism are the church going true believers. I think that Evangelicals have …

Jul 9, 2023: Finished reading: Treasure and Treason by Lisa Shearin 📚

Jul 9, 2023: Religious freedom is an oxymoron.

Jul 7, 2023: Threads is having rapid success because it’s not really a new social network, it’s the Instagram social network in a different form. You …

Jul 2, 2023: People in power who have a chip on their shoulder are dangerous because they cannot be influenced by the will of a majority. Such people live their …

Jul 1, 2023: I am a life long Chicago Cubs fan, and so that gives me the perspective of comparing the current Cubs teams to those of the past. The 2023 edition of …

Jun 28, 2023: Unlike other weather items, it appears there is no common source for air quality stats. Right now Google says AQI here is 167 while AccuWeather says …

Jun 28, 2023: Smokey Eye Not Good I watched the Air Quality Index for my home showing on the Nest Hub creeping up all yesterday afternoon to as high as 193, due to the wildfires in …

Jun 27, 2023: The Air Quality Index has cross the unhealthy range here in West Bloomfield, Michigan.

Jun 27, 2023: I have an account on Bluesky: It looks and feels like Twitter. In summary, I question whether the world really needs more social …

Jun 27, 2023: Dan Seifert writing for The Verge provides an interesting comparison between the Samsung Z Fold and the Pixel Fold. Samsung’s foldable is …

Jun 27, 2023: The Pixel Fold has started to ship and tech reviews are being published. The reviews that I have read so far are biased by the cost of the phone, the …

Jun 24, 2023: “If capital wishes to call labor entitled, capital must acknowledge that it is the most entitled creature in society, craving eternal growth at …

Jun 24, 2023: I am now curious enough to want to create an account on Bluesky, does anyone have an invite code?

Jun 24, 2023: As the Chicago Cubs prepare to play the St. Louis Cardinals today, I reflect on my comments during the winter on how much the Cardinals improved …

Jun 23, 2023: Generational Expectations On Time For Change Lately I have been ruminating on generational differences in relationship to technology. Like all things, technology changes over time. I remember a …

Jun 22, 2023: Finished reading: See No Stranger by Valarie Kaur 📚 I led a group discussion of this book with friends from church. Christians know of Jesus …

Jun 22, 2023: Fitbit/Google has enabled the blood oxygen saturation reading of the Pixel Watch, but it only works at night! I don’t understand why Fitbit has …

Jun 22, 2023: I spend every work day in my home office that is located in the basement of our house, which can be 2 to 5 degrees cooler than the main floor, …

Jun 22, 2023: After reading this article about RFK Jr. and his candidacy for President, it occurs to me that what should be most important is how a person works and …

Jun 21, 2023: It’s the first official day of summer, which means we are now at peak amount of daylight for the year. According to an app I have that is 15 …

Jun 20, 2023: Nice weather here at Pebble Creek

Jun 19, 2023: The blog post titled “How technology has changed the world since I was young” by Noah Smith lacks a very significant impact of the …

Jun 17, 2023: I am grateful for mornings like today, when the temperature is mild and there is a nice breeze with the birds chirping and fluttering about. I might …

Jun 16, 2023: Yesterday the Chicago Cubs swept the NL Central leading Pittsburgh Pirates. The Cubs are currently 3.5 games behind the Pirates with a 31-37 record, …

Jun 14, 2023: Yesterday I experienced something for the first time, a strong downpour of pea sized hail. I was in the basement and yet it sounded like the roof was …

Jun 12, 2023: Is the Vision Pro an iPhone or a Newton?

Jun 12, 2023: I like sharing pictures on this blog and I wish that had a simple way for creating photo albums. I just returned from a trip and I would …

Jun 11, 2023: In the butterfly exhibit of the Milwaukee Public Museum. Google says this is a Heliconius.

Jun 11, 2023: I am experimenting with and learning about the wide angle lense of my Google Pixel 7a. I like how this picture turned out.

Jun 6, 2023: Railhouse Brewery Outta The Blue

Jun 5, 2023: Vision Pro might be the ultimate test of the Apple cult. Could be a John Sculley / Apple Newton moment.

Jun 5, 2023: Apple mythology states they enter a market when they have a better take on it. In what way is Vision Pro a better take on prior AR / VR solutions? …

Jun 5, 2023: I was not expecting to be able to watch the Apple WWDC keynote, but Murphy has enabled me to do so and I am jotting notes during the session.

Jun 4, 2023: Is it me, or does some hotel cancellation policies feel like a scam? What I am seeing is to be able to cancel as late as 24 hours before some hotels …

Jun 3, 2023: Stand off king of the hill

Jun 2, 2023: The Chicago Cubs are nearly five behind the A.L. Central leading Milwaukee Brewers, which is where I said they were back in December, before the …

Jun 2, 2023: First Impressions Of The Google Pixel 7a Google announced and began selling the Pixel 7a earlier last month, and I ordered a Sea colored version from Amazon about a week later. The Pixel 7a …

Jun 2, 2023: Detroit Grand Prix I am watching the IndyCar practice of the Detroit Grand Prix, which is racing around the Renaissance Center where I worked for nearly nine years. At …

Jun 2, 2023: I agree with Bernie. After Biden signs the debt ceiling bill he should file suite against Congress asking the Supreme Court to declare the debt …

Jun 1, 2023: Roses are blooming

Jun 1, 2023: I’ve created a public repo on Github that contains an archive of my blog archive files. The files contain blog posts starting in March, 2014 to …

May 31, 2023: Everyone wants the government to spend less. Politicians threaten to destroy the full faith and credit of the United States with claims they desire to …

May 31, 2023: With AI, Focus On The People When I read something about the dangers of AI I can’t help but fear the writers are missing an important point. Saying that AI is bad is like …

May 30, 2023: Army Talk Orientation Fact Sheet, Fascism! March 24, 1945.

May 30, 2023: I’ve been walking…since last July

May 30, 2023: Thinking about Large Language Models like chatGPT has me considering the idea that the keyboard could disappear as the primary input device to a …

May 30, 2023: Was the “Show More” button always on the Discover feed? I don’t think it was and not sure how I feel about it, I like the idea of …

May 30, 2023: Some time today I will walk the 1,000th mile virtually along the Appalachian Trail since July 24, 2022.

May 29, 2023: “Do you really want freedom? If you do, it starts by tolerating those with whom you disagree and not treating them with contempt.” This …

May 27, 2023: Finished reading: Jesus Unbound by Keith Giles 📚 “Remember: Our relationship is not with a book, but with a person. Yes, we may learn more details …

May 27, 2023: “We waste a lot of energy on the past and future when the present is all that’s guaranteed. We push for more—but really, we need to find our …

May 27, 2023: Don’t leaf me behind

May 23, 2023: Does screen refresh really matter on smartphones? One of the unwritten rules of tech is the idea that more is better, the purpose of which is to have us continually buy the latest generation of a …

May 21, 2023: Google's Tech Ecosystem Failure I have now replaced two Pixel phones with a newer model and each time I do I am astounded by how little Google understands technology ecosystems. Not …

May 21, 2023: On the topic of photos, I wish the iOS/iPadOS version of could get pictures from Google photos. For Android users, the most direct way to …

May 21, 2023: Learned that Glass is available for Android, and it seems to me appropriate that with a new phone/camera I check out a new photo sharing app. Have to …

May 20, 2023: Testing the camera of my new Google Pixel 7a Regular, zoom, and wide angle

May 16, 2023: “Countries such as Serbia, whose governments made the promise of security central to their power, have come to depend on keeping alive the very …

May 15, 2023: Temperature back down into the forties this morning, turned the furnace back on to get the basement home office comfortable.

May 13, 2023: I wonder what will be the price of the Pixel Tablet come this Christmas? I bet near $400.

May 13, 2023: If I were in charge of marketing a foldable phone, I think I would call it a mobile 2-in-1 rather than foldable because that puts emphasis on the …

May 13, 2023: In the category of just because we can do something doesn’t mean we have to. The reality is that Fortune 100 companies will hire McKinsey …

May 12, 2023: It is practically impossible to trust any of the cable TV news outlets because they are all owned by corporations who we know to be driven by profit …

May 11, 2023: This E-Ink display by Philips looks really interesting although right now a bit too expensive. Not available in the United States.

May 11, 2023: As Steven describes it, Tailwind is a “personal” Large Language Model that an individual can train based on their own input. It sounds …

May 11, 2023: Like a lot of people, I imagine, I was frustrated while watching most of the Google I/O keynote yesterday because I was more interested in the …

May 10, 2023: I think the Cubs are being hurt most by Seiya Suzuki not hitting, continuing to play Eric Hosmer, and Yan Gome’s injury. The Cub really need …

May 8, 2023: Impressive New Zealand road trip journal/web site.

May 8, 2023: I’ve enabled passkey login for my Google account but it doesn’t work on Linux even if I store a passkey on a Yubikey. Not sure when it …

May 7, 2023: “We have millions and millions of Christians who have had no experience of God, and the Church, for the most part, prefers it that way. We can then …

May 6, 2023: Finished reading: Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman 📚 “To still others he [Jesus] is a man who found the answer to life’s riddle, and out …

May 6, 2023: Good morning

May 5, 2023: Rule one of being a United States citizen, and really a citizen of any country, ought to be, ignore all political advertising. It’s shocking to …

May 4, 2023: The U.S. Constitution puts in place a structure of “checks and balances” between the three branches of government to prevent tyranny, and …

May 1, 2023: The lesson we should have learned from the Internet is that technology is not really the problem, the real problem is the humans who use the …

May 1, 2023: The entire history of the United States has been one long debate, some times out in public but often times in private, about freedom for whom? More …

Apr 30, 2023: “During times of war hatred becomes quite respectable, even though it has to masquerade often under the guise of patriotism. To even the casual …

Apr 30, 2023: I think the reason why some are concerned about chatGPT is that they know the tendencies of most towards laziness. For most, if they read something …

Apr 30, 2023: Yesterday morning it was cloudy and misty while I did the annual stride down the Detroit River walk.

Apr 25, 2023: Straight Jacket Voting We frequently fall in to the trap of thinking that how things work today is how they have always worked. Take for example voting in the United States. …

Apr 21, 2023: Here is a fascinating article about the relationship between vision and football wide receivers. It says that the best NFL wide receivers have less …

Apr 18, 2023: Freedom Versus The Internet The most dangerous affect of bans on books and teaching by government is its erosion on the culture of free speech. While the United States has the …

Apr 18, 2023: Oops, she did it again! Second year in a row of snow on my birthday.

Apr 17, 2023: Retirement practice

Apr 17, 2023: Finished reading: To Follow the Lamb by Ted Grimsrud 📚

Apr 17, 2023: R.I.P. Computer Magazine Ironically, I read about the last print publication of Maximum PC and MacLife via RSS and the web, which long ago for me replaced computer magazines. …

Apr 15, 2023: Finished reading: How the South Won the Civil War by Heather Cox Richardson 📚 In both of those eras (before and after the Civil WR), rich men …

Apr 15, 2023: We live in a time in which there are problems to be solved, but our politicians only want to use problems as leverage against their opponent. The …

Apr 15, 2023: With all the banning of books and now social media, it really feels as though we are living in 1984.

Apr 14, 2023: What a difference a few days of sunshine and warm weather makes.

Apr 12, 2023: I dare any professional Christian to preach on the relationship of Christ crucified and the idol that is the 2nd amendment to the U.S. constitution. …

Apr 12, 2023: The NFL streaming pricing remains as ridiculous as always, and sadly that won’t change until the NFL is willing to break themselves free from …

Apr 11, 2023: First blossom on a flowering tree of the season.

Apr 11, 2023: First daffy to appear this spring 🌱 🌼

Apr 10, 2023: How Did America’s Weirdest, Most Freedom-Obsessed State Fall for an Authoritarian Governor? The paradox of freedom, Florida style, is that it’s …

Apr 9, 2023: Happy Easter

Apr 9, 2023: Easter has become so individualized that it has lost it’s transformative message for the world. What really happened on Friday? The powers of …

Apr 6, 2023: What I think is most troubling in this article about Clarence Thomas is that he appears to not care how others think about him. It seems to me that a …

Apr 3, 2023: Seems like some are forgetting that a grand jury is who is indicting Trump, not the DA. A DA brings an accusation to a grand jury decides whether …

Apr 2, 2023: Finished reading: Resurrecting Easter by John Dominic Crossan 📚 Today marks the beginning of Holy Week for Christians, and every year it seems the …

Apr 1, 2023: One of my best friends who lives in the town we grew up in sent a picture of the foot of snow that fell on his patio over night. Meanwhile, we have …

Mar 31, 2023: I think we are getting near to testing the question of whether or not a U.S. President, former U.S. President, or a candidate for U.S. President is …

Mar 30, 2023: The day has come. Today is opening day of the Chicago Cubs 2023 season. In a few minutes Marcus Stroman will start the season with his first pitch to …

Mar 27, 2023: There is something oddly satisfying about opening a mail app and finding no email. I think it is related to some form of PTSD of seeing spam.

Mar 27, 2023: The regional round of the 2023 NCAA men’s ice hockey tournament was too predictable. Except for Cornell upsetting Denver, all higher seeds won …

Mar 23, 2023: Populations are shrinking, but what does it mean over time? Each month, Russia’s population diminishes by around 86,000 people (not including …

Mar 23, 2023: The 2023 NCAA Men’s Ice Hockey tournament starts today at 2 PM with Boston University Playing Western Michigan, Michigan Tech played both these …

Mar 22, 2023: I watched the final of the World Baseball Classic last night, and the semi-finals the days before. All the games we really exciting and bring good …

Mar 22, 2023: My social network for two is called text messaging. Lots of prior art here, I think. Others might use Signal, Slack or even MS Teams. Heck, email …

Mar 17, 2023: Just this past Wednesday I found myself in a conversation about what is woke and what is anti-woke, as the person who I was talking to didn’t …

Mar 16, 2023: This YouTube video of A History of Rock in Guitar Riffs from 1965 to now is really cool.

Mar 13, 2023: I expect the Silicon Valley Bank collapse is going to be quickly politicized. Before we get to who is doing what wrong, there should be an attempt to …

Mar 4, 2023: Last night we had thunder and lightning during the snow storm, our first experience of thunder snow. Endured several brief power outages while trying …

Mar 3, 2023: Dave writes of the wish for the ChatGPT web site to render results so that he doesn’t have use screenshots. One can interact with ChatGPT via …

Mar 3, 2023: We have another winter storm warning today, expecting snow to start around 1 PM and go throughout the night. I think that we have had a very mild …

Feb 27, 2023: Today is the 25 year anniversary of Apple discontinuing the Newton Messagepad. The Messagepad was the first Apple product that I purchased, having …

Feb 27, 2023: Comcast has data caps and overage charges for most of their broadband customers, which conflicts with the idea of providing customers with higher …

Feb 27, 2023: I think Dave misunderstands what manton is doing in regards to the character limit. The character limit does not apply to blog posts, the character …

Feb 26, 2023: About the church in Laodicea described in Revelation 3:14-22, author Ted Grimsud writes (emphasis added): “The danger for all the congregations is …

Feb 23, 2023: Still gloomy out. Warm enough for melting but still a lot of ice on the trees.

Feb 23, 2023: We got about a third of an inch of ice yesterday.

Feb 22, 2023: Blogging from Drummer is now restored, so I can resume publishing of my daynotes. The alias URL that I created now redirects to the new location, …

Feb 22, 2023: I have changed the public URL for the OPML file that I use to write posts in Drummer for my blog, and this is a test to see if publishing works. Alas, …

Feb 22, 2023: Googe Nest Hub Disappoints The Google Nest Hub is frustrating to use because I want to use it as an Android display, as I think I should, but instead it only provides a very …

Feb 22, 2023: I use the Google Conversation widget on my Pixel 4a for quick access to messages from my wife and childhood best friend. Of the widgets that I use, …

Feb 21, 2023: Today is the first “business” day for updating my /now page, and the process is working very well. I set up the script to run on the …

Feb 20, 2023: Updating My Now Page In 2015 Derek Sivers proposed the idea of sharing one’s status by creating a /now page off of one’s web site. The intent of the page is …

Feb 18, 2023: “We hide our addiction with our liberties. The amount of death that we have grown to accept, the amount of senseless loss of life we tolerate …

Feb 15, 2023: In my experience, particularly for beta releases of software, it’s common for software developers to compile and publish a known problems list. …

Feb 14, 2023: Look In The Mirror, There Is a Gun In Your Hands If one is a child, a teenager, a college student in the United States, aware of the realities of the society that they currently live in, how can you …

Feb 12, 2023: Finished reading: Lord, I Don’t Want to Die a Christian by Chandrika Phea 📚

Feb 9, 2023: Day 2,920

Feb 6, 2023: Finished reading: The Solstice Countdown by Lisa Shearin 📚

Feb 6, 2023: The sooner everyone lets go of Twitter, the better. Musk is not a benevolent dictator and you can see that Twitter is going to end up with a Private …

Feb 5, 2023: Currently reading: Lord, I Don’t Want to Die a Christian by Chandrika Phea 📚 “I have heard that the ultimate expression of worship is obedience …

Feb 3, 2023: Writing Microblog Posts Using Drummer The three posts below were intended to be part of one post. I wrote them using Drummer, forgetting that the publish script I use treats each node as a …

Feb 3, 2023: Truth is, iPads and Macs are tools, and the choice between which one is used is not life and death. It’s ok to choose a Mac over an iPad, and …

Feb 3, 2023: As the iPad has never been intended to function exactly like notebook and desktop computers, I doubt Apple will ever make them work exactly the same. …

Feb 3, 2023: Interesting thread of discussion regarding (once again) the limitations of iPadOS in comparison to other operating systems. Those who wish to use the …

Feb 2, 2023: During the process of moving my outline files to Drummer, I created a new outline for the books I’ve read this year and added 2023 to my main …

Feb 2, 2023: Today I learned that Twitter is shutting down their public API, which may impact Dave Winer’s outlining apps that I use. I have been using …

Feb 1, 2023: It’s shocking to me that so many Christians could read this article and not realize that Jesus enountered [this problem](Luke 10:25-29) and …

Jan 29, 2023: Finished reading: Journey to the Common Good by Walter Brueggemann 📚 “I believe it is impossible to overstate the defining nature of the empire of …

Jan 29, 2023: “It is all good news . . . but you have to go! Israel has always been departing empire. That is how it began back in Egypt and that is how …

Jan 27, 2023: United States Empire Dave is pointing out the relationship between the United States paying its bills, the value of the U.S. dollar as the the world’s reserve …

Jan 25, 2023: It's All By Design Much that is wrong in the United States can be traced back to Milton Friedman, because he created and taught the doctrine in place in corporate …

Jan 25, 2023: There are a couple of inches of snow on the ground, and if it can continues at this rate I can see us getting four or more inches in total.

Jan 25, 2023: The Yooper in me gets amused by the reaction to snow storms in southeast Michigan. Yes, it’s snowing, but if you look outside and you can see …

Jan 22, 2023: Snowfall

Jan 22, 2023: “It is our propensity, in society and in church, to trust the narrative of scarcity. That is what makes us greedy, and exclusive, and selfish, and …

Jan 22, 2023: Love Michigan. Nothing like a gentle snow fall.

Jan 21, 2023: Hidden in there is a woodpecker checking out this cedar tree. Can you see it?

Jan 20, 2023: When I read articles about AI, more and more I am thinking to myself, just because we can do something doesn’t mean that we should do it. …

Jan 20, 2023: I have a dream for an integrated web reading and writing application. Some will say the web browser is the application that I describe, but for some …

Jan 20, 2023: I must be the only person in the world who doesn’t care about his follower count. Or maybe I am just a narcissist because I mostly write and …

Jan 18, 2023: Building Versus Buying I’ve finished reading a fantastic three part series about the history of ARM written by Jeremy Reimer for Ars Technica. Here is a quote from the …

Jan 18, 2023: Checked in on the COVID status for my county. We are having a much better January this year than last, although the infection rate remains at 1.02 and …

Jan 18, 2023: It’s a very different winter than the one we had two years ago, with no snow on the ground right now. In fact, so far we are on pace for a …

Jan 17, 2023: I’ve updated the outline of books that I have read (16) in 2022, which is now an index of three years of reading.

Jan 16, 2023: Finished reading: One Coin Found by Emmy Kegler 📚 “‘Love’ has been wielded by Christians who cloak their unkindness as ‘hate the sin, love the …

Jan 15, 2023: Finished reading: The Wounding and Healing of Desire by Wendy Farley 📚

Jan 13, 2023: Profits Above All Nobody should be surprised that big oil has long known the impact of carbon on the the climate, just as big tobacco long knew about the relationship …

Jan 13, 2023: Ken Smith writes about what he calls Essential Fluency that I think relates to my reaction to Seth Godin’s call for the end of high school …

Jan 11, 2023: Seth Godin says good riddance to high school essays. Apparently he doesn’t see the value in learning how to write, in how to construct a clear …

Jan 9, 2023: ESPN CFP theme song: John Williams composes new song - Sports Illustrated ESPN pulling out all the stops. Notice the part in the sheet music at the …

Jan 9, 2023: It seems to happen every time there is a migration of people from one application to another. When the new people start using the new application they …

Jan 7, 2023: How do you view HTML page source in Safari? More here.

Jan 7, 2023: I track my walks in the Fitbit app on the Pixel Watch, and I’ve begun to experience what I think may be a bug that causes the distance from a …

Jan 5, 2023: Norway is on track to no more vehicles with internal combustionable engines in two years. It appears to be a story of a nation making a commitment and …

Jan 4, 2023: I think that this article, titled “What even is an institution,” is over-thinking the topic. An institution is a corporate (as in more …

Jan 4, 2023: There are not many days where I live that there is fog late in the morning. As I was walking today I noticed how serene it felt, and the shape of …

Jan 3, 2023: The circus going on in Washington D.C. today is exactly what many “Republican” voters want. The party is not about governing, it’s …

Jan 1, 2023: “It is virtually impossible to nurture the power of compassion if we are at the same time romanticizing suffering or imagining that God wills it …

Dec 31, 2022: Finished reading: The Age of Acrimony by Jon Grinspan 📚 This book was an eye opener for me, to learn that the politics I’ve known in my life up until …

Dec 31, 2022: Below refers to the writing of Lincoln Steffens in 1904, and very apt questions at the end of 2022. Emphasis added “After Steffens laid out the …

Dec 28, 2022: We had to go to overtime but the Huskies beat Sparty to get a split this weekend and a third place finish in the GLi.

Dec 27, 2022: In Grand Rapids for the 56th Great Lakes Invitational at a new venue. Unfortunately it was not a good night for the Huskies.

Dec 26, 2022: This is the warmest outdoor temperature that I’ve seen in four days. I did get outside yesterday.

Dec 25, 2022: We got a white Christmas 🎄

Dec 25, 2022: “Henceforth humanity has the right to know that it is good to be human, good to live on this earth, good to have a body, because God in Jesus chose …

Dec 22, 2022: T’was the day before the blizzard and all throughout the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

Dec 21, 2022: All the the weather apps and TV stations are reporting winter storm watches, ahead of the “big” winter storm coming our way, and that this …

Dec 20, 2022: Will The 2023 Chicago Cubs Be Trade Deadline Buyers? puts the Dansby Swanson contract in context: “This is the largest deal that Jed Hoyer’s front office has inked during his …

Dec 18, 2022: “The longer I have tried to follow Jesus, the more I can really say that I no longer believe in Jesus. I know Jesus. I know him because I have often …

Dec 16, 2022: Reading this article about making digital (online) information accessible to your survivors and wondering, doesn’t passkeys make this problem …

Dec 16, 2022: I don’t want to be skeptical, I want to be curious.

Dec 15, 2022: Chicago Cubs Already Five Games Behind in NL Central No matter how frustrated and angry I am with the Chicago Cubs front office for not signing any free agents of consequence, it doesn’t matter. …

Dec 13, 2022: I was thinking we would never see blossoms in this succulent ever again.

Dec 13, 2022: I must be the only person who doesn’t care about ChatGPT. Ok, there may be a few others, but too few.

Dec 12, 2022: Why The Age of American Progress Has Ended: When you add the anti-science bias of the Republican Party to the anti-build skepticism of liberal …

Dec 12, 2022: Using IFTTT To Send Blog Posts To Day One I am testing sending what I write in my blogs to Day One via an IFTTT applet that is monitoring their RSS feeds. There are two problems. First, the …

Dec 12, 2022: I’ve been cross posting what I write here to Twitter, but due to the changes at Twitter I’ve decided that I no longer want to contribute …

Dec 10, 2022: Recently changed the watch face on my Pixel Watch. I had been wearing Index but I am now wearing Concentric. I feel like Google doesn’t do …

Dec 10, 2022: For some reason Google Assistant is not working on my Pixel Watch. It recognizes “ok Google” but then does not recognize anything that I …

Dec 10, 2022: Upgraded my iPad Mini 6 to iPadOS 16 yesterday and was reminded of the new Apple Weather app, otherwise known as what happened to Dark Sky. One thing …

Dec 9, 2022: Today I did some experimentation with passkeys, which is supposed to be the new, better, more secure alternative to computer passwords. Maybe it will …

Dec 8, 2022: Over one hundred years and only one radio play by play person has called a World Series win for the Chicago Cubs.

Dec 8, 2022: Looking at the COVID numbers for my county and it shows good news and bad news. Good news is that the weekly reported cases is flat compared to this …

Dec 7, 2022: Wilson Contreras signing with the Cardinals is the absolute worst case scenario for the Chicago Cubs front office. They better hope that Contreras …

Dec 5, 2022: Sad to learn that Nick Bollettieri has passed away, he coached many of the great tennis players during his life and practically became synomous with …

Dec 3, 2022: Can Elon do anything that will get him kicked off Twitter?

Dec 1, 2022: From 52 things I learned in 2022 Percussionist Emil Richards played the finger clicks in The Addams Family theme, the bongos in Mission Impossible and …

Nov 30, 2022: While re-reading what I wrote two years ago about Republican’s addiction to scapegoating, a question occurred to me. I think it was widely …

Nov 29, 2022: It seems that at least once a year something happens with Evernote, the company, that results in a number of people deciding to ditch Evernote, the …

Nov 29, 2022: I have found that the Microsoft Surface Duo is the perfect device for following fantasy football. I can monitor my score on one screen while surfing …

Nov 27, 2022: User Hostile Apps I play in two fantasy football leagues, one that uses the ESPN app and the other that uses Yahoo. I find it interesting how opinionated both apps are …

Nov 26, 2022: Read The Whiteness of Mastodon Does the “digital commons,” which is owned by capitalists, really exist? One of the problems in the United …

Nov 26, 2022: Yesterday we saw Black Panther: Wakanda Forever and while I thought it was very good it also felt like the storyline was forced in a direction not …

Nov 23, 2022: Reading through the Discover feed this morning, thinking to myself, what’s up with all these posts about grazing? Oh, …

Nov 21, 2022: Having read this article, I am looking forward to seeing how the new rule changes will affect MLB next year. Last year I watched a few minor league …

Nov 21, 2022: I ran the Fedifinder app to see how many of the people who I follow on Twitter have accounts on Mastodon. I follow around 500 users and only 25 of …

Nov 21, 2022: One thing that sets apart from Twitter and Mastodon is the Discover feed. Manually curated and no replies, “retweets” or …

Nov 21, 2022: Two years ago a buck stopped to look in to our window and this morning a larger buck trotted past our window while I was eating breakfast.

Nov 19, 2022: Samsung promises Matter support for SmartThings hubs, Galaxy devices, TVs, and fridges Regarding which SmartThings products will be Matter-enabled, …

Nov 19, 2022: Last night I updated the Surface Duo to Android 12L. So far it seems to be stable, although I have noticed some different behavior that could be by …

Nov 19, 2022: The weather app on my phone says that it is 22 degrees outside and the real feel is 8. Check the date of this post and note that this is in southeast …

Nov 18, 2022: This is the earliest that I have had to put on full winter gear to walk outside in many years. Light snow with wind chills in the 20s.

Nov 16, 2022: A good article in the Atlantic by Arthur C. Brooks, America Is Pursuing Happiness in All the Wrong Places. It makes good points, but in my opinion …

Nov 15, 2022: Finished reading: Jesus' Alternative Plan by Richard Rohr 📚 If your answer to the question, “Do I stay Christian?” or “Why are you …

Nov 14, 2022: Four years ago, ActivityPub support in was released. In context of the current state of the “social network” affairs, a rather …

Nov 12, 2022: How I Use RSS We tend to think about RSS in terms of web sites and web applications and what gets over looked is how you can use it personally. For example, I send …

Nov 12, 2022: RSS To OPML Daytona is effectively a personal search engine that indexes the OPML files stored with my Drummer account. I am able to use it to search through a …

Nov 12, 2022: Reading an article written by the folks at about why they set up their own Mastodon instance, and I find the following statement …

Nov 12, 2022: Busted out the Stormy Kromer for my morning walk. Outdoor temperature dropped from 60 degrees yesterday to 36 today, and the forecast for the upcoming …

Nov 12, 2022: The only stream that I follow consistently and frequently is my RSS stream. While I cross post what I write on my blog to Twitter, I don’t check …

Nov 10, 2022: I connected the Freedom Pro folding Bluetooth keyboard to the Surface Duo and put the Duo in the Nulaxy folding stand to enable this little, portable …

Nov 10, 2022: Putting these here for future reference, good stuff from the community. Micro Camp 2021 Micro Camp 2022

Nov 9, 2022: I updated the footer of the pages here so that there is a link with the Mastodon address to make it easier to follow this site from Mastodon if you …

Nov 8, 2022: I am reading that the Android 12L update to the Microsoft Duo 1 and 2 renders the phone practically useless and therefore I have enabled developer …

Nov 8, 2022: I use the Arabica theme plugin for this blog that automatically puts the “Follow @frankm on micro blog” in the header after the title of …

Nov 8, 2022: I’ve created a Mastodon account, which I think will be my “direct” Mastodon account. I believe what I post here …

Nov 7, 2022: I have now played with the Microsoft Surface Duo for several hours and my first reaction is that the software does not do enough to take advantage of …

Nov 6, 2022: On Friday I found out that the Microsoft Surface Duo was on sale on Woot for $279, much less than its original price north of $1,000 so I ordered one …

Nov 5, 2022: Do you like Wear OS 3’s UI and navigation on the Pixel Watch? I like that swiping left or right from the watch face displays a tile because it lets me …

Nov 5, 2022: Back in April, 2022, Dave Winer wrote: Now that an oligarch owns Twitter, even though he knows how to tweet, and feels like a man of the people, he …

Nov 4, 2022: How ironic it is that in the United States where the Supreme Court says money is speech and thus money that floods in to politicians cannot be …

Nov 4, 2022: I remember in 1992 when Ross Perot warned of the “giant sucking sound” of jobs leaving the United States if NAFTA were signed. Sadly, I …

Nov 4, 2022: I am wondering whether with the outage earlier today for there is a back log of posts to be processed. Posts that I wrote using Drummer …

Nov 4, 2022: Issue with Linode impacted the ability to get to and be able to post to this site. I think it might be resolved now, let’s see.

Nov 4, 2022: It’s now 1:20 PM EST and I just got back around to seeing whether is back online, and it appears that it is.

Nov 4, 2022: As of 8:45 AM EST I can’t get to, but if this publishes, I was able to post via Drummer Nope… that did not work.

Nov 2, 2022: The Windows Subsystem for Android is complete, which means one will be able to run Android apps on Windows. Why would anyone want to run Android apps …

Nov 2, 2022: Rebooting RSS It’s clear to me how FeedLand is a reboot of RSS because it makes building and managing a list RSS feeds real easy. Ever since he released Radio …

Nov 2, 2022: Six years ago today the greatest game ever played was on a Wednesday in Cleveland.

Oct 30, 2022: If we are honest with ourselves, all Americans will see that they are being manipulated. People are purposefully making you angry, and the question …

Oct 28, 2022: B.O.R.I.S. Barrel Aged Oatmeal Stout, Hoppin Frog Brewery

Oct 27, 2022: After reading Federico Viticci’s overview of the iPadOS 16 Stage Manager I am no longer disappointed that it is not available on my iPad Air. …

Oct 26, 2022: PSA: Yes, you can charge your Pixel Buds with the Pixel Watch charger I tried this last night and it seems to work, though not very fast. You probably …

Oct 26, 2022: Back on November 8, 2008 I wrote of the historical significance of the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States. Sadly, I did not …

Oct 24, 2022: Jewel In The Crown IPA, Rail House Brewery

Oct 24, 2022: The golden gate is nice, but it’s not mighty.

Oct 24, 2022: Traveled through northern lower Michigan this past weekend were the color was fine.

Oct 20, 2022: Currently reading: The Age of Acrimony by Jon Grinspan 📚 From the 1860s through the early 1900s, presidential elections drew the highest turnouts …

Oct 19, 2022: The U.S. Supreme Court is the most authoritarian branch of U.S. government. Nearly every low moment of U.S. History is tied to Supreme Court …

Oct 19, 2022: I think 538 has made a pretty good analysis of the Green Bay Packers' offense, although I disagree with their inferrence that Rodgers can improve the …

Oct 17, 2022: My observations after wearing the new Google Pixel Watch for four days. I also wrote my day 1 observations, if you haven’t read them.

Oct 17, 2022: I find the complaining about the current results of this year’s MLB playoffs ridiculous. While it’s true that three teams that won more …

Oct 17, 2022: A day in the life of the community in 126 photos on October 13, 2022.

Oct 15, 2022: Finished reading: Steven Johnson Collection 3 Books Set (Where Good Ideas Come From, The Ghost Map, How We Got to Now) by Steven Johnson 📚

Oct 14, 2022: I received the Pixel Watch yesterday and I think it is the best looking smartwatch that I have ever owned.

Oct 14, 2022: The community is running a “Day In The Life 2022” photo series that started yesterday, October 13, 2022, through this afternoon …

Oct 13, 2022: An autumn afternoon in West Bloomfield, Michigan at 1:15 PM on October 13, 2022.

Oct 12, 2022: I’ve received notification that my new Google Pixel Watch has shipped and that I should receive it tomorrow. I have questions about the Watch …

Oct 10, 2022: The Wildcard round of the MLB playoffs is done, and the two teams I am rooting for, the Guardians and the Phillies, move on. Really happy to see the …

Oct 7, 2022: It’s the playoffs… Philies have rallied in the top of the 9th inning to go from being down by 1 run, 1-2, to leading 6-2, with two outs …

Oct 7, 2022: The MLB playoffs have started with the wildcard series games be played today. With the Cubs not in the playoffs, I am rooting for the Phillies and the …

Oct 6, 2022: Watching the Google event and posting reactions to my daynotes log.

Oct 5, 2022: I have added the following to the books I want to read: Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires by Douglas Rushkoff 📚

Oct 5, 2022: Business Insider implies that Apple did something wrong with the iPhone 14, the author regrets upgrading from the iPhone 13. What is really wrong is …

Sep 27, 2022: I gave in and turned the furnace on today. Too many mornings of temps in to the fourties.

Sep 23, 2022: Woke up to 46 degree temperatures outside. As I get older I dislike the change to colder temperatures more and more.

Sep 19, 2022: Unfortunately today I am experiencing the U.S. health complex in all its profit driven glory that results in hours of sitting around worrying. The …

Sep 15, 2022: I see a few people in my feeds who are using/trying the Arc browser. Seems to me the easiest way for one to capture information from another is to …

Sep 12, 2022: It might be shocking to some to realize that the question of whether the United States is a single country or a union of states is not decided. One …

Sep 11, 2022: “A community so addicted to consumption that it foregoes virtually every other pleasure and responsibility needs the intercession of a power great …

Sep 11, 2022: I had an incident with this little guy who was sitting on the back of my chair. He appears to be recovering from his close encounter with my back.

Sep 6, 2022:

Sep 5, 2022: Finished reading: Do I Stay Christian? by Brian D. McLaren 📚

Sep 4, 2022: Watching the U.S. Open on TV with the volume turned down and the Detroit Jazz Festival playing on the computer. Tennis and jazz. Hard to believe that …

Sep 3, 2022: Finished reading: Allow Me to Retort by Elie Mystal 📚

Sep 3, 2022: “Remember, Madison and the other authors of The Federalist Papers didn’t think amendments to their new Constitution were necessary. More than that, …

Sep 2, 2022: Seven Tools for Critical Thinking

Sep 1, 2022: Currently reading: Allow Me to Retort by Elie Mystal 📚I have the last chapter left.

Sep 1, 2022: Yesterday I had a Raspberry Pi crash after a system update and fail to boot. I figured out what went wrong and learned some things along the way. …

Aug 30, 2022: Just discovered Steve ‘n’ Seagulls. Who says Twitter isn’t useful?

Aug 29, 2022: I’ve been seeing this little one and it’s mother eating together at a spot along my evening walk, but it’s venturing further away from mom each day. …

Aug 27, 2022: Education Is More Important Now Than Ever Part of the backlash against Biden’s plan to forgive federal student loans is really a backlash against education. College education has become …

Aug 24, 2022: I’ve been using the Google Pixelbuds Pro for a few weeks now with my Pixel 4a phone and my iPad Mini 6, and I have to say that I am surprised by …

Aug 21, 2022: On Friday I came across an article by Jess Martin that summarizes a conference about tools for thought that occurred on August 16, 2022. I have not …

Aug 21, 2022: “If we take the future as our starting point for thinking about God, creation, and humanity—then everything we know must … be realigned to an evolving …

Aug 18, 2022: Dave Winer has released his app that creates an RSS feed of one’s Twitter feed. I mostly use to contribute to my Twitter feed, so if …

Aug 17, 2022: CW has pretty much been the only broadcast network with shows I watched consistently, but I think that is likely to change.

Aug 17, 2022: I don’t know what to make of this, Amazon appears to be selling very old HP iPaq Pocket PCs. Must be a mistake or a hoax or something. I …

Aug 15, 2022: In my reading this past weekend I came across a few essays written by Linus Lee that relate to the topic of organizing information that I reference in …

Aug 14, 2022: “Two thousand years after Jesus launched a subversive spiritual movement of equality, emancipation, and peace, two thousand years after women were …

Aug 14, 2022: A second morning of comfortable temperature, low humidity, and cloudy sky. What a nice break before returning to the normal August heat tomorrow.

Aug 13, 2022: Cloudy skies, a slight breeze and cool temperature calls for being outside.

Aug 13, 2022: Am I the only one who thinks the idea that a President can wave his arms and unclassify any document is crazy? What we should learn from President …

Aug 13, 2022: Drowning In The Sea Of Religion “Our religion can “hell-ify” us by inspiring in us an impenetrable sense of rightness or even superiority. That sense of rightness can inoculate us …

Aug 13, 2022: Starting to read: Do I Stay Christian? by Brian D. McLaren 📚

Aug 13, 2022: I am reminded that I expected the Mobvoi TicWatch to get WearOS 3 by now, but that has not happened. Google WearOS continues to disappoint.

Aug 11, 2022: At the end of a good day

Aug 11, 2022: Surf is up

Aug 9, 2022: Over time I’ve tried different Beyond Meat products and tonight I’ve tried the Jerky and have to say it’s the best at being nearly …

Aug 9, 2022: “Perhaps the most important skill we learn in life is how we make decisions” Decision Making Matters

Aug 7, 2022: Finished reading: Christ & Empire by Joerg Rieger 📚

Aug 7, 2022: “One of the paradoxes of empire in our own time is that people often assume that we are now closer to freedom than ever before.” — Christ & …

Aug 6, 2022: What Is Liberty? The Kansas State Supreme Court, in their decision that the Kansas state constitution provided the right to abortion by borrowing from the language of …

Aug 6, 2022: When Greed Prevails Liberty Is Lost Greed drives most of the capitalism in the United States with little thought about the consequences. We are currently living through the consequences …

Aug 6, 2022: A simple truth….there are more books that I want to read than I have time, but I try!

Aug 6, 2022: Alan Jacobs, who I follow on, recommends reading Albert Murray: Collected Essays & Memoirs (LOA #284). I click the link in the …

Aug 6, 2022: Checking back in on the app for iPadOS on the iPad Mini, and see that the left menu still doesn’t disappear. I would prefer it showed posts …

Aug 6, 2022: It is utterly tropical outside and according to my weather app, a 79 degree dew point. No clouds. Sat outside for maybe 15 minutes before deciding I …

Aug 5, 2022: I received the Google Pixelbuds yesterday as promised by USPS and so far I am very happy with how they work. They were discovered by my Pixel 4a and …

Aug 4, 2022: I received a text message that the Google Pixelbuds that I ordered are out for delivery. At least I know the Post Office can deliver to the right …

Aug 4, 2022: Six years ago I felt positive things were happening for the Chicago Cubs. I wrote then about all the young talent that was getting a chance to play …

Aug 3, 2022: Against my better judgement, I ordered the new Google Pixelbuds Pro from the Google Store and once again I have evidence that delivery of products …

Aug 3, 2022: Shock in Wrigleyville as the Cubs did NOT trade Wilson Contreras or Ian Happ as nearly everyone expected. During the lead up to the trade deadline …

Aug 3, 2022: Vin Scully was the last remaining enduring voice of baseball. He became the voice of the Dodgers in the the 1950s when they were in Brooklyn and was …

Jul 30, 2022: Consider this. We don’t have a Supreme Congress, we don’t even have a Supreme President, despite what Trump thinks, but we do have a …

Jul 30, 2022: It’s another beautiful morning in Michigan, and perfect weather to be outside drinking coffee and reading.

Jul 29, 2022: The NFL is simply hostile to people who are fans of teams not in their local market. I started giving the MLB my money the moment I was able to watch …

Jul 28, 2022: Much talk regarding the Chicago Cubs probable trades of some of their remaining “core” players, Wilson Contreras and Ian Happ, mostly due …

Jul 28, 2022: I am walking the Appalachian Trail virtually using the Walk The Distance app. Right now I am “walking” the Georgia segment and have …

Jul 27, 2022: I hope that Mike Pence seeks the Republican nomination for POTUS, then I hope that everyone, particularly journalists, emphasizes the differences …

Jul 26, 2022: Next to, Instagram may be my second most-checked social network. I recently learned of the way to filter the feed to only those you follow …

Jul 26, 2022: After temperatures last week didn’t go below the 70s at night, it’s nice to see the 65 degree temperature this morning.

Jul 22, 2022: Here is a fact of how things work in the United States that people don’t seem to like. The only real way change works is when both parties agree …

Jul 22, 2022: If Only One Actually Followed Jesus Serendipity….first I read, When you love people, you see all the good in them, all the Christ in them. God sees Christ, His Son, in us and …

Jul 20, 2022: Qualcomm’s announcement of their new smartwatch chips makes the Google WearOS market more confusing, in my opinion. The problem with WearOS is …

Jul 20, 2022: Tried using Gluon on my Pixel 4a to upload that photo, but it wouldn’t load the dialog to select photos. Used the official app …

Jul 20, 2022: Google reminded me about the last concert we attended before the Pandemic, on this date in 2019. The arena sent me an email a few days before about …

Jul 15, 2022: At one of my favorite parks on the shore of Green Bay (Lake Michigan)

Jul 12, 2022: Five things to know about the new James Web Telescope images. Each speck is a galaxy, far, far, away.

Jul 10, 2022: As I sit out here on the patio, all sorts of wild life passes by.

Jul 8, 2022: Stop With the Opinion Polls Dear world, or at least anyone who cares, particularly the media. In the United States based on how the Constitution is structured, and how the …

Jul 7, 2022: I have been lacing shoes all my life without even considering that there could be a different way until I found this page that shows 62 different …

Jul 6, 2022: A Hello page sounds to me to be like the Home page of years ago.

Jul 4, 2022: In a way, gerrymandering is baked in to the constitution by way of the Electoral College. Consequently, the idea of democrats moving to already blue …

Jul 4, 2022: How it began, but we don’t want to face history thus appear destined to repeat it. “In 1544, Sepulveda wrote a manuscript justifying the wars …

Jul 4, 2022: Still Enduring For Now Heather Cox Richardson: “For all the fact that the congressmen got around the sticky little problem of Black and Indigenous slavery by defining …

Jul 2, 2022: The holiday weekend has begun with beautiful weather. On days like this I am grateful to live in Michigan.

Jul 1, 2022: YouTube advertising is becoming more obnoxious by the minute. Starting to wonder about whether there are better alternatives. Google is close to …

Jul 1, 2022: I believe this will be a growing sentiment about Christianity, and it will be deserved. We are doing things very wrong. Jesus never imposed his …

Jun 30, 2022: Did you use a Pocket PC back in the day? If so, do you remember a media player called ActiveSky? Click here to see a review I wrote, if for nothing …

Jun 30, 2022: Do you remember Frontpage? Here is a site I built and maintained in the late 90s using it. Before that I created web pages writing HTML in an editor, …

Jun 29, 2022: If Republicans were rational, smart, and intune with the majority of the nation that includes the minorities they court, they would reach out to …

Jun 28, 2022: What should concern every citizen of the United States is not just that SCOTUS overturned Roe, it is how it was overturned. To quote David Frum: …

Jun 28, 2022: I think that the Democratic Party devolved into being ndearly identical to Repubicans when it ended it’s relationship with unions in the 90s. We …

Jun 28, 2022: What do you do with a Supreme Court that makes decisions based on lies? What I learned in high school civics is that the United States Constitution …

Jun 27, 2022: Irony: “The U.S. Constitution does not explicitly give the American judiciary the power of judicial review.” Or said differently, the …

Jun 27, 2022: Two years ago the Supreme Court said federal courts can’t do anything about partisan gerrymandering, the consequence is insuring that ruling …

Jun 26, 2022: How Evil Persists The way of Jesus is not a direct confrontation with evil. Why? It is because when you directly confront evil one becomes evil. We have seen this in …

Jun 25, 2022: What is liberty? What is liberty? It seems to me that at this time the fundamental ideas that birthed the United States is not known or being outright ignored. For me, …

Jun 25, 2022: Question. If U.S. citizens don’t have the right to choose what happens to their body, couldn’t the government then mandate abortions? Given how …

Jun 25, 2022: Read the Ninth amendment to the United States Constitution

Jun 24, 2022: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint, dill, and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: …

Jun 20, 2022: I am wondering, given the state of the Republican Party whether there should be a serious, alternate third party by now. We know that past parties …

Jun 19, 2022: Finished reading: Reviving Old Scratch by Richard Beck 📚 Another book that opens my eyes.

Jun 18, 2022: I recall that Bill Gates described this replacement of the wallet with a phone, or smart device, many years ago. I do wonder though whether digital …

Jun 18, 2022: If Cubs fans are truly apathetic as described here, I have to wonder whether they are really fans or people who just came on board when the team was …

Jun 15, 2022: While I like’s bookshelf that produces the Reading section of this site, one thing I don’t like is that I don’t have …

Jun 11, 2022: Finished reading: After Jesus Before Christianity: A Historical Exploration of the First Two Centuries of Jesus Movements by Erin Vearncombe 📚

Jun 10, 2022: David Brooks: I’m trying to understand why committee members are not gripped by these realities. After more than a century of relative democratic …

Jun 9, 2022: Last week I wrote about how the problem with gun violence in the U.S. is not so much with those in political office as much as it is with those who …

Jun 9, 2022: The real question is not why is there evil, it is, why is there good?

Jun 6, 2022: I drove from Colorado to Michigan over the last three days. Gas prices in Nebraska and Iowa were in the $4.30 range, I think mostly due to the heavy …

May 31, 2022: Former Supreme Court clerks say the problem is not the Heller decision rather the legislative process not doing anything. I wonder whether the same …

May 27, 2022: For evil to flourish, good men forget who they are. They forget the ideals they once swore to give their very lives for. They come to believe that …

May 27, 2022: I’ve been mulling the article I linked to yesterday that makes suggestions for practical gun safety based on the NRA’s safety rules. And I …

May 26, 2022: What might gun safety laws look like? Perhaps something like this.

May 25, 2022: You will hear pundits quote polling that suggests a majority of citizens want tougher gun control laws, like you hear that a majority of citizens do …

May 25, 2022: If Texans are really angry over their children being murdered in school then Ted Cruz and John Cornyn will not be re-elected. The only way change is …

May 25, 2022: Every time another mass gun shooting takes place we direct our anger at lawmakers who refuse to pass gun control laws. Unfortunately, that anger is …

May 24, 2022: In the addicted country that is the United States of America, Making America Great Again does not include eliminating gun violence and children dying …

May 24, 2022: Taco Tuesday at the Taco Stop, Fort Collins, CO

May 24, 2022: Every hotel chain that targets “extended stay” and business travelers needs to check their in-room workspace furniture for ergonomics. I …

May 12, 2022: Our flowering tree is at full bloom. Enjoying it before the inevitable wind and rain comes.

May 7, 2022: Spring might be here.

May 5, 2022: It is May 5 and the furnace is still on and running. Outdoor temperature still in the low 40s. So ready for warm weather to come and stay.

May 4, 2022: Dear Constitutional Fundamentalists, Supreme Court Justics and conservative Republicans. How do you reconcile the claim that the government cannot …

May 4, 2022: May the fourth be with you

May 3, 2022: Looks like we need a Constitutional Amendment that guarantees the right to privacy.

May 3, 2022: Is recognizing rights of citizens in the United States a bad thing? My understanding of the United States Constitution is that its purpose is to …

Apr 30, 2022: Striding down the Riverwalk wearing purple

Apr 29, 2022: Happy Friday!

Apr 26, 2022: Does free speech = trolling?

Apr 26, 2022: Update: Everything is back up. Some server components of the Scripting News hosting infrastructure are down, for example my Old School blog is not …

Apr 25, 2022: I don’t personally use Twitter as much as other social media platforms, so I really don’t have a personal investment in what happens to …

Apr 24, 2022: A day of warm sunshine does everyone and everything good.

Apr 23, 2022: Finally warm enough to put on shorts and go outside.

Apr 23, 2022: Finally some warm weather! Alpha tree is enjoying the sun too.

Apr 22, 2022: I think Abraham Lincoln would be mad that for what was sacrificed years ago is simply being tossed aside today.

Apr 20, 2022: A couple of Easter survivors. I don’t know wild turkies well, but I assume that this is a couple. The picture doesn’t do the beauty of the …

Apr 18, 2022: Mother nature wishing me a happy birthday

Apr 18, 2022: Day 1 of lap 57 around the sun does not have as nice weather (it is snowing) as lap 56 but is a great day none the less.

Apr 17, 2022: “As the climax of Holy Week and the story of Jesus, Good Friday and Easter address the fundamental human question, What ails us? Most of us feel the …

Apr 16, 2022: Last year nearly all of the flowering trees near us were blooming but this year most only have buds. However, the first tree to normally bloom has …

Apr 15, 2022: Unlike Axios, I don’t think Musk’s desire for Twitter is as a tech mogul, instead his is simply wearing his billionaire hat. I think the …

Apr 15, 2022: Setting Up A New iPad I’ve received my new iPad Mini 6 and I am working through setting it up. I opted to transfer apps, settings and data directly from the iPad Mini …

Apr 15, 2022: If Musk wanted to impress me he would get rid of Twitter’s algorithm completely and revert Twitter to a reverse chronological feed, citing how …

Apr 15, 2022: Day 1 of my long birthday weekend, aka retirement practice, has begun. I wish we were not experiencing below normal temperature that is made worse by …

Apr 14, 2022: An authoritarin often claims to be the sole person who can make someone or something successful. Private ownership of Twitter by Musk has nothing to …

Apr 14, 2022: Like many other Android users, when DarkSky for Android went away I moved to AccuWeather. AccuWeather has had a temperature indicator in its …

Apr 14, 2022: Good news. A nasal spray in development to treat COVID is proving to be effective. The ideal of administering nasal spray to mice causes me to …

Apr 14, 2022: Musk is now trying to buy Twitter. Imagine he owns Twitter and then runs for President of the United States. Would he be forced to divest? A precident …

Apr 13, 2022: Profiting From Addiction I’ve read Jonathan Haidt’s essay, Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid. I can summarize Haidt by saying the …

Apr 13, 2022: Yesterday I thought about what abstraction exists that can enable one to use the editor of their choice to publish to a web site and concluded git and …

Apr 12, 2022: Javy Being Javy I am enjoying watching Detroit sports learn how great a player Javier Baez is, as a Cubs fan I appreciate his unique talent and was disappointed the …

Apr 11, 2022: Currently reading: The Last Week - What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus’s Final Days in Jerusalem by Marcus J. Borg 📚 I’ve read this …

Apr 9, 2022: It is only the second game, but I am already liking this Cubs lineup. Three runs on one hit that is not a home run is not something we saw much since …

Apr 9, 2022: RSS is the main way that I gather what I read online and I have been using it for a couple of decades. Not much has changed in how RSS readers …

Apr 7, 2022: I am ready

Apr 7, 2022: Happy opening day Chicago Cubs fans!

Apr 5, 2022: Today the Chicago Cubs, well actually mostly the Cub’s farm system, will play the last 2022 spring training game and will go in to the new …

Apr 5, 2022: Every year young men have their dreams of becoming Major League Baseball players come true, but fans rarely see the moment when the dream is realized. …

Mar 31, 2022: Today has been windy, with sustained windows at 20 mph and gusts up to 45 mph. Fortunately, the temperature has been from the mid 40s to the low 50s, …

Mar 30, 2022: Nice to see the NFL has somewhat changed their mind on overtime so that both teams will get one possession in playoffs games, but why not during the …

Mar 30, 2022: I am a Chicago Cubs fan who lives in southeast Michigan. When I first moved here in 1989 I couldn’t watch the Cubs unless they were on national …

Mar 29, 2022: I wonder whether the “Friday Night Baseball” on Apple TV will be blacked out for local markets like is?

Mar 28, 2022: Woke up to a frosty 17 degrees this morning. One more day of below normal temperature is forecasted for tomorrow, then we should be back to normal.

Mar 26, 2022: “The Christian faith is different from what the world teaches. The Christian faith is not “seeing is believing,” but rather, “believing is seeing.” We …

Mar 26, 2022: What is even more shocking than corporate suppression of wages is how the corporate and management classes have convinced many workers that the …

Mar 26, 2022: Noooo, not on March 26!

Mar 23, 2022: It’s somewhat shocking to me that after more than 200 years we seem to still not have decided in the United States whether we are one country or …

Mar 23, 2022: I did not know that one of my favorite deserts, tiramisu, did not exist before I was born. Tiramisu means “pick-me-up.”

Mar 18, 2022: Last year on this date our health risk due to COVID decreased as we got our first vaccine shot.

Mar 17, 2022: I know that two selfies in a row is too much, but how else are you going to see this shirt? And if nobody sees it, what is the point?

Mar 16, 2022: Today is the first day of this year that I was able to be outside in just a sweatshirt.

Mar 14, 2022: Somebody is going to be mad at Tom Brady. One should know by now that final is not always final in sports and entertainment.

Mar 14, 2022: It should be a big week for baseball given that there are so many big name free agents yet to sign. I am hoping the Cubs will sign one of them because …

Mar 14, 2022: Looking back at my blog posts from two years ago is revealing. I remember one the first reactions to COVID in the U.S. was to buy up all the toilet …

Mar 11, 2022: And now the fun really begins, watching the free agent tracker to see who is going to be playing for the Cubs this year.

Mar 11, 2022: Probably the most impactful result of the new agreement between the MLB players and owners is the universal designated hitter. I know there will be …

Mar 11, 2022: Woke up this morning to see a fresh layer of snow on the ground, this the day after we got news spring is finally coming due to the MLB lockout …

Mar 11, 2022: Two years ago this week COVID was first officially seen in MIchigan. Little did we know then what that would mean.

Mar 7, 2022: Will the current gas price increases inspire more people to buy electric cars or just complain?

Mar 5, 2022: It’s a nice pre-spring day in southeast Michigan

Mar 1, 2022: It sure feels like we humans are intent on destroyng ourselves and the world.

Mar 1, 2022: Last year on this date the Chicago Cubs won their first spring training game of the 2021 season. Today I have no idea when the Cubs will play their …

Feb 27, 2022: Love your neighbor AS yourself…. “Now if I hear the sound of the genuine in me, and if you hear the sound of the genuine in you, it is possible …

Feb 27, 2022: Would Putin do the same?

Feb 26, 2022: On War War should not be watched or consumed as entertainment. One ought to consider how it is that one or a few people can make the decision to start a war …

Feb 26, 2022: I think Federated Wiki could be used to for Interoperable Personal Libraries and Ad Hoc Reading Groups because federation is a form of …

Feb 25, 2022: Turns out that the U.S. government’s intelligence about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was correct. Doesn’t that make you think that …

Feb 24, 2022: We in the U.S. should learn by now having endured two years of a pandemic that started on the other side of the world that we are all connected and …

Feb 21, 2022: It is really nice and warm (nearly 50 degrees) outside, and while I was walking this afternoon it occurred to me that I should be excited about the …

Feb 19, 2022: The sun is shining again today, but the wind is howling. Accuweather app says it is 13 degrees that feels like 2.

Feb 18, 2022: We have a wall of glass in our condo that was built in the 70s and How Insulated Glass Changed Architecture provides the historical context of that …

Feb 18, 2022: Their hypocrisy makes it difficult to take anything they say seriously. When everything in government is political you end up with a pandemic …

Feb 18, 2022: The second significant snow fall of the season fell yesterday, and the sun is accentuating the result.

Feb 12, 2022: You might have heard that Google is bring back Android for tablets, and many are asking why. Of course, I have thoughts on the news.

Feb 9, 2022: Day 2,555

Feb 6, 2022: The problem with our politics today is that it is obsessed with the past. Conservatives want to go back to the “glory days” of the past (surely this …

Feb 3, 2022: We did not get the foot of snow predicted, but I think we got six inches. Below is at 8:30 AM this morning.

Feb 2, 2022: Nothing like walking outdoors with fresh now. Here are a few pics.

Feb 2, 2022: Here is the 5 PM update. During my walk I noted about four inches on the ground. Picture here doesn’t give the best view.

Feb 2, 2022: Let’s call this the 3 PM update. Snow continues to fall with more accumulation on the ground.

Feb 2, 2022: Noon and not much change. Starting to think forecast was by groundhog

Feb 2, 2022: Not only has today been groundhog day, and my niece’s birthday, it’s 2-2-22.

Feb 2, 2022: Happy groundhog day, snow just started to fall at 8:40 AM EST.

Feb 2, 2022: We are supposed to get as much as a foot of snow today, but it has just started. It did rain over night so there could be ice under the snow. Not much …

Feb 1, 2022: Given the publicity, we better get a foot of snow in the next 24 hours.

Feb 1, 2022: I almost reflexively resist Internet fads like Wordle. All fads fade, Internet ones usually fade into the corporate money sucking black hole. It helps …

Feb 1, 2022: Sadly, W.E.B. Du Bois appears to be right.

Jan 29, 2022: No person selected and approved as Supreme Court Justice in my life time, if ever, was selected based on their qualifications. Qualifications are a …

Jan 29, 2022: Something is fundamentally wrong in a democracy that has all the energy around laws to restrict voting rather than expand voting. We should be …

Jan 26, 2022: It’s cold and I like how the AccuWeather notification on my Pixel 4a makes sure that I know.

Jan 24, 2022: Do any of my readers use Obsidian’s Live Preview mode? If so, can you tell me how you click a link in the normal way that launches the page …

Jan 24, 2022: We are receiving our second substantial snow fall of the season. Almost three inches so far, and could get three more.

Jan 24, 2022: The NFL goes all in on gambling, decides Super Bowl with coin flip. It is going to happen sooner or later as long as the NFL keeps it’s …

Jan 21, 2022: The journal and inking design of the Andromeda OS that Microsoft was developing for the Surface Duo hardware before deciding to use Android instead …

Jan 21, 2022: We have problems folks when we start to make laws to prevent discomfort. The irony is that such laws are being promoted by conversatives, who normally …

Jan 21, 2022: Another Meat Loaf song in the soundtrack of my life is Paradise By The Dashboard Light that is associated to a friend’s wedding.

Jan 21, 2022: You might have heard the phrase “sound track of your life.” One of the earliest songs on my sound track is Two Out Of Three Ain’t …

Jan 19, 2022: I’ve made some tweeks to the CSS of this site that I think make the text easier to read. I hope that you like the result.

Jan 19, 2022: A question that should be answered on the government’s COVID test FAQ, how long is the shelf life of the tests? Or how long do they last? If I …

Jan 19, 2022: Last year Heather Cox Richardson wrote about what the current troubles in the United States are really all about. It’s worth reading again.

Jan 18, 2022: I am using the Arabica theme for my blog design and while I like the font face I think it is too light and thus hard to read, so I need to figure out …

Jan 18, 2022: Mike Caulfield provides good food for thought about over generalizing misinformation: Instead of seeing versions of hearsay (non-institutional …

Jan 17, 2022: Three tools that Power uses to retain power: assimilation, redirection, and religion.

Jan 15, 2022: One of the things that I find really frustrating is following a link from an item in my RSS feed aggregator that is to an article behind a paywall.

Jan 14, 2022: A Simple Plan to Solve All of America’s Problems suggests America’s problems are due to manufactured scarcity. I agree, but unfortunately …

Jan 14, 2022: The first public beta of for Android has been released, which is good progress for my blogging platform. Something happened with the link I …

Jan 14, 2022: Last year Google completed the acquisition of Fitbit and we still have not seen a Fitbit running Wear OS.

Jan 13, 2022: My reaction to the news that Jon Lester is retiring is that I wish he could have done so as a Cub. Seeing him in a Cardinal uniform last year was just …

Jan 11, 2022: Logitech Signature M650 first impressions: One mouse for all people Nice to see Logitech make a mouse for left handed people, who are usually forced …

Jan 11, 2022: Were the Founding Fathers Libertarians? is a good article by David Frum. The article makes an important point, that context (history) matters! I …

Jan 11, 2022: As I said yesterday, so I say it again.

Jan 8, 2022: Forming A More Perfect Union In the United States, democracy is less about the form of government and more about an aspiration. The idea of true equality of all people, regardless …

Jan 8, 2022: In Michigan it’s usually only during winter when it gets this dry.

Jan 7, 2022: Finished the first work week of 2022. Fifty one more weeks to go.

Jan 7, 2022: The scary reality is that the future of the Republic may very much ride on the Republican Presidential Primaries in 2024. The Republican party enabled …

Jan 7, 2022: Another lesson of COVID is the reality that while scientists and doctors know a lot about the human body, there is much, particularly when it comes to …

Jan 7, 2022: The Athletic is being acquired by the New York Times and I don’t know how I feel about it. I subscribe to The Athletic because I find it …

Jan 6, 2022: I think the only real way to address the root cause of the attempted Insurrection on January 6, 2020 is a constitutional amendment that removes the …

Jan 6, 2022: My guess is that many of us view this day differently, and yet others think it overwrought. To me the heart of the matter is the elevation of …

Jan 6, 2022: In my opinion too many U.S. citizens do not have an understanding of the country’s foundational documents, particularly the Declaration of …

Jan 6, 2022: Liberty Needs Equality In my opinion too many U.S. citizens do not have an understanding of the country’s foundational documents, particularly the Declaration of …

Jan 5, 2022: We used to have a manager in my company who wrote a monthly email to the “troops” that he titled “Random Thoughts From A Random …

Jan 4, 2022: Are People In Denial? So I think that it’s better to ask people: “Based on your own self-interest as you yourself define your self-interest, how do …

Jan 4, 2022: I have been using Omnibear with Chrome to post posts to my site, but I’ve recently started using Firefox on my Macbook Air and …

Jan 4, 2022: I’ve changed the theme to this site, again, but this time to one that supports On This Day. I like the fonts used with this one.

Jan 4, 2022: Thought I would move books that I Finished Reading last year to a “Books Read In 2021” bookshelf and discovered that I cannot move books …

Jan 3, 2022: I’ve been thinking about changing the theme for this site and today I learned about Micro Alto that I’ve decided to try, which is why this …

Jan 2, 2022: We got our first substantial snow fall of the season over night. Nearly three inches.

Jan 2, 2022: Finished reading: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho 📚 I started 2022 reading a new book that I finished in a day. Need to sit with what I’ve read.

Dec 31, 2021: I finished my last walk outdoors in 2021. Construction is progressing nicely on the new bridge on a typical Michigan gray winter day.

Dec 31, 2021: I learned something from every one of the books that I read last year and I really wish everyone would read See No Stranger by Valarie Kaur, but given …

Dec 31, 2021: I finish reading my last book of 2021, The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown. As I did last year, I tracked the list of what I read in an OPML file …

Dec 31, 2021: Little did I know then, two years ago that I might be watching the last GLi. I am really disappointed with Little Caesars.

Dec 28, 2021: On The Death Of Desmond Tutu I am only aware of one country in the world that took conscious steps to address the cancer of supremacy, that country is South Africa. It’s …

Dec 27, 2021: A problem of the United States is that we really have no concept of public health. In fact the whole idea of public good is becoming more and more …

Dec 27, 2021: I’ve added Amit’s Stats plugin to my site. It’s interesting to me that I posted nearly 100 more posts in 2020 than any …

Dec 26, 2021: Visitors came to see what we got for Christmas

Dec 25, 2021: This year we have a green, wet Christmas🎄

Dec 24, 2021: If you have a Google Pixel phone you probably know about its lock screen always on display. A change has occurred some time during the last week …

Dec 24, 2021: The Verge: Google will launch two flagship smartwatches early next year. December 22, 2016. Of course, that didn’t happen with Wear OS 2.0, but …

Dec 22, 2021: On September 1, 2014 I wrote about the buzz on the northside of Chicago as the Cubs were calling up some of their young players like Javier Baez. I …

Dec 21, 2021: December 21, 2021, First Day of Winter

Dec 21, 2021: In an example of not seeing what is plainly in front of me, today I noticed the Embed link next to posts in my timeline. Looks like the …

Dec 21, 2021: Does Mac OS really not have a shortcut to minimize all windows to display the desktop?

Dec 21, 2021: This story of how Microsoft came up with the name of Windows CE rings true and makes me wonder who was the executive that forced the name?

Dec 21, 2021: Do you think Die Hard is a Christmas movie?

Dec 21, 2021: The NHL has now “paused' their season, meaning no games until after Christmas. For now. Bets on the pause extending until after New Years?

Dec 20, 2021: It’s beginning to feel a lot like March, 2020, when the world seemed to start locking down. Back then it started with professional sports and …

Dec 18, 2021: There is much in this New Yorker article, A Political Philosopher Is Hopeful About the Democrats, that makes sense to me as one who lives in fly-over …

Dec 18, 2021: We are being visited by a flock of birds, enough that I can hear them chirping as they forage. When the whole flock takes flight you hear the mass …

Dec 18, 2021: I am seeing a definite increase in the number of athletes in COVID-19 protocols and sporting events being delayed. I can’t help but feel some …

Dec 16, 2021: From two years ago: My constantly saying that I am great does not make me so, that makes me arrogant.

Dec 11, 2021: As noted previously, I have a new Macbook Air and I am just getting used to using Mac OS. When at my desk I am connecting the Macbook to a 32 inch …

Dec 11, 2021: Today’s Axios Future provides a very nice one pager about Quantum Computing. I really like how Axios publishes on the web.

Dec 11, 2021: It’s a weird weather day. Temperatures are in the 50s, which is way above normal, and a lot of wind. Weather apps are reporting sustained 20 mph …

Dec 8, 2021: Did you see the news that Pfizer’s COVID booster is effective against the Omicron variant? How many of you then thought to yourself, of course …

Dec 8, 2021: Nine years ago I wrote a definition of personal computing in the following formulaic manner: personal computing = hardware + software + Internet + …

Dec 8, 2021: Today I learned about V for Wikipedia, which is a nice though oddly named iOS app for Wikipedia that on first look reminded of me of V for Vendetta. I …

Dec 7, 2021: Right now more than 4,400 people in Michigan are in hospitals due ot COVID and we have the highest amount of hospitalizations in the United States.

Dec 6, 2021: How many static site generators can there be? Seems like thousands! Well, only hundreds.

Dec 6, 2021: Three years ago I built my wiki server and the wiki has grown to 409 pages. I still need to move it to a 64-bit server in order to run the latest …

Dec 3, 2021: I think folks who are serious about “tools for thought” should check out the work of Linus Lee. Linus has a different point of view on the …

Dec 3, 2021: We had above normal temperatures yesterday but work prevented me from getting outside enough. It was a glorious sun.

Dec 2, 2021: Looks like all those millions of workers quitting their jobs, aka “the great resignation,” are not lazy, they are going in to business for …

Dec 1, 2021: Finished reading: No Cure for Being Human: And Other Truths I Need to Hear by Kate Bowler 📚 The writing in this book is all too relatable to me. A …

Nov 30, 2021: The more articles I read about COVID19 the more frustrated I get with the lack of availability of affordable rapid testing in the United States. …

Nov 30, 2021: I am connecting the Macbook Air to the BenQ Monitor, which I have configured as the primary display with the display extending to the internal display …

Nov 29, 2021: MLB Free Agent signings are picking up and so far the Cubs are sitting on the sidelines. I am starting to be pessimistic about the ownership’s …

Nov 27, 2021: The snow started falling at noon but is letting up now. As you can see, not a lot of accumulation but enough to make it look winter-like. Would have …

Nov 27, 2021: Settled in to watch the Michigan vs Ohio State football game, today’s iteration of this game is the first in a long time that has been so meaningful. …

Nov 27, 2021: I hope the official app for Android that I think is in development will support the Android share sheet. It is frustrating to not be able …

Nov 27, 2021: Local weather forecasts predict we will be getting the first big snow fall of the season later today. Just looked outside and I see that it is already …

Nov 26, 2021: I just received the leather sleeve I ordered for my Macbook Air from Mission Leather Company and it fits perfectly. I love the smell of leather.

Nov 24, 2021: I like that I can publish blog posts that I write in Drummer to my site but one missing piece I wish was available is integration with the …

Nov 24, 2021: An observation. The 2020 edition Macbook Air is one substantial piece of metal. Not only does it handle compute processing like butter, but it can …

Nov 24, 2021: I’ve been monitoring the COVID data pretty much since it has been published, but I am embarrassed to admit that I just now found the COVID …

Nov 24, 2021: Today I am reminded of the awesomeness of the Internet. Two, sites worth bookmarking: screaming in Iceland and WindowSwap. You are welcome!

Nov 22, 2021: Wondering what is the best browser to use on my new Macbook Air? My normal primary browser is Chrome and that serves me well except for one small …

Nov 22, 2021: The Michigan Panthers are back? The only Michigan professional football team to win a championship.

Nov 22, 2021: Finished reading: Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God: The Scandalous Truth of the Very Good News by Brian Zahnd 📚 The title is intended to be a …

Nov 22, 2021: Bookshelves Issue Update: The issue below has been resolved. Today I tried to move a book listed in bookshelves that I was currently reading to finished, but …

Nov 22, 2021: Still think that replay should stop play and make calls on hits to the head in the NFL. In the last 10 minutes of the game tonight there have been two …

Nov 21, 2021: The pitfall of playing in two fantasy football leagues: having your point leader (Jonathan Taylor) in one league leading your opposition in the other. …

Nov 19, 2021: I am still feeling my way around macOS and the applications I can use. I’ve been using Drafts on the iPad, so I installed the macOS version. One …

Nov 19, 2021: Zeynep Tufekci, What Happens After the Worst of the Pandemic Is Behind Us? In her book “March of Folly,” the historian Barbara Tuchman describes …

Nov 17, 2021: COVID-19 defenses in my body were boosted yesterday. Feeling nearly the same immune response I felt after shot #2, which is an odd comfort.

Nov 16, 2021: Comparing the battery life of my Pixel 4a to the Pixel 2 back when I made note of it four years ago. Screen on is still at 5 hours, but screen off …

Nov 15, 2021: “Too many people do not know the Constitution nor appreciate the fundamental reasons for why the U.S. form of republican democracy was designed …

Nov 14, 2021: Live With Or Remove Corruption? While I am sympathetic to Dave Winer’s critique of journalism in the United States, I am skeptical that his recommended improvements will make a …

Nov 14, 2021: The first snow of the season is falling on us.

Nov 13, 2021: Dear Google how come text messages that I mark as spam appear on the share sheet in Android 12?

Nov 10, 2021: The Spiritual Experience of Microcenter I was in an actual computer store yesterday, which was momentous for two reasons. First is that I have not really spent much time in stores other than …

Nov 9, 2021: To make a conscious decision one must first be conscious.

Nov 9, 2021: Three years ago on this date we got the first snow fall of the winter season. No snow is in the forecast for today, but we might get rain. I hear the …

Nov 6, 2021: I might not agree with the reasons why a person chooses to not get the COVID19 vaccine, but I respect their decision if they own the decision and the …

Nov 6, 2021: Blog Posts and Stories While thinking about how I use and how I am using Drummer it occurs to me that both blogging platforms have the same problem with handling …

Nov 6, 2021: I write many of my blog posts on this site using the Drafts app on my iPad, and I can do that because supports an open API that provides …

Nov 6, 2021: One thing that annoys me about the app on the iPad is when I follow a link that someone posts and I return back to the app it doesn’t …

Nov 6, 2021: This summary about Matter makes the app sound appealing, but I am pretty happy with my current reading flow that uses River5, Radio3, IFFT, Pocket, …

Nov 5, 2021: “People are not really voting on issues, which I think is why polling is not working. People are voting on fear and mostly fear of the other …

Nov 4, 2021: I am planning on buying a new Macbook during the holiday season, so I am keeping my eyes on the deals being offered. I am not in the market for the …

Nov 3, 2021: Congratulations to Atlanta Braves fans who are celebrating their teams World Series championship victory. Watching the game last night gave me all the …

Nov 2, 2021: Five years ago today was the greatest game ever played. I still tear up thinking about it.

Nov 2, 2021: Microsoft now has a Notion clone, while I don’t really get Notion. Every time I have checked Notion out I just think it has too much.

Nov 2, 2021: Wholehearted Faith, which is Rachel Held Evans last adult book, downloaded to my Kindle app today. Given her tragic death, I have mixed feelings about …

Nov 2, 2021: Epilogue is a new entry in the suite of apps, currently in beta, that can be used to manage your book shelves. You can also …

Nov 2, 2021: I am so tired of advertising bombarding everything, particularly YouTube. For me, YouTube is becoming less and less usable. Not only are there …

Nov 2, 2021: Does anyone know of where one can legally buy a Windows 11 license (product key) to use for a virtual machine? Please reply with links if possible.

Nov 2, 2021: Zavala is an outliner that runs in iOS and iPadOS that exports to OPML. The developer is working on integration with using Shortcuts.

Nov 1, 2021: I read these stories of Manchin in the middle of all the current politics and I can’t help but think about how much of an ego trip that must be. …

Oct 27, 2021: Android 12L reads to me to be a bit like iPadOS. Interesting how Google and Apple interact, although foldables don’t appear to be on …

Oct 27, 2021: In my opinion, obsessing over Facebook from either a journalistic or free speech point of view is wrong. Facebook is operating within a system that …

Oct 27, 2021: Looking through the pictures that I took during my most recent trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and I think this one of the Cut River Bridge …

Oct 25, 2021: Regarding writing posts for using Drummer. If you create a post in Drummer and publish it do not edit that post in because you …

Oct 25, 2021: I really enjoy watching the Manning brothers version of Monday Night Football on ESPN2. It might be a sign that I watch too much football that I …

Oct 25, 2021: All of a sudden all of what I have written and published today on my Old School blog today has disappeared. Not good. Looks like any new post created …

Oct 25, 2021: I was having a problem with my iPad Mini in that links to web sites that should load from other apps like email do not load. The problem also affects …

Oct 23, 2021: Something is not right in Drummerland, my Old School blog is refusing to build. Posted an issue. Writing this here via Drummer to confirm integration …

Oct 23, 2021: Morning walk in the motherland.

Oct 22, 2021: Cut River Bridge in Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Oct 20, 2021: Last year the Earth spacecraft OSIRIS-REX touched asteroid Bennu and collected rocks. As of last June the spacecraft was 328,000 miles away from Bennu …

Oct 19, 2021: When I compare the Pixel 6 to my Pixel 4a the differences in the camera really jump out. I confess that given the price and the features that if I …

Oct 19, 2021: My main beef with the Pixel 6 is that it is a tad too large. The largest phone I have carried is the Nexus 6P, which was 6.27 inches tall and a little …

Oct 19, 2021: My first impression having watched the ending of the presentation is that Google has hit it out of the park with this release of Android 12 and the …

Oct 19, 2021: Just clicked System Update on my Pixel 4, and an update is available to Download and install. I expect this to be the production update. It’s a …

Oct 19, 2021: Where have all the cicadas gone? Inline image support is not yet part of the Drummer integration with microblog. Changes are happening rapidly, just …

Oct 19, 2021: Ok, the Drummer publishing to looks easy enough to set up, so I have gone ahead and done it. Success! We have a new post created, but what …

Oct 19, 2021: Manton hinted about an experiment of integration between Drummer and, and he has posted a video about what they have.

Oct 19, 2021: Tufte for is a new theme for sites. Of particular note is that it supports margin figures, which are what I have been calling …

Oct 19, 2021: I am happy to have the At A Glance widget back in operaton on my phone, but I am surprised that it doesn’t appear to be integrated with Material …

Oct 19, 2021: There have been some changes in a year. How my desk looked last year: And how my desk looks now: The biggest different, literally, has been the switch …

Oct 18, 2021: The At a Glance widget is now functional again on my Pixel 4a after disappearing when I installed the last beta of Android 12. I wonder whether the …

Oct 18, 2021: I wonder why Apple did not announce that the new MacBook Pros will ship with MacOS Monterey? Perhaps that was due to the pre-recording of the event …

Oct 16, 2021: The future is doomed by money and not just by what is paid to Manchin, though no doubt his leverage commands a sizable check.

Oct 16, 2021: Perhaps one of the most encouraging things for me is seeing people figure out how to get Drummer blogs working with HTTPS. That is a big improvement …

Oct 15, 2021:

Oct 15, 2021: Ready for the Michigan Tech Huskies hockey home opener. Let’s go Tech, beat Notre Dame!

Oct 15, 2021: I’ve created a public outline to share Drummer scripts. Nothing fancy, but a few useful items that improve quality of life in Drummer for me.

Oct 15, 2021: Note that with, everything I post is cross-posted to Twitter. With Drummer I can select specific posts to cross-post to Twitter. At this …

Oct 12, 2021: Dave has provided code to publish content you write in Drummer to an AWS S3 bucket. It’s not clear yet to me how it’s expected for the …

Oct 12, 2021: The first phone running Android sold in the United States was the T-Mobile G1, first sold on October 22, 2008. The HTC version began selling a month …

Oct 12, 2021: Taking a walk down memory lane. Found a picture of the huge battery pack that I used with the T-Mobile G1 in order for the phone to last through the …

Oct 11, 2021: To me Drummer is the next version of Fargo, but that is only relevant to people like me who used Fargo. One enters and manages content in an outline, …

Oct 8, 2021: I will try Drummer. Two things I am interested to learn, one is how is the backend hosting handled the other is the level of integration with Radio3. …

Oct 6, 2021: I find it interesting that there is a resurgence of tablets running Android, with Nokia being the latest announcement. My guess is that this is a …

Oct 6, 2021: New York Yankees seem to have the same problems the Chicago Cubs had since 2016. Most likely they won’t admit to following the wrong formula of …

Oct 5, 2021: In my opinion the root cause to the problems that Facebook exposes is the commercialization of the Internet. Capitalism provides a tremendous amount …

Oct 5, 2021: Facebook’s business model centers on keeping people engaged in their site and they, as does just about anyone in the advertising business, know …

Oct 5, 2021: Happy Windows 11 day! I’ve spent the last several days experimenting with the ARM Version of Windows 11 on a Raspberry Pi 4. The installation …

Oct 2, 2021: When I think of Michigan, fall is the season that first comes to mind. As a life long Michigander, I also know that on nice fall days you got to get …

Oct 2, 2021: Apple should stop taking itself–and the iPhone–so seriously | Macworld Not just Apple, but also Apple users. Whether it’s a tab or a button the …

Oct 1, 2021: It’s the media, claims the Supreme Court Justice at a event hosted by Mitch McConnell, that is making the court look like “a bunch of …

Sep 29, 2021: Found the reason for why the Chrome OS Files app on my Pixelbook was taking so long to load the file system. There were SMB share mappings that became …

Sep 27, 2021: The Files app in Chrome OS Version 93 on my Google Pixelbook is taking too long to refresh the contents of the file system at first launch. I …

Sep 27, 2021: Just a year ago I wrote…. Of all my favorite teams, the Cubs have the most talent and I expect will have chances to win championships again in …

Sep 24, 2021: After a week of cold, wet weather it’s nice to see the sun and feel the cool autumn breeze.

Sep 24, 2021: I notice that my free year subscription to Apple TV+ expires at the end of next month and they released the first episode of the Asimov Foundation …

Sep 23, 2021: I don’t see a good way to confirm what processor type is in a Wear OS watch. Settings does not show any processor details. Consequently, I …

Sep 23, 2021: Learning Computing Back when there were several book store chains and plenty of stores I spent a fair amount of time in them and in particular looking through the …

Sep 22, 2021: 2021 Microsoft Surface Event I am contemplating purchasing a new laptop computer so that I can access and learn the latest operating systems. I am most interested in Window 11 …

Sep 22, 2021: The Quick Notes feature with iPadOS 15 not only provides a way to quickly create a note, but it also links notes to apps if they are set up for it. An …

Sep 21, 2021: Happy Operating System Season And here you thought pumpkin spice was for fall, no it’s operating system season! Yesterday Apple released iOS and iPadOS Version 15, and coming …

Sep 20, 2021: Only in the United States will half the population recognize COVID-19 as the deadliest disease in American history, while the other half is convinced …

Sep 20, 2021: I wonder whether anyone resisting the COVID vaccine finds these stories of regret compelling? I doubt it, they only will be if they are about a …

Sep 17, 2021: Sir Sinclair and I British inventor Sir Clive Sinclair died yesterday, September 16. I, of course, never met this man who had an impact on the direction of my life. My …

Sep 17, 2021: It seems to me that the real argument occuring in the United States is between when one’s rights affect the rights of others, which one is given …

Sep 15, 2021: Twenty years ago today, a Sikh father was murdered in front of his gas station in Mesa, Arizona by a man who called himself a patriot. Balbir Singh …

Sep 13, 2021: I’ve listened to Andrew Sullivan’s interview with Michael Wolff, who has written three books about the Trump presidency. Wolff’s …

Sep 13, 2021: You can rage against the man, or you can enable people to access your applications and sites. Or write a web browser for them to access your site.

Sep 13, 2021: What if COVID-19 leads to better treatments for, dare I dream a cure for, cancer?

Sep 11, 2021: Wishing It Was So In my feeds this morning are some statements recalling how united they thought we were on 9/12/2001 and wishing that was the same today. A deeper, …

Sep 9, 2021: I think When Society Becomes an Addict by Anne Wilson Schaef provides much insight in to why the United States is stuck. 📚

Sep 9, 2021: I think the hyper-individualistic mode that pervades the United States is as much a product of the neoliberal reaction the New Deal. Ever since they …

Sep 7, 2021: “Climate policy is ultimately an economic question.” – John Cochrane This is ultimately our societal problem, viewing everything …

Sep 6, 2021: Just in case you didn’t know, 906 is the only area code for the entire Upper Peninsula of Michigan. In addition, 906 is the largest area code in …

Sep 6, 2021: About 906 Day

Sep 5, 2021: Finished reading: No Rising Tide: Theology, Economics, and the Future by Joerg Rieger 📚 From the author: “One of the core concerns of this book …

Sep 4, 2021: “Yet it is the peculiar genius of our society that its rulers have figured out a way, as in the case of the fish-fryers, to ensure that rage is …

Sep 4, 2021: “Ambition seems, after all, a uniquely human trait — one that lies at the core of innovation, creativity, and discovery. But what if it wasn’t …

Sep 4, 2021:

Sep 2, 2021: Looking at the COVID-19 data for my county shows discouraging information. The upward trend right tnow is like last year, BUT the rate of increase in …

Sep 1, 2021: Philips Hue and Spotify have an integration that I just tried out and found to be pretty good, even if it isn’t yet fully complete. Basically …

Aug 31, 2021: Google has a digital handwriting Progressive Web App it calls Cursive that can now be installed on any Chromebook. However, since you cannot type in …

Aug 30, 2021: Fossil’s Gen 6 line of Wear OS watches is now available to order, they ship at the end of the month and cost around $300. I think this …

Aug 30, 2021: Just took my morning walk and it’s so nice to have cooler air again.

Aug 27, 2021: Google has added a new Daylong Routine to Assistant.

Aug 25, 2021: Surprised it stayed still long enough for me to snap a few pictures. It was looking for lunch that it found.

Aug 22, 2021: Finished reading: In the Shelter: Finding a Home in the World by Pádraig Ó Tuama 📚 I really enjoyed this book because it contains so much wisdom …

Aug 22, 2021: Ford Reveals 2022 Bronco Eruption Green Metallic heritage paint color - SlashGear I like this, part of me wants to get a Bronco because of the …

Aug 22, 2021: So this just happened. Embarrassed to admit the I just figured out what is causing that rattling sound that is constant and loud outside, that be …

Aug 21, 2021: It’s not surprising that a citizenry obsessed with appearance chooses to ignore reality. Not surprising that we took the Village People’s …

Aug 21, 2021: To the half of the U.S. population who actually cares about things like what our government does in our name, while we must do everything to rescue …

Aug 21, 2021: What if a black squirrel crosses your path?

Aug 20, 2021: After Using Android 12 For One Week A little over a week ago I installed beta 4 of Android 12 on my Google Pixel 4a. I have not experienced any significant issues with running this …

Aug 18, 2021: This article in 9to5Google suggests that the Fossil Gen 6 may be available by the end of September and will have the Qualcomm 4100 chip.

Aug 17, 2021: The only way decisions made by the governors of Florida and Texas change in the future is if these guys lose their next elections bigly.

Aug 17, 2021: The Pixel 5a launch day is August 26, which is likely to be the date when Android 12 launches. Last year the 4a shipped with Android 10 but Android 11 …

Aug 17, 2021: My Google Pixel 4a is now last year’s phone and no longer sold by Google. In its place is the new Pixel 5a. The good news is that Google …

Aug 17, 2021: “The window on the talent the Cubs do have is getting smaller and it will be a shame if they only make it to one World Series.” –Me, …

Aug 16, 2021: We tell ourselves this was different than Vietnam because the kids weren’t drafted, but it wasn’t. And right now a boy or girl in …

Aug 16, 2021: App Suggestions do not appear to be working in Android 12 Beta 4.

Aug 16, 2021: I’ve enabled Focus Mode on my Pixel 4a that is running Android 12 Beta 4 so that I do not get less important notifications during the work day. …

Aug 15, 2021: My home network has both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz WiFi bands and each band has a different SSID, which I created to easily know which of the two a device is …

Aug 14, 2021: “The Galaxy Watch 4 just isn’t Wear OS’ flagship, it’s a Samsung watch that just happens to be running the platform.” A bit …

Aug 14, 2021: Finally lower humidity

Aug 14, 2021: Not a cloud in the sky.

Aug 14, 2021: “Yes, currently we are in the middle of a tennis ball shortage,” said Nancy Zinn, a customer service representative for Fromuth Racquet …

Aug 14, 2021: It seems to happen over and over again. I read about a new app, so I click the link (assuming the author of whatever I am reading provides a link) and …

Aug 13, 2021: Google Wear Is A Hot Mess Google Wear OS is a hot mess. During Google I/O earlier this year I got the impression that due to the partnership between Google and Samsung the …

Aug 13, 2021: “If you’re vaccinated, you did the best thing you can do, and there’s no reason to feel pessimistic,” Inci Yildirim, a vaccinologist and …

Aug 13, 2021: “One of my perennial complaints about the current crop of “tools for thought” has been that most of them aren’t really about thinking per se, …

Aug 13, 2021: Apparently I misunderstood and the beta of Android 12 that I installed is not the last beta. None the less, so far it has been stable for me.

Aug 12, 2021: First Impressions Of Android 12 Yesterday Google released the final user beta for Android 12, and as I did since version 10, I have installed it on my Pixel 4a. First thing I looked …

Aug 12, 2021: I’ve lived in Michigan all of my life, the last 30+ years in southeast Michigan, and I can’t remember a summer with so many thunderstorms. …

Aug 11, 2021: Summer in Michigan. Even with 85% humidity it’s not too bad sitting in the shade if there is a nice breeze.

Aug 11, 2021: Yesterday we went to the beach in Port Huron, Michigan. Living in Michigan all my life means I’ve never been more than an hour away from a Great Lake. …

Aug 7, 2021: The most important civics lesson, most important history lesson, and the most important sociology lesson about the United States is that the United …

Aug 7, 2021: Something Was Going On In Japan The summer Olympic are nearly done and I really didn’t watch it much. I think a big part of the problem was the time difference and the Internet …

Aug 6, 2021: Currently reading: In the Shelter: Finding a Home in the World by Pádraig Ó Tuama 📚

Aug 5, 2021: Dave Winer is contemplating how to support tools for thought on small screen devices like smartphones. The lesson learned since Personal Digital …

Aug 2, 2021: Mother Earth is providing glorious weather in Michigan to start the month of August.

Aug 2, 2021: My reaction to the Google Pixel 6 news today is simple, I can’t imagine spending nearly or north of $1,000 for a smartphone. I’ve not had …

Aug 2, 2021: The good news is that the vaccines have definitely decreased the rate of death due to COVID in the United States. The bad news is that the Delta …

Aug 2, 2021: I’ve observed this before and I will write it again, the trend of COVID cases in my county right now looks nearly identical to the trend last …

Jul 31, 2021: The attempted insurrection on the United States on January 6, 2021 was predicted on this date last year.

Jul 31, 2021: I’ve been wondering what to call this new era of Chicago Cubs baseball. I shall dub thee the post World Series era, but I hope it’s …

Jul 30, 2021: I am feeling really conflicted, so fortunate to live to see the Chicago Cubs win the World Series in 2016 and now seeing the players who made that …

Jul 29, 2021: I am a life long fan of the Chicago Cubs and I’ve seen my favorite players leave them before, but seeing Rizzo going to the Yankees and …

Jul 29, 2021: I think that Google and Samsung are planning Wear OS 3 to launch exclusively on Samsung watches. The question is, will it be available for other …

Jul 29, 2021: The last time I bought a notebook PC was three years ago. Microsoft’s Windows 11 announcement has me thinking about my next notebook. I want one …

Jul 29, 2021: As I drove home yesterday I drove past Groves High School where I saw signs of support for Annie Lazor, 2020 Olympian competing in the 200-meter …

Jul 28, 2021: Dave has a feature on Scripting News that he calls tagging, which is basically a reference to all the writing on his site that includes that tag. …

Jul 27, 2021: According to a study from 2015, Christians hold the largest amount of wealth (55% of the total world wealth), followed by Muslims (5.8%), Hindus …

Jul 27, 2021: These changes made to Waze sound really useful if I were still commuting to work. I am surprised that Google has kept Waze a separate product.

Jul 26, 2021: If you are a wealthy man and found yourself in a group of wealthy men with the opportunity to found a new country, would you model that new country on …

Jul 26, 2021: When is the last time that you changed your mind about something?

Jul 26, 2021: Finished reading: Hoping Against Hope: Confessions of a Postmodern Pilgrim by John D. Caputo 📚 Rather than a Platonic, matter and spirit (body and …

Jul 25, 2021: “Hope means that things are neither steered mightily unto good by an invisible wisdom nor hollowed out at their center by some primordial catastrophe …

Jul 23, 2021: I can’t help but feel that the days are numbered for the Great Lakes Invitational hockey tournament with the announcement that the 56th GLI will …

Jul 23, 2021: IoT Is An Oxymoron What made local area and wireless networks happen are industry standards that enable different vendor products to work with each other. The Internet …

Jul 22, 2021: It doesn’t take much to figure out why the Chicago Cubs have faded and are out of the running for the playoffs. Team batting average is nearly …

Jul 22, 2021: I managed to undo what I did that prevented me from getting into my servers, which enabled me to successfully move my server and River of News …

Jul 22, 2021: Fun With Servers I borked the server that has been hosting my instance of nodestorage, which in turn provided the editing for my old blog. This blog was the …

Jul 20, 2021: Just checked the Google Play store to see if I can directly install an app to my smartwatch. I searched for watches faces, selected one, and saw that …

Jul 19, 2021: Why is it so freakin' difficult to find what is the most current version of Wear OS? Right now I have Version 2.28 on my Fossil Sport, is that the …

Jul 19, 2021: I’ve seen two articles today reporting that Google has updated the Play Store on Android Smartphones so that it can remotely (directly) install …

Jul 19, 2021: I bought an Airthings Wave Mini that is placed in the basement of our home, which is also our home office. It’s currently in day two of a seven …

Jul 19, 2021: BreezoMeter provides location based air quality maps.

Jul 15, 2021: I am disappointed with the final episode of Loki. For me, because episode five was so good it felt as though the final episode closed the first season …

Jul 12, 2021: Finished reading: One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America by Kevin Kruse 📚

Jul 10, 2021: NFL Sunday Ticket bidding war could lead to new streaming home after 2022 season I am hoping that the price to watch a specific team is much less than …

Jul 10, 2021: Power came back on yesterday at 10:30 AM, which enabled us to get through most of the work day. We just started purging the fridge, so getting …

Jul 9, 2021: After a long short week highlighted by 36 hours of no electricity, it’s nice to watch the Cubs beat up on the Cardinals.

Jul 8, 2021: Been dealing with power outage since 5:30 PM yesterday. It came back on at 11:30 PM but went back off at 7:30 AM to this morning. I wouldn’t be …

Jul 5, 2021: Read about the updates that Google is making to the Wear OS App Store. Wish someone would write about the stupidity of the on watch store existing. In …

Jul 4, 2021: It drives me crazy how Cub managers keep putting the wrong players in the lead off position. No reason for Contreras to be leading off today and it …

Jul 4, 2021: Happy to start another fourth of July in the shade on our patio.

Jul 1, 2021: It’s virtual Friday and the feeling (and weather) is good!

Jun 30, 2021: I am using NetNewsWire just on my iPad and do not have it configured with any back end system. Recently the refresh of feeds has been running slow, …

Jun 30, 2021: June 30th appears to be a very productive blogging day for me over the years.

Jun 29, 2021: Charles Mills, author of The Racial Contract: “There is a dynamism inside liberalism that they miss,” he told me. “The huge advantage of liberal …

Jun 29, 2021: Last year new COVID-19 cases in Michigan were averaging between 200 to 300 per day. We now seem to be at around 150 per day, on average, which is not …

Jun 25, 2021: Run away! Run away!

Jun 25, 2021: A new album of original songs from Styx? Yes please!

Jun 24, 2021: For me the most interesting part of the Windows 11 event was the announcement that developers can integrate their own “commerce engine” …

Jun 23, 2021: Dave Winer: “If you don’t believe we’re a racist country, ask yourself when people of color ever tried to stop white people from voting.”

Jun 22, 2021: Today is opening day in Michigan. All COVID restrictions put in place by the state health department are removed. For how long?

Jun 21, 2021: What is a Sundog, and How Did “Sundogs” Get Their Name? And now you know, the rest of the story.

Jun 21, 2021: I don’t normally pay much attention to Samsung events because I find their products too expensive. However, I am interested in their upcoming …

Jun 21, 2021: It’s now a year since Qualcomm announced the Wear 4100 processor and there are only two watches, both from Mobvoi, available that use it. I hope …

Jun 19, 2021: Google Fit to delete old data following calculation changes I continue to be amazed that Google has not built a really good web application for the …

Jun 19, 2021: Btw, one should not conclude that streams are bad and gardens are good, they are just different. One good thing about my blog stream is that it …

Jun 19, 2021: The Garden And Stream Metaphors Dave, in the context of the Internet, the garden and the stream are metaphors for two different approaches to content on the Internet. A stream is …

Jun 19, 2021: Last year on this date the Governor of New York held his last press briefing on COVID. Earlier this week the Governor of Michigan announced the …

Jun 14, 2021: This site is now back to full functionality, meaning the Photos and Archive pages full render. As part of the troubleshooting I changed the appearance …

Jun 14, 2021: Today is a Monday and the first day back to work after a week vacation.

Jun 9, 2021: They survived one of the worst school shootings in American history. Now they’re graduating. “For two years after the shooting, I thought …

Jun 4, 2021: If you follow my blog site on you will notice I changed the apperance. The site is having problems updating my Photos and Archive pages so …

Jun 3, 2021: More blossoms

May 31, 2021: I find it shameful, particularly on Memorial Day, that there are persistent attacks on the reasons why so many made the supreme sacrifice. In the …

May 30, 2021: Rhododendron

May 24, 2021: Finished reading: OMG WTF Does the Constitution Actually Say? by Ben Sheehan 📚

May 22, 2021: Engadget, Android 12 Beta hands-on: A fresh look with few major changes for now Summer not only means warm weather, it also means a new version of …

May 22, 2021: Om Malik, Weapons of mass (value) destruction “Now, the botox-enhanced, rhinestone-wearing version of Ma Bell has announced that it will spin …

May 22, 2021: Having read several reviews of the new M1 iPad Pros, I note that for probably the last five years the hardware has always been more capable than the …

May 22, 2021: What the ephemerality of the Web means for your hyperlinks Of these deep links, 25 percent of all links were completely inaccessible. Linkrot became …

May 22, 2021: It feels more like July outside rather than May, but I am enjoying sitting outdoors for the first time this year.

May 17, 2021: In the category of things not needed: pickle-flavored hard seltzer.

May 15, 2021: Zeynep Tufekci: The C.D.C. guidelines are essentially implying that the risk that the vaccinated will transmit the virus to others, including their …

May 15, 2021: One of the worst things about the United States is how healthcare amd public health have become politicized. We are no longer capable of doing things …

May 15, 2021: Seeking USB-C Dock For 4K Monitor TL;DR USB-C Docks that include USB 3 data ports most likely do not support DisplayPort 4K at 60 Hz unless they support DisplayPort 1.4. A dock with a …

May 14, 2021: Michigan Lifts Mask Requirement For Fully Vaccinated Residents | Patch In Michigan, if you are fully vaccinated, you are not required to wear a mask. …

May 14, 2021: The story about the invention of Post-It Notes is a legend, so I want to acknowledge the passing of Spencer Silver, inventor of the adhesive used for …

May 14, 2021: I think that in the article The Memex Method Cory Doctorow provides an explanation that I could use for why I blog. While when I write something here …

May 13, 2021: CDC Says Fully Vaccinated People Can Stop Wearing Masks Indoors : NPR So fully vaccinated people are not carriers of the virus and thus cannot spread …

May 13, 2021: Roam is not an outliner, even though it has outlining features in it’s editor. Roam is a Personal Knowledge Management tool built around …

May 12, 2021: The little boy in me wants the Starsky and Hutch car! Child of the 70s!!

May 12, 2021: I was curious, so I created this simple one page blog using Little Outliner.

May 12, 2021: A Wiki User's Expectation Of Double Square Brackets I am following Dave’s writing about the integration of Little Outliner with apps like Obsidian and Logseq. I think it’s important to note …

May 12, 2021: You will notice at the top of this page there is a link to a new Reading page, where you can see what I am currently reading along with links to books …

May 10, 2021: I agree with The Verge, that the Shortcuts app needs to provide a way to silence notifications. And, it needs to fix the Close App action for Personal …

May 9, 2021: Just received a frost advisory notification on my phone. Too cold for May!

May 9, 2021: Further troubleshooting of my Personal Automations finds that if I switch from the opened app to another app then the close app event triggers in the …

May 8, 2021: I have a few Personal Automations on my iPad that should trigger when I open and close an app. Up until a recent update to iPadOS, or to Shortcuts, …

May 7, 2021: Currently reading: OMG WTF Does the Constitution Actually Say? by Ben Sheehan 📚

May 2, 2021: “Lovers are the ones who know most about God,” von Balthasar writes; “the theologian must listen to them.” Such listening best happens, I’ve …

May 1, 2021: A Personal Digital Habitat is a federated multi-device information environment within which a person routinely dwells. It is associated with a …

May 1, 2021: The Wilmington coup stands as the only successful and lasting armed overthrow of a legitimate municipal government in American history on U.S soil. It …

May 1, 2021: I tried Tile tags and stopped using them, because I found I don’t lose things, so I am wondering whether the people caught up in the Air Tags hysteria …

Apr 29, 2021: I’ve recently discovered Moleskine Journey, which is a personal information manager designed for creative minds, independent workers, audacious …

Apr 28, 2021: For me the most frustrating and disappointing thing about reactions to COVID is that so many people only think about it in terms of personal health …

Apr 26, 2021:

Apr 23, 2021: As of today my wife and I are fully vaccinated! The question now is, what does this mean for us?

Apr 23, 2021: COVID-19 will be with us for years and years, continuing to be deadly, because people refuse to take the vaccines or just don’t think the issue …

Apr 22, 2021: In an article discussing an breakout of a COVID-19 variant at a Kentucky nursing home of residents nearly all vaccinated, Zeynep writes: Facts need …

Apr 19, 2021: Forgive my moment of patting myself on the back. Last night I found that the fill valve in the toilet on the main floor of our house needed to be …

Apr 19, 2021: The UI this website is remarkable. You might have noticed that my site is very bland, that’s mostly because I lack the design skills, but also …

Apr 18, 2021: Amazon has broken a what has been significant piece of functionality in the iOS Kindle app, the ability to send a book’s title and author to …

Apr 18, 2021: Day 1 of lap 56 around the sun.

Apr 17, 2021: NFL’s first official sports betting partnerships include FanDuel, DraftKings, SlashGear For as long as I can remember organized sports viewed betting …

Apr 16, 2021: Received the Obvious Shirt that I ordered, though this is the one that I really want. I wish their web site had a notification for when shirts are …

Apr 16, 2021: This is the largest flowering tree that I have ever seen.

Apr 16, 2021: Friday, 1:20 PM Central Standard Time

Apr 14, 2021: I have a Logitech MX Keys keyboard and a MX Master 3 mouse that I use every day with my work Windows 10 PC. The PC has two USB ports, one USB 3 port …

Apr 13, 2021: Why The Republican Party Isn’t Rebranding After 2020, FiveThirtyEight I think another reason why Republicans are not willing to change is that they …

Apr 13, 2021: The Chicago Cubs is the worst hitting team in baseball, but this shouldn’t be a surprise. It seems obvious to me that the Cubs' front office …

Apr 13, 2021: I’ve forked a page of information about tracking down the origin of COVID-19 to my wiki. The page is being regularly updated and as a ton of …

Apr 12, 2021: “You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal …

Apr 12, 2021: Using A 32-inch Monitor I recently started using a 32-inch monitor, and I am figuring out its best ergonomic setup. I’ve searched for information, and this article is …

Apr 12, 2021: As of last Friday a little over 25% of the target population in Michigan has been fully vaccinated, which is well below what is needed to affect the …

Apr 12, 2021: My wife and I had a pretty strong immune response the day after we received the Pfizer COVID vaccine, but felt much better the next day. Onward to …

Apr 9, 2021: The flip that Michigan Governor Whitmer has made in her stance with COVID is astounding. It has the appearance that prior actions where all about …

Apr 9, 2021: John Locke is the “he” who is insisting in the following: “Freedom then is not,” he insisted, “a liberty for everyone …

Apr 9, 2021: It looks like the rate of new COVID cases my county is the worst that it has ever been. Adult ICU bed occupancy is at 86%. One can only draw their own …

Apr 8, 2021: Listen Notes is a podcast directory and listening web site that I just learned about. Here is an embed of the latest episodes of one of my favorite …

Apr 8, 2021: The latest leaked pictures of future iPads shows a disappointing iPad Mini, still the same as the current design and thus now looking very, very old.

Apr 8, 2021: This tree is the first one to get blossoms in our neighborhood each spring.

Apr 7, 2021: Brent Simmons has written a blog post that does a good job of explaining my greatest fear about COVID. It’s not just about whether or not I …

Apr 7, 2021: I wish someone would point out to Dave Winer that because uses Micropub, one can use a number of different editors, perhaps even one of …

Apr 7, 2021: Well, Mitch, if you feel so strongly that corporations should stay out of politics, how about passing a law targeted at overturning Citizens United?

Apr 7, 2021: Just because a Supreme says it isn’t so, doesn’t mean it isn’t so. Based on the decisions made by SCOTUS over the last decade, I …

Apr 5, 2021: These are the Chromebooks getting Android 11 My Google Pixelbook and Lenovo Duet are in the list. Reports are that the upgrades will start with Chrome …

Apr 5, 2021: New COVID-19 cases in Michigan are increasing, death rates remain low relative to early in 2020, bearing in mind that death rates lag. I can’t …

Apr 5, 2021: Today I learned that LG is getting out of the smartphone business. Frankly, I am a bit surprised that we haven’t seen more of either …

Apr 5, 2021: I read this long piece about how western countries have struggled to respond to COVID, which resulted in a tremendous loss of life. To me, it boils …

Apr 5, 2021: While reading Dave’s riffing on his perceived lack of apps, particularly good editors, I am wondering whether he has spent any time looking at …

Apr 3, 2021: A sizable minority of Americans want to use airplanes belonging to others, theme parks belonging to others, sports stadiums belonging to …

Apr 3, 2021: Requiring proof of vaccination is so attractive to businesses precisely because tens of millions of Republicans feel entitled to behave as if there …

Apr 2, 2021: A consequence of not taking COVID-19 seriously is that the longer it lingers the more it will mutate and the longer we will keep fighting it.

Apr 1, 2021: In Jim Nance voice: Welcome to opening day and freezing temperatures, a tradition like any other other!

Mar 30, 2021: Spring training is complete for the Chicago Cubs. Opening day is on Thursday, 1 PM versus the Pittsburgh Pirates at Wrigley Field. The weather …

Mar 30, 2021: UPS delivered the new BenQ monitor that I ordered on time and to the correct location.

Mar 29, 2021: I don’t get this claim that baseball players can’t do contract negotiations and play ball at the same time. Lots of people do lots of …

Mar 28, 2021: Minnesota Duluth won the longest game in NCAA Men’s Ice Hockey history early in the fourth overtime.

Mar 28, 2021: Just watched the North Dakota and Minnesota Duluth men’s hockey teams finish the third overtime of their NCAA regional final. Doubleheaders are not …

Mar 26, 2021: Whitmer claims that the current COVID-19 surge in Michigan is different because of the vaccines, and I find that hard to believe. I think citizens …

Mar 25, 2021: Weeks ago Michigan began “opening” up again by allowing more people in restaurants and bars and more sporting events. Predictably, the …

Mar 24, 2021: Last year on this date, Reuters wrote: The United States has the potential to become the new epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic due to a “very …

Mar 19, 2021: The NFL appears to be expanding the number of streaming options for games, but I don’t see info about an ability to stream out of market games. …

Mar 18, 2021: We took our shot!

Mar 18, 2021: I set up a new Google TV to replace the Chromecast that was connected to our living room TV. The change was driven by the increase in the number of …

Mar 18, 2021: According to my notes, on this date last year we learned of the first fatality in Michigan due to COVID-19. As I read my blog from last year I am …

Mar 15, 2021: Scheduled my COVID-19 vaccination apointment!

Mar 14, 2021: Cancel culture is the logical conclusion of a society without the humility to recognize that changing one’s mind, which is part of growth, is a …

Mar 14, 2021: All Praise Lou Ottens: The Inventor of the Cassette Tape Dies at Age 94 Ironically, just yesterday I was talking with my wife about cassette tapes …

Mar 13, 2021: 9to5Google says there will be a spring Wear OS Platform update and they cite the Tiles feature added last year. When you swipe left on the watch face …

Mar 13, 2021: I agree very much with this sentiment that Wear OS Watchmakers Seem Destined to Kill the Platform. My theory is that because Google is not doing much …

Mar 13, 2021: I have a solution for this, strive to enjoy every day. Practice gratitude.

Mar 11, 2021: I have tested the new Nearby Share function between my Pixel 4a and a Lenovo Duet running Chrome OS 89 and it worked as described.

Mar 11, 2021: Map the System is a global competition that challenges you to think differently about social and environmental change.

Mar 11, 2021: A year ago today I noted the first reported cases of COVID-19 in Michigan.

Mar 9, 2021: Yesterday was the first day I qualified for the COVID-19 vaccine in Michigan. I didn’t spend much time, but every site I checked had no shots …

Mar 9, 2021: We knew all along that Trump would never acknowledge nor accept defeat, in fact he still hasn’t. And I don’t yet think we can claim …

Mar 5, 2021: We are now at the one year mark of when COVID-19 started being real for most Americans. Little did we know then just how awful it would truly be, with …

Mar 3, 2021: Fateful words I wrote last year… How we will know this is really serious is when sporting events, say MLB Opening Day, get’s …

Mar 2, 2021: My increased usage of Microsoft Teams is causing me think I could be more productive with a larger monitor, probably at least 32-inches, an upgrade …

Mar 1, 2021: It doesn’t mean much, but the Cubs won their first spring training game today, 1-0 against the Padres.

Mar 1, 2021: The Mobvoi TicWatch Pro 3 GPS, and it’s LTE equivalent, are the only Wear OS watch currently on the market that uses Qualcomm’s 4100 watch …

Feb 28, 2021: Currently reading: The Myth of a Christian Religion: Losing Your Religion for the Beauty of a Revolution by Gregory A. Boyd 📚

Feb 28, 2021: Currently reading: A Rhythm of Prayer: A Collection of Meditations for Renewal by Sarah Bessey, Amena Brown, Barbara Brown Taylor, Lisa Sharon Harper …

Feb 28, 2021: Spring has come. Today is the first day of MLB spring training.

Feb 27, 2021: I’ve been wondering about the future of Wear OS in light of Google closing the acquisition of Fitbit and that there are so few watches with the …

Feb 26, 2021: Really disappointed with Google. I ordered a Barely Blue Pixel 4a from their store and at the time of the order was told it would ship between …

Feb 25, 2021: In this essay,The Death of a Retailer, Om Malik writes fondly about Fry’s and its inevitable passing. I agree strongly with the following: In …

Feb 24, 2021: I am interested in Lunatask because it claims to have end–to-end encryption, which I find most task apps do not have. However, there is no web …

Feb 24, 2021: Niklaus Wirth wrote of the 50 Years of Pascal, the programming language he developed. Pascal was the third programming language I learned and the one …

Feb 24, 2021: I am sad to learn that Fry’s Electronics has gone out of business. I first learned about Fry’s by reading Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos …

Feb 23, 2021: We do not have the sunshine nor are the Cubs playing today as they did last year and we have much more snow on the ground. However, full training camp …

Feb 17, 2021: MLB camps have opened. Despite the weather, Spring is coming!

Feb 15, 2021: James Madison and his colleagues believed that by deviating from theoretical majority-rules principles, the American republic would benefit from more …

Feb 11, 2021: Joe Biden will tackle global chip shortage with executive order There’s a chip shortage? Like dude, what am I going to do when I have the …

Feb 11, 2021: Looking at the case counts and deaths per day for the county in which I live and wonder what will become the accepted “normal” number? I …

Feb 10, 2021: “Many Republicans do not accept Democratic governance as a legitimate outcome” of elections, said Thomas Zimmer, a history professor at Georgetown …

Feb 10, 2021: The article, Why Generation X will save the web, makes an important point for those concerned about new laws written regarding the Internet: …

Feb 9, 2021: Celebrating day 2,190

Feb 8, 2021: A year ago we spent a few days in Detroit, not knowing then that it would be our last social outing of the year. A year later and we have no idea when …

Feb 7, 2021: We are making super bowl chili. That is all.

Feb 6, 2021: I am using Things to manage my personal lists on my iPads. Things is a really nice app but one frustration I have is that when I tap a lost item to …

Feb 5, 2021: It’s been a hectic week at work. Heads down analyzing a problem since Wednesday and then another problem came in to the inbox on Thursday. …

Feb 5, 2021: I am happy to report that the keyboard shortcuts are back in the Pocket web app. Made my day.

Feb 5, 2021: One good thing about COVID-19, it’s caused a very mild flu season.

Feb 2, 2021: Is it a good thing that more and more citizens, as a consequence of 401ks and easier accessibility (Robinhood) are capitalists? I am skeptical because …

Feb 1, 2021: It seems to me that in many ways the current Apple culture is similar to the culture that famous 1984 commercial claimed it was against. Ironic. …

Feb 1, 2021: Oh, Aaron Burr, sir., you did so much damage because you could not see…source In 1806, on the advice of Vice President Aaron Burr (who thought …

Feb 1, 2021: Fresh snow fall can make one wonder what the heck goes on outside at night. Note we do not have a dog or cat, but we do have a sump pump.

Feb 1, 2021: Home Computer Repairs Given the number of Raspberry Pis I have, you might get the impression that I am a maker, but I am not. I’ve just been enamored by these small, …

Feb 1, 2021: There are currently 34 national emergencies, the oldest dating from November, 1979.

Jan 31, 2021: Pretty snow came down overnight.

Jan 28, 2021: Just found that Pocket also removed the copy link from the sharing option in the web app. I am beginning to think that I need to start considering …

Jan 28, 2021: Think US Evangelicals Are Dying Out? Well, Define Evangelicalism source Religious evangelicals may look at these numbers and think, “This is not what …

Jan 28, 2021: I rely heavily on Pocket for my reading workflow because when I find an article in my RSS feeds that I want to read I send it to Pocket. Yesterday the …

Jan 27, 2021: Amazon sells this home test kit: DxTerity COVID-19 Saliva at-Home Collection Kit with Prepaid Express Return Shipping and Laboratory PCR Testing For …

Jan 26, 2021: I don’t get the newsletter craze. I guess it’s just all about making money.

Jan 26, 2021: First walk in snow fall this year.

Jan 26, 2021: I’ve come across a very comprehensive spreadsheet of SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19 links to information.

Jan 25, 2021: can generate RSS feeds for just about any web site, but it costs $10 per month.

Jan 23, 2021: Engadget reports that the price on Amazon for the iPad Magic keyboard is $200, which I think makes it easier to recommend. For me, the keyboard is …

Jan 22, 2021: The Internet is not a public square. It’s been owned by corporations since the mid 90s. People now want the corporations to act like a public …

Jan 21, 2021: Amanda Gorman, The Hill We Climb Vogue has a great interview of Amanda from before the inaugaration.

Jan 20, 2021: Be Careful What You Ask For What’s ironic is that every person arrested for the insurrection on the U.S. Capital on January 6, 2021 will expect, and demand, that everyone …

Jan 19, 2021: It is scary to me that the future of democracy in the United States is almost entirely in Republican hands because I am not certain a majority of …

Jan 19, 2021: The conclusion I reach after reading the New Yorker story, “Among the Insurrectionists” is that at the least we live in two Americas, if …

Jan 19, 2021: Heather Cox Richardson: When Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt established business regulation, a basic social safety net, and government-funded …

Jan 14, 2021: Google’s acquisition of Fitbit is complete, will we now see something new relating to Wear OS?

Jan 14, 2021: The Verge has an overview of Windows 10X that as they show appears to be nearly an exact duplicate of Chrome OS. Can’t imagine this ships …

Jan 14, 2021: It seems to me that cancer has evolved over a long time like humans.

Jan 13, 2021: Manuel Hutaffe has a reMarkable 2 and has written a good review.

Jan 12, 2021: Jill Lepore’s article, What’s Wrong with the Way We Work, is a really important read. I think it gets at a lot of things that people who are …

Jan 11, 2021: I really don’t think anyone should buy the Wear OS watches just announced by Fossil because they don’t have the Qualcomm 4100 chip. You …

Jan 10, 2021: Given the recent actions of Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Amazon, I think there is a real threat to Section 230, which protects the companies behind …

Jan 10, 2021: Cancel culture is not the way to handle differences in a democracy. It creates victims from people who are not and leads to more polarization. Further …

Jan 10, 2021: 4 Abel also brought an offering, but from the firstborn animals of his herd, choice cuts of meat. GOD liked Abel and his offering, 5 but Cain and his …

Jan 9, 2021: “The only way to stave off another Trump is to recognize that it always happens. The temptation of anti-democratic cult politics is forever with …

Jan 8, 2021: Interesting, the general is changing its logo.

Jan 8, 2021: Zeynep Tufekci, So What About That (Self)-Coup? It’s absolutely plausible to me that even more Republicans would have joined this blatant attempt to …

Jan 8, 2021: Tommy Lasorda, legendary Los Angeles Dodgers manager, has died - CNN Among my oldest memories are from the seventies watching the World Series, which …

Jan 8, 2021: We Found Where Is The Republican Line It’s amusing and sad to finally see so many Republicans jump off the sinking ship after it hit the iceberg. All through the last four years my …

Jan 7, 2021: What frightens me the most is people not taking the threat Trump poses seriously enough. POTUS is considered one of the most powerful positions in the …

Jan 7, 2021: What ought to be clear to Congress, the DOJ, to the Armed Forces, and anyone in power that is not associated with Trump is that IF Trump is NOT …

Jan 5, 2021: As a long time blogger I wonder some time about how blogging has contributed to the current state of politics in the United States. Blogging made it …

Jan 5, 2021: Recently I was describing the Raspberry Pi 400 to my wife by asking her if she remembered the Commodore 64 because the Pi 400 is basically a keyboard …

Jan 5, 2021: IRS relaunches ‘Get My Payment’ tool to track $600 stimulus checks This seems to me to be a great opportunity to get hacked and get one’s …

Jan 5, 2021: Overclocking A Raspberry Pi 4 I am using a Raspberry Pi 4 (daenerys) as my desktop personal computer during the work day, which I access from my work provided computer using VNC. …

Jan 5, 2021: Moments of panic this morning as I tried to use my Airpods and found them dead, dead, dead. The really odd thing is that they wouldn’t start …

Jan 4, 2021: The official images of the Raspberry Pi OS are still 32-bit but there is a beta 64-bit version that I have been using on an SSD connected to a …

Jan 3, 2021: Find all the reaction to the Trump recording humorous, as if it matters. It’s the same type of thing the House impeached him for, but that did not …

Jan 3, 2021: Republicans want to believe everyone is like them and at the same time if Trump is not re-elected they will never win another presidential election.

Jan 2, 2021: Remember when 2020 was a punch line?

Jan 2, 2021: One Term Presidential Mirrors I think it’s interesting that CNN is airing a documentary about the first modern outsider elected President before Trump, Jimmy Carter. When I …

Jan 2, 2021: It’s 2021 and now time to face reality.

Jan 2, 2021: Last year I wrote: The current economy is not about employment and it’s certainly not about the stock market, it’s about wages. Employers do not want …

Dec 31, 2020: I don’t know if it’s a metaphor, but yesterday’s rainy winter day gave way to today’s sunshine.

Dec 31, 2020: I like to do little projects during my week long Christmas holiday so this year I did a redo of a project from last year and built a new Raspberry Pi …

Dec 30, 2020: I’ve created a page of Books That I Read In 2020 that lists what I read in reverse chronological order and I wondering whether I should change …

Dec 30, 2020: The Jed Hoyer regime is not starting well in Chicago when it communicates b.s. like this. I see zero ways in which the trade of Yu Darvish to San …

Dec 30, 2020: I dislike rainy winter days like today. I wish we had a fireplace, but the Christmas tree lights are nice.

Dec 30, 2020: One thing that I want to do in 2021 is create a way to post writing I create in Roam to my blog. What I envision is something like the actions that I …

Dec 30, 2020: I moved to the Detroit, Michigan area 31 years ago, and one of the benefits of that is the ability to attend the annual Great Lakes Invitational …

Dec 29, 2020: I am drinking my first Starbucks Latte in I don’t know how long. EOM.

Dec 25, 2020: We got a white Christmas.

Dec 24, 2020: Now that Apple has enabled one to use a mouse with an iPad they have to enable them to use external monitors in a manner similar to notebook …

Dec 24, 2020: I miss this, but blessed to be able to look forward to doing it next year.

Dec 24, 2020: “The symbol of Christmas—what is it? It is the rainbow arched over the roof of the sky when the clouds are heavy with foreboding. It is the cry of …

Dec 22, 2020: A question… how come I can only add categories to posts with titles?

Dec 22, 2020: Vivaldi Day 2 Today is the second day of using Vivaldi on the Raspberry Pi 4 desktop, and it continues to perform better for me than Chromium. I decided to run …

Dec 22, 2020: One of the most dangerous ideas that emerged in politics starting in the 1970s is that changing one’s mind about a policy or topic is wrong. We …

Dec 21, 2020: Trying Vivaldi I use a Raspberry Pi 4 as a personal remote computer that I access using VNC during the work day, which enables me to keep my personal web access from …

Dec 21, 2020: In the beginning was the first site of the World Wide Web. source

Dec 18, 2020: So, the iPadOS Gawq app does not display in landscape. Bad application design. BTW, the ESPN Fantasy app also has this flaw. No mobile app should only …

Dec 18, 2020: Had a visitor at the home office today

Dec 18, 2020: The main task of the week was getting the Christmas packages shipped out in hopes that the Post Office can get them to their destinations in time for …

Dec 18, 2020: Trump’s election was likely only phase 1, my fear is that phase 2 has begun.

Dec 17, 2020: I am always interested in new ways to get and read the news so I am trying out Gawq, which installed on my iPad Mini. First reaction is that …

Dec 16, 2020: I like the fact that home test kits for COVID-19 will soon become available but they sound too complicated and intrusive to garner broad use. The …

Dec 14, 2020: This quote attributed to Garry Kasparov on Scripting News is so true: Don’t dare say ‘But the system worked’ when a majority of …

Dec 13, 2020: I believe that those willing to step out of the forest are seeing the thrashing of the withdrawal symptoms of a society deeply addicted to itself.

Dec 13, 2020: “Several years ago when I was in Nicaragua, I asked a man if he had time, and he said, “I have the rest of my life,” and smiled. Who of us would …

Dec 12, 2020: I am really surprised that there haven’t been more Wear OS watches with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 4100 CPU announced for the Christmas buying …

Dec 12, 2020: I do not take comfort in SCOTUS deciding to not take up Texas' lawsuit against the four swing states. First, SCOTUS simply hid behind procedure and …

Dec 12, 2020: Tim Wu makes a good case that the vaunted “checks and balances” of the U.S. constitution has not really shown to be reality. The only …

Dec 12, 2020: Not surprised that SCOTUS fumbled the ball. It seems nobody is willing to make a stand for democracy.

Dec 12, 2020: Disney announced many shows coming to Disney+ but I ask when? I signed up to Disney+ last year but honestly the only things I got from it so far is …

Dec 10, 2020: Richard Hofstadter, The Paranoid Style in American Politics., from the November, 1964 issue of Harper’s Magazine. I guess this thinking has …

Dec 9, 2020: Thank you, Dr. Zhang: Dr. Zhang acted without being incentivized by the huge amounts of money that the companies will receive—Moderna’s stock has …

Dec 9, 2020: The Bulwark: The phrase “enemy of democracy” has a sinister bearing. But how else to describe those who would use raw political power in …

Dec 9, 2020: I read a lot and have started building a list of the books I read along with a very high level summary of what I lead from the reading, but it is …

Dec 8, 2020: I think main lesson we need to learn from COVID-19 is that a pandemic can and will happen again in the United States and we need to address it …

Dec 7, 2020: I am so tired of these “what Republicans are saying privately” pieces. It’s time for the press to stop coddling Republicans. If they …

Dec 7, 2020: Despite potential claims to the contrary, I am not sure I see much difference between Om’s idea of what Twitter should do and Apple News, of …

Dec 7, 2020: I took a look at my Xfinity (Comcast) account again today due to the pending enforcement of their data caps. What I see on Xfinity’s site is …

Dec 7, 2020: Zeynep Tufekci warns that we must stop thinking a coup can’t happen here. Coup attempt is the right adjective for what is taking place, and we …

Dec 7, 2020: Individualism is the core principle of conservatism, which is why something as simple as recognizing that we have to work together is seemingly so …

Dec 6, 2020: I am still bumming since learning on Friday that Len Kasper is leaving the Chicago Cubs to be the lead radio announcer for the White Sox. What I like …

Dec 6, 2020: After two years my garden (wiki) has 362 pages.

Dec 6, 2020: “Godly knowing is a humble and non-grasping kind of knowledge; it becomes a beautiful process of communion instead of ammunition and power over. …

Dec 4, 2020: The restaurant industry in Michigan has been in a huge fight with the state because of indoor dining being shutdown in the state. I understand the …

Dec 4, 2020: Will people skeptical of a vaccine be convinced to take it if they were payed $1500 to do so?

Dec 4, 2020: The iPad, Magic Keyboard, and Me I am completing the first week of using my iPad Air and Magic Keyboard during my work day and I am happy with the result. Over the years I’ve …

Dec 3, 2020: The dismantling of the 2016 Chicago Cubs has begun through the Cubs not making an offer to Kyle Schwarber. Unfortunately right now it seems though …

Dec 2, 2020: Beware Of The U.S. Theocracy Dana Blankenhorn wrote: When the nation state came to glory in the 19th century, it was as a bulwark against religion. The great threat of our time …

Dec 2, 2020: Three years ago on this date I was here, in Bermuda.

Dec 1, 2020: What I want is software that is equivalent to a human habit.

Dec 1, 2020: I see the value of Zettelkasten, but I think it requires too much work, even with the software tools that are available.

Dec 1, 2020: What To Do With Ideas I’ve responded to this question about “what does one do with ideas” with my wish for how products like Roam could be even better for …

Nov 30, 2020: Adding Titles In Drafts I use Drafts to write many of my blog entries and I use a Drafts Action to post what I write to Normally my entries do not have titles but …

Nov 30, 2020: Scapegoating Is Addictive On Saturday I wrote that I think the real root cause behind why so many align themselves with Trump is the lack of good paying jobs that don’t …

Nov 30, 2020: Too many of us are going to be affected directly or indirectly by COVID-19. I personally know four people that contracted the virus, had symptoms, and …

Nov 30, 2020: I am pondering the automatic keyboard lighting of the Apple iPad Magic Keyboard, which is based on ambient lighting and seems to be similar to the …

Nov 28, 2020: I think that despite the analysis of the election around urban/rural and college educated/uneducated the common denominator is jobs. In the United …

Nov 28, 2020: I have difficulty squaring what happens under the banner of “religious liberty” in the United States and how Jesus lived and what Jesus taught. See …

Nov 27, 2020: How to Think for Yourself is a good essay by Paul Graham. It makes me wonder where I fit.

Nov 27, 2020: Bishop backs SCOTUS ruling: Spiritual health is important I understand the argument made that the government can’t make restrictions on churches …

Nov 27, 2020: The “so-what” attitude that so many seem to have toward COVID seems to me to be very much like one who is addicted, by which I mean one is unable to …

Nov 26, 2020: Bacon scented beer, sure, why not?

Nov 25, 2020: First Impressions Of The Apple iPad Magic Keyboard I ordered an open box / reduced price Apple Magic keyboard from Best Buy that I just received. Normally I don’t order refurbished items, but I …

Nov 25, 2020: Don’t know who needs to hear this today. Self Love to Group Love to Universal Love — A Homily by Fr. Richard Rohr

Nov 24, 2020: Looks like Comcast is going to reinstate the data caps next year. I was wondering when they were coming back. I was struggling to manage the cap at …

Nov 24, 2020: Discovered WindowSwap and I again am reminded of the awesomeness of the Internet. Equally good as screaming in Iceland.

Nov 23, 2020: Damage Done The coup has been in progress for four years, and probably even for more years than that. It most recently started with an assault on facts, starting …

Nov 23, 2020: I accidentally bought fat free half and half, which I think by definition is skim milk. It’s not doing the job in my coffee.

Nov 21, 2020: Over the years we have seen chipmunks, squirrels, and a few robins looking in to our condo, but this is a first.

Nov 20, 2020: It seems to me that another fundamental to our democracy is the fact that a person can lose an election. Buried in Trump’s claims of election …

Nov 20, 2020: The temperature outside is well above the normal of 47 degrees for this date and might exceed the record of 67 degrees. However, snow is on the …

Nov 20, 2020: One of the neat things about autumn is seeing things otherwise hidden like these wild flowers that are growing within the shrubs that line the …

Nov 18, 2020: Party of family values, patriarchy, personal responsibility, and moralism chafes at the idea of obedience.

Nov 18, 2020: I am am attracted to weather apps and today I discovered, which I think has great visualizations.

Nov 16, 2020: Interesting growth numbers in tablet sales, particularly the 89% year over year growth by Samsung. It looks to me that Amazon has been hurt the most …

Nov 13, 2020: Several weeks ago I bought a pair of the original Airpods that I am using with my iPads. Of all the Apple products that I have used, these Airpods …

Nov 12, 2020: If these Republicans had any integrity their hypocrisy would matter. But they don’t and so it doesn’t.

Nov 11, 2020: It seems to me that the 20th Amendment had the expectation that a current sitting president would comply with the result of the election prior to the …

Nov 11, 2020: Veterans Day is a good day for Trump to honor their sacrifice by acknowledging the will of the people and committing to a peaceful transition.

Nov 10, 2020: The time will come when Mitch McConnell will have to have to publicly stand against President Trump because he will not be able to let the courts or …

Nov 9, 2020: The story alone should be troubling to any Patriotic American because there appears to be no intent nor understanding of putting country over self. At …

Nov 7, 2020: How Trump Changed America “So what is America after Trump? A nation figuring out how — and whether — to engage and whom to love: the stranger …

Nov 7, 2020: Is this a metaphor?

Nov 6, 2020: Seventy degree temps in November demands being outdoors.

Nov 6, 2020: Three words: Bush v. Gore

Nov 6, 2020: Unfortunately, even after all the votes are counted this election will not be over for many more months. The most tragic thing about that is COVID-19 …

Nov 6, 2020: Is President Trump’s current actions impeachable?

Nov 5, 2020: Lessons From The 2020 Election It should be clear that Democrats need to work on their strategy for Presidential elections. If one is willing to listen to me, I have the following …

Nov 4, 2020: Voting on its own doesn’t make progress, minds have to change. And we are way beyond the time when a close election meant anything to those who …

Nov 3, 2020: Looks like a straight ticket, rural versus urban vote outcome to me.

Nov 3, 2020: The 7 day average of daily cases of COVID-19 in my county has now passed the rate in April. Not good.

Nov 3, 2020: “My kingdom isn’t the sort that grows in this world,” replied Jesus. “If my kingdom were from this world, my supporters would have fought to stop me …

Nov 2, 2020: We didn’t know that George W. Bush was elected in 2000 until December. Under federal law states have until December 8 to count ballots and settle …

Nov 1, 2020:

Nov 1, 2020: Woke up this morning with the lyrics to California Dreamin' in my head. I’ve never lived in California. All the leaves are brown (All the …

Oct 31, 2020: Which iPad is right for you? We break it down I agree with CNN’s high level use cases of each class of iPad in this article. For me, the iPad …

Oct 30, 2020: Today is the first day that I will be using the iPad Air full time in place of the 10.5-inch iPad Pro that it is replacing. Not sure whether I am …

Oct 28, 2020: “I am certainly not an advocate for frequent and untried changes in laws and constitutions,” he wrote in an 1816 letter addressing what he …

Oct 28, 2020: It seems to me that in order to have progress we need some agreement on what are the big problems. Many people think government itself, it’s …

Oct 27, 2020: Since October 19 the number of new COVID-19 cases in the county I live in has been in triple digits, which on average had not been the case all …

Oct 26, 2020: And here is my original home page, complete with an animated GIF.

Oct 26, 2020: This post from May 5, 2000 may be the oldest evidence of my blogging. I am pretty sure that I started blogging in December 1999.

Oct 26, 2020: Just discovered that the Internet Archive has scanned copies of the first and third edition of my books.

Oct 26, 2020: Marygrove College in Detroit, Michigan closed in December 2019. The library collection was donated to the Internet Archive, which digitized it and …

Oct 26, 2020: I am on the injured list! Pulled up with a serious charlie horse in my right calf during a walk yesterday. It feels better today, but slowly loosening …

Oct 25, 2020: Note to self. Don’t make line up changes to your FFB team based on rankings on Sunday morning.

Oct 24, 2020: “The founders were well aware of the dangers of populism, demagoguery, and faction. They built a constitutional order designed to force …

Oct 24, 2020: “‘Extreme partisanship may be literally addictive,’ writes the social psychologist Jonathan Haidt. Partisans who find ways to …

Oct 24, 2020: Taken during one of my walks yesterday. Open your eyes, look around, and enjoy every moment.

Oct 23, 2020: It’s probably the last t-shirt day outside for the year.

Oct 21, 2020: Looks like OSIRIS-REX successfully collected a sample from Bennu yesterday.

Oct 21, 2020: Andrew Shell and Dave Winer write about rethinking blogs and streams. I wrote about this a couple of years ago when I discovered Federated Wiki, and I …

Oct 20, 2020: OSIRIS-REX tagged Bennu, which I assume is now IT. Hopefully Bennu doesn’t tag Earth back.

Oct 20, 2020: Watching the broadcast on NASA.TV as a robotic space craft is in process of descending to the surface of an asteroid to gather a sample. It’s a …

Oct 20, 2020: I am tired of receiving spam text messages for the election. The Google Messaging app recognizes them as potential spam and provides me an option to …

Oct 19, 2020: My current work desk setup with the Lenovo Duet and Roam open, ready to take notes. Roam pairs well with ChromeOS.

Oct 18, 2020: Love the symmetry of this tree.

Oct 17, 2020: It’s the 35th anniversary of Amy Grant’s Unguarded album. I remember playing that cassette over and over during my college years. Oh how …

Oct 16, 2020: Accepting Deaths COVID-19 is the third highest cause of death in the United States from February to October of 2020. One of the problems we have is how people are …

Oct 16, 2020: My current status page is at that I maintain in Little Outliner. I’ve also created an index of the technology that I use that you …

Oct 12, 2020: Google Fit is an obvious candidate for Assistant shortcuts. I use the Goodnight routine and I want it to automatically record when I go to bed. At the …

Oct 12, 2020: United States Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their …

Oct 12, 2020: Here We Go Again Michigan It seems logical to me that the number of cases of COVID-19 will increase as the weather gets colder in the northern United States causing people to …

Oct 12, 2020: HP and Lenovo have both recently announced new Chromebook Enterprise devices, the significance of which is that I imagine they will be the first to be …

Oct 11, 2020: Hidden color

Oct 10, 2020: Last year I was in the motherland to see fall colors, this year I need to watch for the color around my house.

Oct 9, 2020: Zeynep Tufekci’s report in The Atlantic, This Overlooked Variable Is the Key to the Pandemic, is an important read. I think a big contributor to …

Oct 9, 2020: “Journalism isn’t a profession. It’s not even a trade. It’s a business. It’s a market-making function. When journalism can’t make money, it …

Oct 9, 2020: Is America In Decline? It is an argument along the lines of Camus’s “we must imagine Sisyphus happy” A change in leadership will …

Oct 8, 2020: Google’s new custom Assistant shortcuts is an interesting enhancement that I just learned is on my Pixel 4a. One of the recommended shortcuts …

Oct 8, 2020: “They also explain that cortisone reduces hyaluronan production, which is why dexamethasone and other steroids can ameliorate symptoms and save …

Oct 8, 2020: TP-Link’s Kasa smart plugs might be the most useful home automation tech that you can buy and right now you can buy a four pack for $27.

Oct 8, 2020: Outlines, Wikis, and Wisdom I have a great deal of respect for the people who layed the foundation of the computer technology I use today, people like Steve Wozniak, Dan …

Oct 7, 2020: Pairagraph is an interesting site, with an interesting starting dialog about whether America is in decline that Om Malik is participating in. I find …

Oct 7, 2020: Another note about the Fossil Gen 5 watches, they don’t have the two dedicated hardware buttons of the prior models which I use and which I …

Oct 6, 2020: I am keeping an eye on the latest Wear OS watch announcements Fossil announced their new Gen 5E line, which I recommend people do not buy. The Gen 5E …

Oct 6, 2020: The same people who are convinced that the media and Democrats are making COVID-19 more than it is are the same people convinced that U.S. elections …

Oct 5, 2020: Not All Styluses Make The Same Point The Lenovo USI Stylus arrived today, giving me the first chance to try a Universal Stylus Initiative digital pen. Historically, digital pens only work …

Oct 5, 2020: I am thinking that the state of COVID-19 in the United States may be less of a failure of leadership than we want to think. Imagine if this happened …

Oct 5, 2020: I get a lot of packages delivered to our house and I find UPS is the best delivery service in terms of provide me ways to be notified about the …

Oct 3, 2020: It is possible that Trump will recover well from his bout with COVID-19, which will then result with his supporters declaring, “see, no worse …

Oct 3, 2020: CNN: This is a code red moment for the US government “Strategically speaking, it weakens any credibility that the US has, in terms of being a …

Oct 2, 2020: It puzzles me how people who demonstrate an incapability to handle simple things are given pass to do more important things like keep the world safe.

Oct 2, 2020: Took some pictures of the clouds the other day.

Oct 2, 2020: Two years later and the same question.

Oct 1, 2020: This is such a good article by the Rolling Stone, There’s a Right and a Wrong Way to Talk About Trump’s Attempts to Rig the Election The main …

Oct 1, 2020: New Yorker: Trump shouted, he bullied, he hectored, he lied, and he interrupted, over and over again. Compare this to the Kavanaugh confirmation …

Oct 1, 2020: Roam Is a Note-Taking Tool, and a Dream of a Better Self is a decent article about Roam.

Oct 1, 2020: Jack Baty: If I’m being honest, what I do is not “note-taking” but rather “record keeping”. I write things down that I don’t want to forget. I don’t …

Sep 30, 2020: The new Extreme Battery Saver mode coming to Pixel phones looks interesting.

Sep 30, 2020: Om Malik shared the following quote of Steve Jobs that I find disturbing. “We don’t seem to be excited about making our country a better place …

Sep 30, 2020: Looking at the differences between the Pixel 5, 4A5G, and 4a phones and their associated prices, I think Google has a good line up of phones. I am …

Sep 30, 2020: The debate last night had only one purpose, to provide entertainment value who think it funny to watch old men act worse than little children, fuel …

Sep 30, 2020: I am surprised that the power brokers of the United States have not told Trump in clear terms to knock off his comments about the election, and more …

Sep 30, 2020: I’ve am using Pocket for reading web content and some time in the last few days the Chrome extension changed so that the option to save links …

Sep 30, 2020: Last year I speculated that David Ross would be hired to manage the Cubs and wondered how well he would do. I think he has done a good job, but the …

Sep 28, 2020: Trump’s election as POTUS says less about him and much more about how we elect Presidents. Elections have become popularity contests in which …

Sep 28, 2020: I am beginning to think that Apple’s decision to split iPadOS from iOS is a bad decision. While it makes total sense why Scribble is only in …

Sep 28, 2020: Two years ago we were talking about another Supreme Court nomination.

Sep 25, 2020: In a society that is growing radically more secular every day, I’d say we have more to fear from political dogmatism than religious dogmatism. We have …

Sep 24, 2020: Here is a question that all Americans, particularly Republicans, should ask themselves. When Al Gore conceded the 2000 election, was he being a …

Sep 24, 2020: Joe Cieplinski has a plausible theory about the Apple Solo loops watch bands.

Sep 23, 2020: The Chicago Cubs appear to be rounding in to their 2019 form.

Sep 23, 2020: I am not surprised that Republican Senators who otherwise seem to oppose Trump, like Romney, are all in on getting their Supreme Court Justice …

Sep 22, 2020: Looks like McConnell is going to use a government shutdown as leverage to get a conservative Supreme Court Justice.

Sep 22, 2020: Today is the first day of autumn and I find myself in a bit of disbelief because it feels like the summer flew by. I can only imagine a primary reason …

Sep 20, 2020: “Certainty and confidence are actually feelings. As your spouse can attest, just because you feel certain doesn’t mean you’re right. So then, …

Sep 20, 2020: Is your freedom dependent in the incarceration of others?

Sep 17, 2020: Dark mode has been all the rage for the last couple of years and occasionally I’ve run in to web sites that have white on black text that I find …

Sep 17, 2020: Among the things Trump has ruined are red hats.

Sep 17, 2020: I am interested to see how Microsoft sticks with Surface Duo. They must have a long term plan because I can’t imagine there are high sales …

Sep 17, 2020: I still have not found a simple way to track when I go to bed and when I get up in the morning. It’s frustrating because this is something I …

Sep 16, 2020: I am trying Scribble in Drafts and this is really cool! The iPad Mini has just become more like the Newton MessagePad! I wrote this blog post using …

Sep 16, 2020: I just updated my iPad Mini to iPadOS 14 and I am still surprised that Apple doesn’t provide any type of “here is what is new” …

Sep 16, 2020: Kevin Tofel’s review of the Microsoft Duo is worth reading because it might be the most optimistic, if not down to earth, of the reviews …

Sep 15, 2020: Can an Apple Watch function as a standalone device or does it require an iPhone?

Sep 14, 2020: Trebek says he has the “will to survive,” although there are days when the pain and depression is so debilitating that his optimism disappears. He …

Sep 14, 2020: We have reached peak smartphone, thus the different manufacturers are working hard to create the next big thing. So far what has been produced …

Sep 14, 2020: Our founding fathers rejected in word if not deed the notions of title and birthright. But they have substituted in its place race and gender …

Sep 14, 2020: Privilege is seeing yourself as independently good and not seeing that your goodness is built on the goodness of others.

Sep 12, 2020: “If we truly understand that the Church went off the rails by aligning herself with Constantine, then it shouldn’t be too hard to see that …

Sep 12, 2020: Religion is the most powerful force, as in “powers and principalities,” in the world. It’s why so much is written in the Old …

Sep 11, 2020: It is easy to say the Duo is a smartphone but when you look at how Microsoft is promoting the hardware, to me, this is device reminds me more of the …

Sep 10, 2020: Based on my read of a few of the Microsoft Duo reviews, which are negative, I see that they are written in the context of the device’s $1400 …

Sep 10, 2020: Introducing the Surface Duo for Business – Do One Better – Microsoft Surface Got my first ad for the Microsoft Duo and note they emphasized it for …

Sep 10, 2020: I believe the main message our brains ought to receive in how we see the pandemic treated in the United States and how we see the contempt of life of …

Sep 10, 2020: Woodward’s book confirms what we always knew. While I think Woodward withheld what he learned earlier in the year for the sake of book sales, I …

Sep 8, 2020: Like last year, Google has released a new version of Android the day after Labor Day. The Android 11 update is installing on my Pixel 4a right now.

Sep 8, 2020: Candy maker announces plan to fulfill desire to be Willy Wonka. Look for the golden dog tag, but really, no Oompa Loompas?

Sep 8, 2020: It’s mind boggling to me that people don’t accept that COVID-19 and colleges are a toxic combination. No college is dry and you …

Sep 8, 2020: “As a businessman, he played with other people’s money. As a politician, the stakes have been other people’s lives.” David Frum, I Crossed …

Sep 8, 2020: Based on what I read, I see two things about COVID-19. For older people, particularly those in poor health, it has a high risk for death. For everyone …

Sep 6, 2020: About 906 Day

Sep 5, 2020: Let’s play two! The Cubs have a COVID-19 double header today with the Cardinals in Wrigley. Rookie pitcher going in the first game.

Sep 4, 2020: About last night

Sep 3, 2020: A team of scientists hunting dark matter has recorded suspicious pings coming from a vat of liquid xenon underneath a mountain in Italy. They are not …

Sep 3, 2020: Last year, on this date, Google released Android 10. If they follow the same schedule, that might mean Android 11 will be released next week, after …

Sep 3, 2020: “Joy,” as the Archbishop said during the week, “is much bigger than happiness. While happiness is often seen as being dependent on external …

Sep 2, 2020: Last year at this time the Chicago Cubs had no batter hitting .300 or higher, this year they have one, with another hitting .299. Slight improvement, …

Aug 31, 2020: Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum is a wonderful museum/arcade of all sorts of vintage games, and like many small businesses is hit hard by …

Aug 30, 2020: Finished reading: Genesis for Normal People: A Guide to the Most Controversial, Misunderstood, and Abused Book of the Bible by Peter Enns, Jared Byas …

Aug 30, 2020: Currently reading: Fast Carbs, Slow Carbs: The Simple Truth About Food, Weight, and Disease by David Kessler 📚

Aug 30, 2020: Currently reading: The Homebrewed Christianity Guide to Church History: Flaming Heretics and Heavy Drinkers by Bill Leonard, Tripp Fuller 📚

Aug 30, 2020: Cooler temps with 🌞, in other words, pleasant weather.

Aug 30, 2020: “Just remember this: no one can keep you from the second half of your own life except yourself. Nothing can inhibit your second journey except …

Aug 29, 2020: It seems as though the weather in southeast Michigan the last two days has been influenced by Hurricane Laura. Yesterday’s storms have given way …

Aug 29, 2020: Dear Google, You do a wonderful job of making it easy to move from one Android phone to another but moving a Wear OS watch along with that phone is …

Aug 29, 2020: Taken with the Pixel 4a

Aug 28, 2020: Smartphones are much more useful when they can connect to the mobile network.

Aug 27, 2020: Here is the thing…we think liberty is about our government, but on its own it says nothing about what one does with that liberty. Some will claim it …

Aug 24, 2020: The headline is NOT that Putin basically ran the 2016 Trump campaign, the headline is that people know this AND THEY DON"T CARE! They = the …

Aug 23, 2020: What we are currently dealing with is the struggle between what we want and what is.

Aug 19, 2020: While the weather in July was hot, the weather in August in Michigan this year has been glorious.

Aug 19, 2020: Computing Is Art I’ve read two articles this week that make the case for treating Computer Science as something other than Computer Science. The one, titled, Why …

Aug 18, 2020: I received the case for the PIxel 4a that I ordered from Google, but no shipment notification yet for the phone. The case does confirm that the 4a is …

Aug 18, 2020: I postulate that a consequence of the pandemic is an increase in the amount of garbage added to land fills. During my morning walks on garbage day I …

Aug 17, 2020: Forgot the strangest part about tonight’s seven inning, pandemic doubleheader, which is that the Cubs are the road team at Wrigley in game two.

Aug 17, 2020: Last year, about Chicago Cubs, I wrote: The problem is not the hitting, although they could be more consistent. To me the problem is the bullpen, …

Aug 17, 2020: The Chicago Cubs have now lost three games in a row. Normally that would not be a problem, but in a short season, it feels like they really need to …

Aug 17, 2020: It seems to me that comparing something that is intended to create a new category of device against current categories is flawed. My read of this take …

Aug 16, 2020: Currently reading: Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love, and Liberation 📚

Aug 16, 2020: Finished reading: That All Shall Be Saved: Heaven, Hell, and Universal Salvation by David Bentley Hart 📚

Aug 16, 2020: Finished reading: The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith by Marcus Borg 📚

Aug 16, 2020: Finished reading: So You Want To Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo 📚

Aug 16, 2020: “As a society, we are in danger of needing larger and larger social wake-up calls and shocks to the system. At a socio-global scale, this translates …

Aug 15, 2020: Trump was impeached for doing what he is basically trying to do right now by disrupting the USPS. Republicans in the Senate had their chance to live …

Aug 15, 2020: Test = vaccine “The tests, which can be produced for less than a dollar, can be performed by consumers each day or every other day. Though not …

Aug 14, 2020: In a blog post today Om Malik asks, What is work? and I think he touches on a root cause of Trumpism. Basically, many people have a hard time seeing a …

Aug 13, 2020: “Personhood as such, in fact, is not a condition possible for an isolated substance. It is an act, not a thing, and it is achieved only in and through …

Aug 11, 2020: I am not this clever, but how is my dad vacation shirt? #staycation

Aug 11, 2020: Transport #mbaug

Aug 11, 2020: Normally we take a trip somewhere to celebrate our wedding anniversary but this year we decided that staying home is the right thing to do. We did …

Aug 9, 2020: “The notion that God is a reality who can be known (and not simply believed in) has become quite foreign in the modern world and in much of modern …

Aug 9, 2020: Decision Making Matters Perhaps the most important skill we learn in life is how we make decisions. Too little time is spent reflecting on this skill in ourselves, and …

Aug 8, 2020: It’s been a long time since my civics class, but I could have swore I learned that Congress has the power of the purse. If that’s true, how can POTUS …

Aug 8, 2020: The Unraveling of America In truth, social democracies are successful precisely because they foment dynamic capitalist economies that just happen to …

Aug 8, 2020: A thought in form of a question. Is it more important to you that America has been great and therefore we must recognize those who made it great, or …

Aug 8, 2020: Flip-flop sales surge as casual and comfortable fashion wins lockdown. I always found flip-flops uncomfortable.

Aug 8, 2020: Understatement of the year

Aug 7, 2020: I will not be surprised if Android 11 is released on August 21 when the Pixel 4a starts shipping.

Aug 7, 2020: It seems to me that the possibility that a person could become POTUS by “gaming the electoral college” is sufficient reason to seriously …

Aug 7, 2020: What competencies should the President of the United States have? A President needs to get Congress to pass legislation to implement his or her …

Aug 6, 2020: Six years ago Javier Baez started his MLB career in a big way.

Aug 6, 2020: I just transferred music I had uploaded to Google Play Music to YT Music because Google is shutting down Play Music next month. A few years ago I had …

Aug 6, 2020: Definitely a Random Mind I find it amusing how my mind recalls bits of things in certain circumstances. For example, during my morning walk I saw that the lawn care company …

Aug 6, 2020: Back home 📷 #mbaug

Aug 6, 2020: On August 6, 2019 I wrote: Being one in Christ means we see Christ in everyone and everything through our different skin colors, nationalities, and …

Aug 5, 2020: Over exposed 📷 It’s awesome outside. If you live in Michigan get outdoors now!

Aug 5, 2020: Is 5G really necessary for smartphones? Certainly not right now while my phone is at home with me, connected to my WiFi network, but long term? I am …

Aug 5, 2020: From The Federal Clampdown On Portland Shows Just How Fragile Our Democracy Is If we view that if one party gets into power they’ll be a threat to my …

Aug 5, 2020: The COVID-19 Data Console provides one of the easiest to understand interactive charts of data on the spread of the disease. I’ve added it to my …

Aug 4, 2020: Is Google’s Nearby Share being distributed as a feature drop to Android phones?

Aug 4, 2020: I am one of the many people who used and really liked the DarkSky weather app on Android. While the Android app is great, the main reason why I bought …

Aug 4, 2020: Today is a primary election day here in Michigan and we voted from home for the first time. Some notes regarding voting from home now that I …

Aug 4, 2020: Finished reading: The Idolatry of God: Breaking Our Addiction to Certainty and Satisfaction by Peter Rollins 📚

Aug 4, 2020: Peace #mbaug 📷

Aug 3, 2020: Tom’s Guide Google Pixel 4a review about the one color of the 4a suggests the reason for the announcement delay was the pandemic’s impact …

Aug 3, 2020: Enjoying cooler temps sitting on the patio reading, though about to take a walk.

Aug 3, 2020: The Pixel 2 that I am using has a 5.0-inch screen with 145.7 x 69.7 x 7.8 mm physical dimensions and 143 grams of weight. The just announced Pixel 4a …

Aug 3, 2020: Why Can’t We All Just Get Along? The Uncertain Biological Basis of Morality I think the above article makes the case for contemplation and …

Aug 3, 2020: To answer Dave, who asks when will it be too much for the country to bear? There is already a revolution, the problem is there are multiple …

Aug 1, 2020: Sitting down to watch hockey, feels like the start of the season except that it’s the first day of August. Strange times indeed.

Aug 1, 2020: That moment when one is sitting on their patio and all the air conditioners nearby are off so one can hear nature.

Jul 31, 2020: More positive tests with MLB teams, this time the Brewers/Cardinals. Anyone making bets on which day it will be shut down? The odds on the completion …

Jul 31, 2020: The damage of Trump’s election tweet has already been done. The con is all about sowing doubt, and the fact that a POTUS is even willing to …

Jul 31, 2020: I think that Governor Whitmer has done a good job of managing COVID-19 in Michigan. However, some of the executive orders she has issued don’t …

Jul 30, 2020: What is more dangerous than Trump is what Trump represents, and I think this Vox article on the rise of American authoritarianism does as good a job …

Jul 30, 2020: Here are some really interesting charts on battery life of the Google Pixel phones. I own a Pixel 2, which by my read of the charts is middle of the …

Jul 29, 2020: Currently reading: The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith by Marcus Borg 📚

Jul 29, 2020: Currently reading: So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo 📚

Jul 26, 2020: “The Christian life is not about believing or doing what we need to believe or do so that we can be saved. Rather, it’s about seeing what is already …

Jul 25, 2020: The fake fans in the Fox Sports baseball broadcast is cute, but I’ve already grown tired of it.

Jul 24, 2020: I am testing Pocket for my “read it later” needs. I’ve been using Instapaper but its web app has not been updated in years and seems …

Jul 22, 2020: I think police unions are one of the beneficiaries of a police state in the United States, and so it is no surprise they welcome the increase military …

Jul 22, 2020: COVID-19 is back on the rise nearly every where, now it appears to be picking back up in Wisconsin.

Jul 22, 2020: If you call yourself a Christian, how do you imagine the Kingdom of God that Jesus constantly talked about looks like? Being one in Christ does NOT …

Jul 19, 2020: Finished reading: Joy Unspeakable: Contemplative Practices of the Black Church by Barbara A. Holmes 📚

Jul 18, 2020: We went on our biggest trip in months, to the east side (Auburn Hills) to deposit some checks at our bank, then all the way back west to Novi before …

Jul 18, 2020: The state of the union. People resisting wearing masks during a pandemic because of tyranny. Actual acts of tyranny pass barely noticed. Lazy or …

Jul 17, 2020: If we had a truly functioning democracy, the primary view on elections would be to provide all means possible to enable everyone the ability to vote …

Jul 17, 2020: If you start with the premise that there is a relationship between privacy and liberty, then you might find it ironic that Europe has overcome the …

Jul 17, 2020: Finished reading: Defiant: What the Women of Exodus Teach Us about Freedom by Kelley Nikondeha 📚

Jul 17, 2020: Currently reading: The Idolatry of God: Breaking Our Addiction to Certainty and Satisfaction by Peter Rollins 📚 Reading this one as part of my church …

Jul 16, 2020: Currently reading: These Truths: A History of the United States by Jill Lepore 📚

Jul 16, 2020: Today is the 51st Anniversary of the Apollo 11 launch. Or the beginning of a great conspiracy theory.

Jul 15, 2020: It got hot outside again. Chased back in to the air conditioning.

Jul 15, 2020: I see a video snippet of Mike Pence saying “We don’t want CDC guidance to be a reason for not opening schools.” First reaction is …

Jul 15, 2020: Hard to believe that a factor of comparison between the Trump and Biden campaigns are their smartphone apps. The contrast is striking.

Jul 13, 2020: Relive a part of Xerox PARC’s history: Smalltalk-80 on a Raspberry Pi Instructions for running Smalltalk on a Raspberry Pi. I may have to try …

Jul 13, 2020: Wild thing…

Jul 11, 2020: Recent feature updates to my blog are the Search and Now options at the top of the page. Click Now to learn more about me and what currently has my …

Jul 11, 2020: I think needs a new Discover category for plugins, to make it easier to know when plugins have been updated and to find new plugins.

Jul 11, 2020: Ice cream outside on a summer day

Jul 11, 2020: What one must do to protect their coffee on a windy day when sitting near a shedding cedar tree.

Jul 11, 2020: This is much better, temps in the 70s with a breeze, although the humidity is still north of 50%.

Jul 9, 2020: I’ve recently purchased a Lenovo Duet, which is a Chrome OS 2-in-1. I am a long time Chromebook user and own a Pixelbook, but the Duet is the …

Jul 8, 2020: I’ve added a Search option to my blog to enable readers to find topics that I’ve written about. The option is a work in progress, right …

Jul 7, 2020: Dave says Puerto Rico was the canary in the coal mine of how Trump would, and has, handled COVID-19. Why that was not seen that way is that most …

Jul 7, 2020: Hello world. Typing this at you via the Gluon app running on my Lenovo Duet. Gluon is a microblogging app for Android and iOS and while I use it on my …

Jul 6, 2020: I finished reading two books over the holiday weekend. Check them out.

Jul 5, 2020: If change and growth are not programmed into your spirituality, if there are not serious warnings about the blinding nature of fear and fanaticism, …

Jul 4, 2020: The irony of our time is that the phrase on those hats, “Make America Great Again” were prophetic four years ago. The problem is that …

Jul 4, 2020: It’s one o’clock on a Saturday, first Saturday of the month.

Jul 4, 2020: If you want to hang on to the past you must also take responsibility for the past.

Jul 3, 2020: Using Chrome on Chrome OS tablet mode makes me wonder whether anyone at Google even uses this configuration. Why no gestures to move between tabs?

Jul 2, 2020: I got a Lenovo Duet Chromebook today that I am trying out now with this post. It is interesting to use as a tablet because it is a rectangular shape …

Jul 2, 2020: I’ve made two purchases from Best Buy online since COVID-19, which is a bit unusual because I normally order from Amazon. What I am even more …

Jul 2, 2020: It’s a bad weather in a Bermuda way today.

Jul 2, 2020: So Frank, what are you doing on your vacation? Not work Be outdoors as much as possible We live in a large condominium that has plenty of green …

Jul 2, 2020: Not Folgers in this cup, but the caffeine is the same.

Jul 2, 2020: Enjoying that start of a four day weekend. Temperatures are destined to be in he 90s but right now it is cool in the shade and not a cloud in the sky.

Jul 1, 2020: Microsoft pledges to upskill 25 million workers for the ‘COVID-19 economy’ The COVID-19 economy?

Jul 1, 2020: I don’t know why Fauci goes to the Senate, it’s not like they are going to do anything or provide any leadership.

Jul 1, 2020: The U.S. is “going in the wrong direction” with the coronavirus surging badly enough that Dr. Anthony Fauci told senators Tuesday some regions are …

Jun 30, 2020: Incompetency is demonstrated as much by what one does not do as much as one does. At this point in time I think because Republicans have not started …

Jun 30, 2020: The most dangerous thing about Republicans right now is their complete denial and delusion about the current situation. How can you trust a Republican …

Jun 30, 2020: Twelve years ago I wrote about trying the beta of Evernote and the Asus Eee PC. Evernote still exists and I still use it. Netbooks don’t exist …

Jun 30, 2020: It seems like outlining and outliners is a recurring theme. Three years ago I wrote about how I much I like outliners and thus keep looking for …

Jun 29, 2020: Normal for now in Michigan appears to be between 200 and 300 new COVID-19 cases per day and between 15000 and 20000 COVID-19 tests per day. We will …

Jun 29, 2020: I am holding my breath a bit as Dave starts making changes to Radio3. I feel like I am the only person who actually uses Radio3, and it is a critical …

Jun 27, 2020: Got my hair cut for the first time in months. I think I lost ten pounds in a matter of minutes.

Jun 25, 2020: The tweeting is really something astounding. I cannot believe we make politics this way. Can we have a real conversation? Not your tweet versus this …

Jun 24, 2020: I miss watching baseball so I am looking forward to the season starting at the end of July. Unfortunately I am uncertain whether that will happen as I …

Jun 24, 2020: Automatic switching might give me a reason to buy AirPods to use with my iPads.

Jun 24, 2020: I wonder whether Scribble will enable me to use the Apple Pencil more. I assume that the onscreen keyboard will not pop up if the pencil is detected? …

Jun 24, 2020: No more segways? What will mall cops do? Actually, the only real purpose of a segway was for stunts to make CEOS look cool.

Jun 24, 2020: Awareness is the moment when we rise with eyes crusted from self-induced dreams of control, domination, victimization, and self-hatred to catch a …

Jun 23, 2020: I’ve been using a desktop running on ARM for a while now, and find it good enough for most of my desktop personal computing during the work day.

Jun 23, 2020: Time to make note that the iOS app finally provides the ability for one to edit existing posts. Just quickly edited one prior post!

Jun 23, 2020: I wonder how well the Surface Pro X has been selling?

Jun 22, 2020: In a way, Apple’s move of Mac OS to ARM puts it back into competition with Microsoft. Microsoft has been working to run Windows on ARM for a …

Jun 22, 2020: Apple announced Macs will run their own chips. Surprised to not see Intel’s stock drop. OTOH, Macs only amount to 5% of Intel’s chips. …

Jun 21, 2020: When I look at the charts it’s clear to me that we are in the midst of a second wave of COVID-19 in the United States. Sadly, for those who …

Jun 20, 2020: If we can’t agree that there are things humans should not do to other humans, particularly to those who are vulnerable, then we have a problem. Frank …

Jun 19, 2020: It seems to me to be a momentous occasion that the Governor of New York is held his last daily COVID briefing.

Jun 19, 2020: An example of white privilege is holding the belief that you can determine when and how another person should be angry.

Jun 19, 2020: Google and Parallels announced this week that they will be providing a way for Chrome OS Enterprise users to run Windows applications. I am curious to …

Jun 19, 2020: There is a simple solution to the Apple App Store and Developer kerfuffle. Use another product. The reason why Apple, like any corporation, does these …

Jun 16, 2020: I’d like to run with Quotebacks and see where it leads us. For now, I’ve added “Embed” links on the Favorites page on the web. This is an …

Jun 16, 2020: Quotebacks is a tool that makes it easy to grab snippets of text from around the web and convert them into embeddable blockquote web components. …

Jun 15, 2020: Om Malik: Today, I was thinking about our future post-pandemic reality. A contactless future is going to become obvious. With the retail and …

Jun 15, 2020: Alan Kay: This way of thinking and giving meaning to one’s life and society in terms of stories and narratives is universal over all cultures, …

Jun 10, 2020: Unions have a place in protecting labor and there really is no institution that protects and advocates in behalf of labor than unions. Historically …

Jun 10, 2020: On his blog today Dave asks for an app that generates an index of a blog (or really a web site). I would like something like that too, and I have …

Jun 4, 2020: The current state of the nation should be of no surprise as the agenda of the Trump administration is hidden in plain site. MAGA… Make America …

Jun 3, 2020: A first person story by a person in Minneapolis, worth the read. It made me think that one of many problems we have is that we want believe we live in …

Jun 2, 2020: Dave Winer makes a very good point about how Trump has handled COVID-19. A competent politician should easily gain re-election in a time of national …

Jun 1, 2020: When Police View Citizens As Enemies: The police and the U.S. military are separate institutions because policing a community and fighting a war are …

May 30, 2020: Sadly, what I wrote two years ago is still relevant today. If you say a life only matters if that life is only lived a certain way then you don’t get …

May 30, 2020: “Deciding what is good and evil is the foolish pursuit of humankind. In this life, you will have trouble and some of the trouble will come because we …

May 29, 2020: Is communication on a corporately owned platform communication on a public square? I don’t think so. The first amendment constrains governments …

May 24, 2020: Flipped on the air conditioning.

May 24, 2020: It is the first morning of the year on which it is warm enough to sit on he patio.

May 21, 2020: I can recommend all the books that I read recently, but two that I highly recommend is The Book of Joy and Falling Upward. Falling Upward was a life …

May 21, 2020: Looks like the community is posting book recommendations this month, you can find what I am currently reading on my now page.

May 20, 2020: I don’t get “publishing” threads on Twitter. Get a blog and own your content.

May 18, 2020: I think the COVID-19 response exposes a problem with the current state of lack of trust created through an increase in extreme points of view, both …

May 16, 2020: “One day, the mainline Christian movement will itself recognize that Jesus was never into expelling or excluding—only transforming and integrating. In …

May 15, 2020: Daring Fireball: Howard Stern on Trump Howard Stern echos something I’ve said for a while, but I think what may be the case is that these people …

May 12, 2020: I am one of many people who really like the note-taking app called Roam that is currently in beta. However, it seems some think that bidirectional …

May 11, 2020: It should be obvious to people that an illness that spreads between humans and human density are bad combinations. The virus still exists and does not …

May 10, 2020: “The cross calls all of us to a mystery of transformation. On the cross, none of us is in charge, none of us is in control, and none of us can …

May 9, 2020: “Private feelings are our form of truth today, a kind of ultimate self-absorption—understandable because there are no universal patterns. Yet, in …

May 5, 2020: Corporations don’t want government to tell them what to do. They pay lots of money to politicians at all levels of government from POTUS to state …

May 4, 2020: The flowering trees in my neighborhood are starting to bloom, including one of the largest flowering trees that I have ever seen.

May 1, 2020: I wonder if the families of the people who died in the swing states agree with President Trump? They will answer the question in November.

Apr 28, 2020: Today was the best weather day of the year so far, with sunshine and temps in the 70s. Fortunately my schedule enabled me to take several walks …

Apr 27, 2020: Republicans ought to be nervous. A presidential re-election during a time of crisis ought to be a slam dunk, but Trump is not competent enough to know …

Apr 27, 2020: I hope this is a good sign. Today is the first day that my county reported single digit new cases and deaths since the COVID-19 crisis began.

Apr 26, 2020: I’ve been frustrated with the gray, cold, and windy weather we have had this spring, so I am grateful for the sunshine and warmth today

Apr 25, 2020: Just realized the iOS microblog app now provides a way to edit posts. Happy.

Apr 23, 2020: Nothing to see here, just moving through.

Apr 20, 2020: I think the real problem with transitioning to the current state of lockdowns to something that resembles normal is that doing so requires cooperation …

Apr 19, 2020: Me, on September 27, 2008: I think what we are witnessing today is the result of the greed plus poor leadership equation. If this moment in history …

Apr 18, 2020: It is a strange time to celebrate a birthday, and yet, here I am celebrating in midst of a COVID-19 imposed lock down. Actually, this is not a new …

Apr 15, 2020: Remember, Republicans are the ones who enabled COVID19 to become so bad in the United States in the first place! Why should they be trusted, they …

Apr 15, 2020: Some people still want to think that COVID19 is no worse than the flu. The facts just don’t support that thinking. The government tracks the flu …

Apr 13, 2020: The built-in Photos and Archive pages of my blog are not working. When you click them all you see is /archive/ and /photos/ in the body. I tried …

Apr 13, 2020: Dave Winer has been releasing updates to Little Outliner, which is a browser based implementation of his outlining tools. Little Outliner creates and …

Apr 13, 2020: Trump seems to think the most important measure of his success is the stock market. The reality is that the stock market is driven significantly by …

Apr 13, 2020: Trump has been running for re-election from the first day after he was elected President. A politician constantly running for re-election cannot lead, …

Apr 10, 2020: The temperatures the last couple of days have had highs in the 40s and with it I’ve been feeling the affects that the COVID-19 lock down has put …

Apr 9, 2020: Deflector-in-chief making America great.

Apr 8, 2020: I don’t get 4K displays on computers. The fact that the new Samsung Galaxy Chromebook has a 4K display, is super thin, and has relatively poor …

Apr 7, 2020: I’ve been out of college for 35 years so I was not aware of the insane increase in the cost of college text books.

Apr 5, 2020: Hebrew Word of the Day - Hosanna!, please save us! - הוׄשַׁע-נָא Ho•sha na, Hosanna, is a liturgical word in Judaism and Christianity. It means: ‘save …

Apr 5, 2020: “Following Jesus, we need to trust the down, and God will take care of the up. Although even there, we still must offer our yes.” – …

Apr 5, 2020: Peace be with you! #Hope4All

Apr 4, 2020: Leadership is not appointing people in positions because of their loyalty, it’s appointing them for their competency. Chelsea Clinton is more …

Apr 4, 2020: Republicans, good politicians, terrible leaders.

Apr 4, 2020: “The relationship between America and China was not “normal” before COVID-19. It was in rapid decline. And that decline has left Americans more …

Apr 3, 2020: The military knows how to manage a supply chain to the front line of a war, the White House needs to get out of the military’s way to let them …

Apr 3, 2020: Is the current state in which you have to do less really abnormal, or are you being convinced it’s abnormal through everyone’s complaints …

Apr 2, 2020: What everyone’s getting wrong about the toilet paper shortage Georgia-Pacific, a leading toilet paper manufacturer based in Atlanta, estimates …

Apr 2, 2020: How many people do you personally know that have COVID-19? I know of two, one of whom has described what it has been like and frankly it’s …

Apr 2, 2020: There is now a nice dashboard for Michigan’s COVID-19 data. COVID-19 is like catnip to data visualization

Apr 2, 2020: We need journalism as it existed in 1780 now more than ever.

Apr 1, 2020: Comcast removed their data caps during the COVID-19 crisis and their network is “performing well,” begging the question of why Comcast has …

Mar 31, 2020: I am very disappointed to learn that Apple has acquired Dark Sky and decided to discontinue it’s Android application. I’ve been a happy …

Mar 30, 2020: So, Oakland County, Michigan has posted cases by zip code. Not sure I am better off informed or blissfully unaware.

Mar 30, 2020: In Michigan, almost all Lower Peninsula counties now have at least one positive test result for COVID-19. Four Upper Peninsula counties have a …

Mar 30, 2020: Oakland County Michigan, which is the county I live in, has significantly improved their COVID-19 data visualization. What is ominously missing is any …

Mar 28, 2020: Vince Gill is such a good singer.

Mar 28, 2020: Last time I watched Vince and Amy at the Opry, it was in person.

Mar 28, 2020: Do Republicans really believe that money is more important than human life?

Mar 26, 2020: Oakland County, which I live in, is requiring “essential” businesses to screen their “essential” employees every day. First, I …

Mar 25, 2020: Last year I was commenting about my NCAA men’s basketball and hockey brackets. How trivial.

Mar 24, 2020: Upgraded my iPad Pro 10.5 to iPadOS 13.4 so I can see how well a mouse works. I paired an old Logitech travel mouse and it works fine. One difference …

Mar 24, 2020: Is it just me or does it seem as though On This Day has stopped working?

Mar 24, 2020: Reuters: United States could become coronavirus epicenter: WHO Making America Great Again!

Mar 24, 2020: The Man Who Saw The Pandemic Coming by Nautilus is a great article. I’ve been writing about the lessons we should learn from COVID-19, the …

Mar 23, 2020: The federal government’s response to COVID-19 makes total sense given that it’s currently lead by people who don’t believe in federal government. …

Mar 23, 2020: Remember all those claims that with socialized medicine will come death panels? We do not have socialized medicine right now but the defacto death …

Mar 23, 2020: Last I looked it was state governors making orders to shelter at home, not POTUS, so if Trump says we all can go back to normal next week, does that …

Mar 23, 2020: Perhaps the most important lesson we all should learn from COVID-19 is that we are all connected. Even something as small as a tiny virus on the …

Mar 23, 2020: James Martin: I don’t understand why people are dying, but I can follow the person who gives me a pattern for life.

Mar 23, 2020: From the Washington Post: The cases coming into hospitals now are patients who were infected a week ago, and if communities wait until the hospitals …

Mar 22, 2020: Looking at the Michigan county map of COVID-19 cases, and to me it looks to follow along the I-75 corridor.

Mar 22, 2020: Something for Republicans to think about, Donald Trump could have easily assured his re-election had he taken action to prepare for and respond to the …

Mar 22, 2020: “What American pundits misunderstand when they brandish “market choice” as a weapon against social welfare, then, is that the social safety net does …

Mar 22, 2020: “Such dynamics expose a basic absurdity at the heart of our global society. It is not a system aimed at satisfying our desires and needs, at providing …

Mar 21, 2020: [The Doctor Who Helped Defeat Smallpox Explains What’s Coming - WIRED]( …

Mar 20, 2020: This is what Republican leadership looks like. Through in how Rick Snyder handled Flint, Michigan and Donald Trump is handling COVID-19.

Mar 19, 2020: The number of positive test results in Michigan has jumped to 110.

Mar 19, 2020: I’ve learned that someone I know personally has been diagnosed as presumed to have COVID-19, they are waiting on the test results.

Mar 18, 2020: Today we learned of the first resident in Michigan who has died from COVID-19. The number of positive test results in Michigan has increased to 80.

Mar 18, 2020: Peregrine falcons have an egg at the Detroit Zoo water tower.

Mar 18, 2020: Hannah Arendt made [the comment that follows](Hannah Arendt made the comments that follow in 1974 during an interview with the French writer Roger …

Mar 18, 2020: Coronavirus 2019: What People With Cancer Need to Know

Mar 18, 2020: The President of the United States is the chief administrator of the U.S. Government, as established by the U.S. Constitution. Trump may be right in …

Mar 17, 2020: Michigan coronavirus cases now stand at 65.

Mar 17, 2020: So the U.S. government might send all of us a check that we will need to cash to use. Does anyone not see the problem with this scenario?

Mar 17, 2020: I think the hygiene recommendations in the last slide shown on this page does a good job of clarifying when you should wash your hands. When someone …

Mar 17, 2020: Republican hubris

Mar 17, 2020: Aren’t Coronavirus tests point in time tests? If I am tested today and found negative, can’t you test me next week and find me positive? …

Mar 17, 2020: One addition I would make to the notes Dave wrote here is that Trump and his entire administration must be held accountable to the consequences of …

Mar 16, 2020: I am really curious to see what conclusions might be drawn by all the video conferencing being used for teaching during the pandemic. A bit potential …

Mar 16, 2020: Forget the TP, I need more hand cream due to all this washing of the hands.

Mar 16, 2020:, The Power of the Individual in an Exponential Crisis The difference is stark. If you act today, you will have averted four times as many …

Mar 16, 2020: At times I think to myself, maybe now Presidenial elections in the United States will stop being a popularity contest and start becoming a job …

Mar 16, 2020: Michigan is up to 53 positive cases as of 9 AM 3/16. 14 in Oakland County, who hasn’t updated their site listings in a while. Bars and …

Mar 15, 2020: And when state governments start closing down the bars and restaurants, I wonder how people are going to react.

Mar 15, 2020: I’ve created a page of links to information about the response to COVID-19, starting selfishly with locations closest to where I live.

Mar 15, 2020: Does this ring true right now? It’s a consequence of being intentionally divided. “In one study, Dominic Abrams and his colleagues divided …

Mar 14, 2020: Panic shopping

Mar 14, 2020: Finished reading: The Book of Joy by Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Abrams 📚

Mar 14, 2020: “You don’t have to have scriptural or religious teaching. It’s just the truth: You can’t survive on your own. If you say you are going to be totally …

Mar 14, 2020: What we ought to learn from what we are now experiencing is how truly interconnected we all are. It is foolish to think what occurs on the other side …

Mar 13, 2020: Farmington Hills teacher tests positive for COVID-19 It is getting closer to us.

Mar 13, 2020: “No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main;” John Donne

Mar 12, 2020: All NCAA tournaments cancelled. Professional seasons postponed. NASCAR is still going to run with nobody in the stands.

Mar 12, 2020: New York Magazine: The fact that the virus has already taken hold across the country, and that blocking foreign travel does essentially nothing to …

Mar 12, 2020: Good morning. It’s going to be a scary and weird couple of months. For those skeptics, note that some very rich people, NBA owners and the NCAA …

Mar 11, 2020: If you view everything in life in dualistic, for me or against me terms, then you are going to have polarization. Trump has never stopped campaigning …

Mar 11, 2020: I bet all the NFL owners are breathing better knowing their league is not in season.

Mar 11, 2020: It has arrived in Michigan! We just don’t know how long it has been here.

Mar 10, 2020: Last year Om Malik warned us and now we are living it.

Mar 10, 2020: But the Democrats are making this up, they must have lots of power to quarantine an entire country.

Mar 10, 2020:, A Text Renaissance On the surface, Roam looks like a cross between a slightly weird wiki and a note-taking tool like Evernote. It’s …

Mar 10, 2020: NetNewsWire for iOS is officially released, I’ve been using the beta version for several months. I tend to prefer using a web app to browse my …

Mar 9, 2020: This: SE Cupp: This is why we’re panicked about coronavirus - CNN Video Is the result of intentional actions by the President and his supporters …

Mar 9, 2020: My concern with the voting issues that have occurred so far in the primaries is that if they re-surface they will be used by Trump and the Republicans …

Mar 9, 2020: What is in those doughnuts? Did the officers eat the evidence?

Mar 8, 2020: The Raspberry Pi org has released a SD card imager app that is available for Windows, Mac OS, and Ubuntu. I use balenaEtcher on my Macbook Air to …

Mar 7, 2020: The kid in me wants to buy this Air Jordan New Beginnings pack because nostalgia.

Mar 6, 2020: How is that open office floor plan looking now?

Mar 6, 2020: I am not sure how I feel about this, but replies only appear on blog post pages and not on the main blog page so they aren’t very discoverable.

Mar 5, 2020: There is a big gap in how the POTUS should be hired/elected and how he or she is actually elected. One of the first questions I ask myself when …

Mar 5, 2020: What seems to go unsaid about COVID-19 from my perspective is not that the virus and its statistics alone that has me worried, it’s the virus, …

Mar 4, 2020: “The Gospel is much more subtle than that. Jesus' life and his risen body say instead that the discovery of our own divine DNA is the only, …

Mar 4, 2020: I continue to be amazed that reporters don’t say the obvious about Bernie, he is not a Democrat which may be a big reason why big D Democrats …

Mar 3, 2020: Google is cancelling their big developer conference that was scheduled for early May. I find it interesting they are canceling now. How we will know …

Mar 3, 2020: With shiftscreen you can use an external monitor as a second display for your iPad edge to edge.

Mar 2, 2020: “Now, Android’s “Rules” are starting to show up on a lot of Google Pixel devices, hinting they might be included in the next “Feature Drop.”” I just …

Mar 1, 2020: Microsoft is retiring the MCSE certification, which I once held in the early 2000s. My experience in getting the certification also turned me off to …

Feb 29, 2020: What Makes The French Horn Notoriously Difficult? The French horn’s register plays in a higher range of the harmonic series (essentially, the notes …

Feb 29, 2020: “The American intellectuals who now find themselves alienated from the country that they inhabit aren’t interested in reality. They are interested in …

Feb 27, 2020: The main issue I have with the Democrat primary is that the candidate that I prefer is probably not the best candidate to beat Donald Trump, and I …

Feb 26, 2020: “The word humility actually comes from the Latin word for earth or soil, humus—which sounds a lot like but should not be confused with the simple but …

Feb 26, 2020: Not surprised by Maria Sharapova’s retirement. Her injuries significantly cut into the amount of time she played competitive tennis, and no …

Feb 26, 2020: Ash Wednesday begins the Christian liturgical season of Lent, but it is also a statement of a profound truth. We are all born human and we will all …

Feb 26, 2020: I don’t understand how to enable replies/webmentions on my

Feb 25, 2020: Beware, the Ferengi are still cooking up financial engineering ideas.

Feb 25, 2020: I didn’t know that the row of icons that appear above the Google Search box on Android is called the hotseat. Not sure I am thrilled with the …

Feb 25, 2020: Mercury News: Russia’s influence campaign is driven by a desire to “watch us tear ourselves apart,” a senior FBI official said Monday, comments that …

Feb 23, 2020: The sunshine we have had this weekend pairs well with the first spring training games. #Cubs

Feb 22, 2020: Spring is here, go Cubs go!

Feb 22, 2020: Finished reading: Dear Church: A Love Letter from a Black Preacher to the Whitest Denomination in the US by Lenny Duncan 📚

Feb 20, 2020: I think we are hopelessly, intentionally fractured, with factions obsessed with getting their way. Consequently, there is no agreement about …

Feb 17, 2020: Testing Migration Of FedWiki To New Server

Feb 17, 2020: Eye opening (or at least it should be!): We have an entire generation of Americans who have grown to adulthood since 9-11 and in those two decades …

Feb 17, 2020: The common denominator of the right and left is anger, and the problem is, that is no way to lead. What we need in the United States is wise …

Feb 16, 2020: Talk about free political advertising.

Feb 15, 2020: The Cancer Industry: Hype vs. Reality It’s all unsettling. I am a bit suspicious of the cancer medical industry, and I do think greed is a …

Feb 13, 2020: One thing we have learned from the Trump presidency is that there aren’t many true conservatives and they don’t have any real power, just …

Feb 13, 2020: The response to Barr’s refusal to uphold and the Constitution is the House voting on articles of impeachment and a Senate trial.

Feb 11, 2020: Time to check in on Houghton. Perhaps watch a little broom ball.

Feb 11, 2020: Public Service Announcement: Pitchers and catchers report today. Spring has begun!

Feb 11, 2020: I need to move my wiki to a new server in order to upgrade the wiki software it runs on to the latest version. The root cause for the need to migrate …

Feb 11, 2020: As a french horn player I am mildly offended that Yanni plays the horn on a keyboard on Santorini.

Feb 11, 2020: What makes a weblog a weblog? A weblog is a hierarchy of text, images, media objects and data, arranged chronologically, that can be viewed in an …

Feb 9, 2020: What a difference a day makes. Yesterday this was my view but now it is this…

Feb 9, 2020: We are staying over there…

Feb 9, 2020: Stain glass window at The Whitney

Feb 9, 2020: Made it to 1825!

Feb 9, 2020: Can’t re-share a picture uploaded to via the app. Went in to the web site and when I tap Copy HTML it never actually gets to three iOS …

Feb 9, 2020: Sun down, Detroit River

Feb 8, 2020: Just discovered that my Apple TV was on all night and left on it’s “home screen” showing me what to watch next and burned through …

Feb 8, 2020: A page out of the Soviet play book, originating within the United States but not seen as a clear and present danger.

Feb 8, 2020: James Carville is “scared to death” about whether Sanders and others can beat Trump - Vox James Carville: “Look, Bernie Sanders isn’t a …

Feb 4, 2020: PSA. Pitchers and catchers report in one week.

Feb 4, 2020: Murkowski throws stones, demonstrating she is part of the problem.

Feb 3, 2020: The past weekend an update to Little Outliner was made available and with that I learned about a status page generator feature of it that I thought I …

Feb 2, 2020: 2020 Super Bowl Commercials My favs were the Hyundai Boston and the Jeep groundhog commercials.

Feb 2, 2020: +1 to Jeep for the groundhog commercial on the rodent’s day. (And you can never go wrong with Bill Murray in a commercial)

Feb 2, 2020: The best Super Bowl half time show was in Miami.

Feb 2, 2020: Happy groundhog day. The sun is shining 😎

Feb 2, 2020: In a photo series for O Magazine, racial dynamics between white women and women of color are flipped — Quartz

Feb 1, 2020: The Last Time Democracy Almost Died by Jill Lepore W. E. B. Du Bois predicted that, unless the United States met its obligations to the dignity and …

Jan 31, 2020: Guilty of the crime but will not be punished. The President of the United States is in fact above the law.

Jan 31, 2020: You don’t need to hear witnesses when you have already decided the case.

Jan 28, 2020: In December after installing a security update on my Pixel 2 I observed that the phone no longer displayed signal strength when connected to the …

Jan 28, 2020: Tablet Style Personal Computing: Personal computing tablet style emphasizes simplicity. What is simpler, sliding a mouse along a table top surface …

Jan 28, 2020: The iPhone Way: In short, the iPhone Way to simplicity is a combination of limitations and control, and both of these tenants are completely opposite …

Jan 28, 2020: Yesterday was the tenth anniversary of the Apple iPad announcement. Back on January 27, 2010 I wrote, “Has Apple Made Tablets Legit?” and …

Jan 28, 2020: Manton has added a replies feature to that I think should provide a way for you to create and see replies to these posts.

Jan 26, 2020: You can buy almost anything on Amazon! And I mean anything. (Look at the address bar.)

Jan 26, 2020: Cold, wet, and melting

Jan 24, 2020: Clayton Christensen, author of The Innovator’s Dilemma, has passed away.

Jan 23, 2020: The Pinebook Pro is an ARM-based laptop that you can buy for $200. You get a 14-inch IPS 1080p screen, 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB of storage, and you can …

Jan 23, 2020: Last week I participated in the MobileViews podcast and in it we talked about foldable screen devices. I stated my opinion that we ought to think of …

Jan 23, 2020: Monty Python’s 10 funniest sketches, per The Telegraph.

Jan 23, 2020: Last year on this day my wiki hit 100 pages, today it is at 298 pages.

Jan 20, 2020: The New York Times has a strong statement about Bernie Sanders, which I see as a bug, not a feature. The bug was introduced to the U.S. government by …

Jan 19, 2020: Packers imploding. Exhibiting characteristics of a team that is out matched. Game over if the 49ers go up by two touchdowns.

Jan 19, 2020: Writer Peter Hamby: This is why President Trump appeals to casual voters - CNN Video We’ve got the President we deserve. I think this is one if …

Jan 19, 2020: What Having a “Growth Mindset” Actually Means Individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input …

Jan 19, 2020: I don’t think Kansas City can afford to spot Tennessee a multi touchdown lead like they did last week because the Titans have a much better …

Jan 19, 2020: I am compelled to link to this blog post mostly because of the Newton MessagePad image that frames the post. NIce.

Jan 18, 2020: I told Google Home to remind me to do something in twenty minutes. Twenty minutes pass and I get a notification “ding”, so I ask Google …

Jan 18, 2020: This morning when I attempted to access my primary instance of River5 I observed an ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED message. This instance is hosted on Google …

Jan 18, 2020: We got the second significant snow fall of the year overnight. Right now it is good snowball and heart attack snow.

Jan 18, 2020: If you want to host a web application or service on a home network, make it accessible from the Internet, but not create a DMZ or enable port …

Jan 13, 2020: Netflix doesn’t hire the best engineers. They create them. I hired in to a company that believed this and had the culture to back it. Over time as …

Jan 13, 2020: Parsr, is a minimal-footprint document (image, pdf) cleaning, parsing and extraction toolchain which generates readily available, organized and usable …

Jan 13, 2020: How can anybody “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” if they refuse to acknowledge and act under its …

Jan 13, 2020: Trump continues to think and act as though the President of the United States is a king or a dictator and can do anything he wants, like assassinating …

Jan 13, 2020: Currently reading: The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World by Dalai Lama, Desmond Tuto, Douglas Carlton Abrams 📚

Jan 13, 2020: PSA for today. Pitchers and catchers report to spring training in one month.

Jan 12, 2020: Tell me if you have heard this one before. The Green Bay Packers are going to San Francisco to play the 49ers in the NFC championship game and the …

Jan 12, 2020: I think there is another side to the point of view about blogging that Dave is not addressing in his writing about journalism, which is that there are …

Jan 12, 2020: I like how Dave Winer displaying pictures on Scripting News, centered and with a caption in smaller font below the picture.

Jan 11, 2020: It’s raining a lot right now, an unusual storm for the eleventh day of January. The sump pump is pumping water every thirty seconds and at the …

Jan 10, 2020: Five year survival of pancreatic cancer has increased to 10%. It’s good that it has increased a percent the last few years, but it is no where …

Jan 10, 2020: Last year, and still very relevant today! Its all theater. Like taking off your shoes at the airport and it is time that people opened their eyes.

Jan 10, 2020: Two years ago I wrote about my ongoing search for the perfect to-do app, declaring I was giving Toodledo another go. This year I did not renew my …

Jan 10, 2020: Giving Palm Its Just Due - Notes From The Cave Remember when new phones were announced at CES? Hard to believe this was 11 years ago. Reading the …

Jan 9, 2020: I’ve created my CES 2020 wiki page to collect information from CES of interest to me. Here is the page that I created last year.

Jan 9, 2020: Dave Winer: The world is huge. To keep our sanity we have to simplify it, and to do that we have to ignore differences. The stories we tell ourselves …

Jan 9, 2020: Happy anniversary, iPhone!

Jan 7, 2020: Configuring A Raspberry Pi as a WiFi Hotspot and WiFi client In episode 308 of the MobileViews podcast Jon Westfall talked about a blog post describing how to configure a Raspberry Pi 4 as a USB-C accessory for …

Jan 7, 2020: Scheduling routines in Google Assistant makes a lot of sense, and I look forward to the feature being available.

Jan 7, 2020: Linksys' Wellness Pods sound like a good idea and if my grandmother were still alive, I would seriously consider using them, but I wonder how and how …

Jan 6, 2020: Suunto 7 promises a Wear OS sports smartwatch with 12-hour battery life - SlashGear Nice to see an old Microsoft SPOT watch vendor still in the game.

Jan 6, 2020: NASA: How We’re Going (Back) to the Moon If all goes as planned humans could be walking again on the moon in four years! I hope to see it.

Jan 6, 2020: This article on the The New Republic is ignorant suggesting that RSS was confined to Google Reader. I was using my River of News then and still do …

Jan 5, 2020: Iran conflict confirms Trump is who Dems think he is (opinion) - CNN “If the President has been willing to withhold foreign military assistance to …

Jan 5, 2020: The Middle East has been a real world Game Of Thrones for more than a century and the players have been England, France, Russia, and the United …

Jan 5, 2020: Imminent Attack by Iran sounds like the same justification as the Weapons Of Mass Destruction claim the George W. Bush administration (aka Dick …

Jan 4, 2020: Remember, corporate owned U.S. journalism makes money from war. It wasn’t critical of the run up to the war in Iraq, will this time be different?

Jan 3, 2020: Odds of the Senate Impeachment trial being delayed due to middle east crisis? (Attention redirection is the oldest play in the politician play book.)

Jan 2, 2020: Brookings: Even as the U.S. economy hums along at a favorable pace, there is a vast segment of workers today earning wages low enough to leave their …

Jan 2, 2020: The conceptual design of MercuryOS reminds me a bit of Newton OS.

Jan 2, 2020: Today is my first work day of the year. Looking back at the To Do list I created for the holiday break, it contained 12 items and I completed 3. Not …

Jan 1, 2020: My wish for 2020, a year that ought to be one of re-visioning (see with new/clear eyes), is that citizens of the United States learned the U.S. …

Jan 1, 2020: Welcome to 2020

Dec 31, 2019: What a nice way to end the year

Dec 31, 2019: Spending the afternoon at LCA watching the Michigan Tech Huskies play is becoming at New Year’s Eve tradition.

Dec 31, 2019: “Too often we confuse what feels bad to us with what is bad for us. Yet the two are not the same.” — Thank God for Evolution: How the Marriage of …

Dec 31, 2019: What if we celebrated the end of every day like it was New Year’s eve?

Dec 31, 2019: “Our Big Picture matters. Indeed, nothing matters more!” — Thank God for Evolution: How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life …

Dec 29, 2019: ‘The Mandalorian’ Ending Reveals A Core Problem With Disney Plus I agree with Forbes that beyond ‘The Mandalorian’ Disney+ does not have …

Dec 29, 2019: How Atari took on Apple with the Atari 400 and Atari 800 PCs This is a great story about the Atari personal computers. I bought an Atari 800XL when I …

Dec 28, 2019: I have found Micropublish that suggests it could be used to edit posts given its URL but when I tried to use it to edit the prior post it generated an …

Dec 28, 2019: Micropub Editing Needs To Improve Today Dave Winer writes about simplicity of blogging, what he describes as Flow. The idea is to make writing a new blog post as frictionless as …

Dec 27, 2019: I use River5 as my RSS reader/aggregator and one thing I wish it had is an easy way to see the last date a new item was added to a site that I …

Dec 26, 2019: The Story Does Not Begin On Christmas – Learning From Others, Seeking The Way

Dec 26, 2019: “The church was meant to be an alternative society in the grip of an altogether different story line.” — The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality …

Dec 25, 2019: If I am not going to see snow on Christmas, then warm sunshine is the next best thing.

Dec 25, 2019: The Wealth & Health of Nations This is a recreation of a Gapminder visualization made famous by Hans Rosling. It shows per-capita income (x), …

Dec 25, 2019: Commoning - An Introduction: Commoning is a practice of collaborating and sharing to meet everyday needs and achieve wellbeing, of individuals, …

Dec 24, 2019: The primary lesson of incarnation, which is what Christianity celebrates tonight, is that Yahweh is not like other gods! Merry Christmas!

Dec 23, 2019: “Mistaking wealth for virtue is a cruelty of our time. By treating poverty as inevitable for parts of the population, and giving impoverished workers …

Dec 23, 2019: The ducks are enjoying the weather.

Dec 23, 2019: I am conflicted. One one hand, beautiful 50 degree plus weather during a week vacation in December is great. On the other hand, it’s Christmas …

Dec 23, 2019: Swift for Good – Learn Swift, Change the World 20 well-known authors and speakers are coming together to write an all-new book for Swift developers, …

Dec 23, 2019: There are many things that I like about hosting my blog on, one of the top ones is On This Day, which shows the posts made on a particular …

Dec 23, 2019: On December 23, 2017 I wrote: The country, and what most will accept is much different now than during Watergate. I doubt we will ever see a …

Dec 23, 2019: I’ve been trying out as my list manager because it runs on all the platforms that I use. However, I’ve found it doesn’t support iOS 13 split …

Dec 22, 2019: Why Everything You Know About the Nativity is Probably Wrong by Sarah Bessey The incarnation is the miracle: it’s not Jesus' otherness but his …

Dec 21, 2019: The Grumpy Economist: Free market health care My first question is why did they write down that goofy number of $100,000 on the bill, even though the …

Dec 21, 2019: I spent countless hours of my youth typing in programs and games from magazines in to my computer, which back then was the only way to get …

Dec 21, 2019: Happy Winter solstice

Dec 21, 2019: I’ve never had the ability to post pictures directly from my phone to my blog before, so now that I can, you will see more pictures here. You …

Dec 21, 2019: It is awesome outside, with 47 degrees four days before Christmas.

Dec 21, 2019: It’s About The Thing, Stupid - Writing By Frank McPherson It seems to me the only way to change a thing is to find new people who are just focused on …

Dec 20, 2019: Today is my last work day of the year, and I just finished my last meeting!

Dec 20, 2019: This remains one of the best “presents” I’ve ever given to a boss.

Dec 19, 2019: Paul Graham: The most damaging thing you learned in school wasn’t something you learned in any specific class. It was learning to get good …

Dec 19, 2019: If you work in IT get yourself over to Amazon and grab a copy of The Phoenix Project, the Kindle version is free today, December 19, 2019.

Dec 19, 2019: I can now post pictures from Android, yipee! Thanks to Vincent Ritter for developing Gluon, which is a app for Android that now includes …

Dec 18, 2019: CNN: The one question to ask yourself about impeachment: Do you think American presidents should ask foreign powers to investigate domestic political …

Dec 18, 2019: I see a circular argument. Schiff says the right things and makes the right point, but doesn’t matter because Trump thinks his Power as …

Dec 18, 2019: Comcast Data Cap Is Not High Enough Comcast’s 1024 GB (1 TB) monthly data plan (data cap) does not provide enough data for an increasing number of people. The main reason is that …

Dec 17, 2019: Roam is an interesting app in that it is a mashup of an outliner and wiki. I see some concepts from Dave Winer’s work in the app, but I …

Dec 17, 2019: Blowing Past The Comcast Cap I continue to monitor my home Internet data usage closely since receiving notice from Comcast that we are near the 1024 GB monthly cap. I enabled …

Dec 16, 2019: I am a CNN meteorologist. I used to be a climate change skeptic - CNN Well done.

Dec 16, 2019: The Truth About Greatness The campaign slogan for Donald Trump was Make America Great Again, iconized by red hats. We ought to have substantive conversation about what is …

Dec 15, 2019: Comcast Scrooge Today I received an email from Comcast informing me that we have consumed 90% of our 1 TB data alotment for the month. While I had been vaguely aware …

Dec 15, 2019: “We’re creatures of both dark and light, suffering and healing, joy and sorrow. The goal isn’t necessarily to extinguish the less-palatable option …

Dec 14, 2019: It’s the busy weekend with rehearsal and performance today of this year’s Christmas Musical at church. Back at it tomorrow.

Dec 13, 2019: I needed to buy a new smartphone this week that I did not want to spend much money on because I really just needed it to handle phone calls and text …

Dec 13, 2019: Earlier this week we learned that RCS chat was generally available to Android users, and at the time it did not look to me like it was working with …

Dec 13, 2019: The irony is that Trump supporters believe that Democrats are attempting to steal the Presidency just like Democrats are claiming Trump & Russia …

Dec 12, 2019: currently has a series of blog posts about using the Raspberry Pi 4 as a desktop. Added to my RSS subscriptions.

Dec 11, 2019: I found that the new Notes and Lists service is now available in the Google Assistant settings on my Pixel 2. The service not only supports Google …

Dec 11, 2019: Does not look like AT&T allows Google’s RCS chat feature. I have the version of Messages noted in this article but I don’t see the …

Dec 10, 2019: So you think that person you are following on Instagram is a human? You might be wrong.

Dec 10, 2019: The Verge’s Gadgets Of The Decade The story of technology in the 2010s is the story of gadgets going from the corners of our lives to …

Dec 10, 2019: Dictatorship It Is Today electing a president is not about issues, nor is it about changing minds, nor is it about who looks better and sounds better of TV. The election …

Dec 10, 2019: Mike Caulfield releases Walkthru; Back in January I started working on a web-based application to help teachers and others make fact-checking …

Dec 9, 2019: Given how partisan Congress is, I wonder what would happen if a 3rd party candidate was elected POTUS?

Dec 9, 2019: Google announced they are making Pixel phone smore helpful via a series of feature drops. I got one of these “feature” drops with the …

Dec 7, 2019: Today I realized that my 30 year anniversary at work came and went without any recognition by anyone, including myself. The worst thing that has …

Dec 7, 2019: Upon further review it looks like my Pixel 2 doesn’t know how to display the signal strength when the phone connects to the AT&T Microcell …

Dec 6, 2019: I have installed the December 2019 security update to Android 10 on my Pixel 2. Ever since the update the cellular signal strength indicator on my …

Dec 6, 2019: I have completed the first week of using the Raspberry Pi 4 as a remote personal desktop computer during my work day. Call it an experiment of whether …

Dec 6, 2019: One thing I don’t understand is why people don’t get that Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat. When he is not running for President Bernie …

Dec 6, 2019: Dave Winer makes an important point here. I think it is likely the intent for the pressure on Ukraine to announce investigation of Biden is to …

Dec 6, 2019: A year ago today I built my Federated Wiki server and since then I have added 274 pages.

Dec 4, 2019: If you are a Constitutional Originalist then you know that the original writers of the Constitution gave Congress the power to elect and remove a …

Dec 4, 2019: Today is my two year anniversary.

Dec 3, 2019: Is the economy really better than it was in 2016?

Dec 1, 2019: Scriptures do not offer rational certitude They offer us something much better, an entirely different way of knowing: an intimate relationship, a …

Nov 29, 2019: I wish that could put “Edit This Post” link at the bottom of posts so that when I view my blog and see an error I could simply …

Nov 29, 2019: I am thinking about what are the best ways to manage a library of PDFs. I found a site that has several PDFS of programming notes that I have …

Nov 29, 2019: The lines of code that changed everything. To shed light on the software that has tilted the world on its axis, the editors polled computer …

Nov 28, 2019: Gratitude - Daryl Madden To be grateful is to recognize the Love of God in everything He has given us – and He has given us everything.

Nov 27, 2019: Concern rises in Pentagon over Trump’s decision making - CNNPolitics I am guessing that the President who thinks he can’t commit a crime …

Nov 27, 2019: Looks like I might be able to set up the Raspberry Pi Zero W to connect to a PC in a similar manner. as described in the iPad Pro/Raspberry Pi 4 …

Nov 27, 2019: My computing muse, Jerry Pournelle, is credited for Pournelle’s law: “One user, one CPU” or “One user, at least one …

Nov 27, 2019: While listening to the latest MobileViews Podcast I heard Jon Westfall describe using the Raspberry Pi 4 as an accessory to an iPad Pro. The key …

Nov 26, 2019: Previously I wrote that I have my Raspberry Pi4 in a Flirc case to provide passive cooling. Jeff Geerling has a great blog post that shows how the …

Nov 24, 2019: GoKEY FOLD – Foldable Keyboard With Touchpad For Phone And Tablet – GoKey Fold Back in the day, the Stowaway folding keyboard was a thing, so I am …

Nov 23, 2019: A New Slice Of Raspberry Pi I bought the Raspberry Pi4 this past week and I’ve installed it in a Flirc Raspberry Pi4 case. Beside the fact that the Flirc case looks really …

Nov 21, 2019: Signed up as a tester for Gluon, which is a app for Android, and installed on my Pixel 2. I was hoping it would provide the ability to post …

Nov 20, 2019: A movie was filmed in the town I grew up in, which is a first for me seeing places I know and been to in a movie. You can watch the trailer for Up …

Nov 19, 2019: Smashburger has brought back the turkey burger!

Nov 16, 2019: “In the 1700s, philosophers like John Locke argued that public life and politics should be separated from gratitude. Civic relations should be based …

Nov 16, 2019: “The emperor or king gave his subjects the “gifts” of protection and provision. In return, subjects offered loyalty, homage, service, tithes, and …

Nov 15, 2019: American Idol President Trump simply believes that he as president cannot commit a crime. He believes that a president is above the law. Trump’s belief is the …

Nov 15, 2019: What is a Misdemeanor Crime? A misdemeanor crime is a type of criminal offense that is more serious than a citation but less serious than felony …

Nov 15, 2019: The Constitution limits grounds of impeachment to “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”. wikipedia

Nov 14, 2019: What Is the Emoluments Clause? The emoluments clause, also called the foreign emoluments clause, is a provision of the U.S. Constitution (Article I, …

Nov 13, 2019: I signed up for Disney+ last night and right now I find it underwhelming. True, you can see much of the Disney content but the new, original content …

Nov 13, 2019: It’s 18 degrees outside at 11:30 AM on November 13, 2019!

Nov 11, 2019: If you want to do something meaningful to honor Veterans today read The Constitution Of The United States. Veterans did not serve for Republicans or …

Nov 8, 2019: “The worst cost of factions comes when they capture the state for rent-seeking—for the purpose of directing the state’s power for the benefit of …

Nov 8, 2019: CNN has an article saying companies run by billionaires are better for investors, and I find it doesn’t make a strong case. The second paragraph …

Nov 8, 2019: Our real problem is this: Trump is not the problem!

Nov 8, 2019: It’s freakin 23 degrees outside! Checked the calendar, it says it is November 8, 2019.

Nov 7, 2019: Google has released Chrome OS Version 78 and it is available so I installed it on my Pixelbook. One significant change is that Google changed the file …

Nov 6, 2019: The Heritage Guide to The Constitution: It has been the general American practice regarding criminal law to grant considerable discretion to …

Nov 1, 2019: Adafruit has a nice story about the Apple Newton that provides some sense of how it influenced our modern mobile devices.

Oct 31, 2019: And with that another baseball season is over. Go Cubs go!

Oct 30, 2019: All five of the starting pitchers of the 2014 Detroit Tigers have now won the World Series. What could have been, Detroit.

Oct 30, 2019: What remains to be seen now is whether Juan Soto goes on to have as good a career as Miguel Cabrera.

Oct 26, 2019: Note to self. Next time you think of going on the road for two weeks that takes you through the Upper Peninsula, Bermuda and back, don’t do it! When …

Oct 25, 2019: It looks like the entire pitching staff of the Detroit Tigers of ten years ago is pitching in this World Series.

Oct 18, 2019: Boston Logan International Airport (BOS).

Oct 16, 2019: La Trattoria.

Oct 14, 2019: Just a few of the pictures I took during my fall trip through the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Oct 14, 2019: Autumn is when the Upper Peninsula of Michigan shows it’s true colors. #puremichigan #michiganders #906

Oct 9, 2019: For some reason the posts I wrote yesterday using the iOS version of the app did not publish. I had to go in to the web site and update the …

Oct 8, 2019: It was a beautiful day today on the shore of Lake Michigan in the U.P.

Oct 8, 2019: Another trip and another reminder of the stupid hoops I have to go through to get a picture I take on my Pixel 2 posted on this blog. It’s been years!

Oct 8, 2019: Last year I wrote about the excitement I was seeing on the Internet about an expected tablet from Google. Google did announce and start selling the …

Oct 6, 2019: Back in the mother land.

Oct 4, 2019: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Thursday historians will look back at this period in U.S. history and think of it as “an …

Oct 3, 2019: One thing I found interesting in Microsoft’s announcements yesterday is the starting price for the Surface Pro 7 at $749, lower than other …

Oct 3, 2019: I watched the 2019 Microsoft Surface event and I have to admit that I like what I saw of the Surface Neo and Duo. Microsoft has basically taken the …

Oct 3, 2019: I suspect the Trump presidency has been one of the most financially expensive presidencies ever.

Oct 1, 2019: The achilles' heel of the U.S. Constitution are political parties. The model of government the U.S. Constitution established was designed to forge a …

Oct 1, 2019: In my opinion the standard for journalism today is The Athletic. Note first they provide a free trial. Next, most of their stories are written by …

Oct 1, 2019: If memory serves, there has been much consternation about The Correspondent, which apparently has launched. They want me to be a member to read their …

Oct 1, 2019: Last year the Cubs and Brewers played game 163 and this year the Cubs are home watching the Brewers play the Nationals in the NL Wildcard game.

Sep 30, 2019: Another Goat On The Northside Joe Maddon will not be the manager of the Chicago Cubs next year and that is not a surprise given they did not meet expectations this year. In a world …

Sep 28, 2019: Google Assistant crashing issue plagues some Android users - 9to5Google I’ve had this issue on my Pixel 2 and cleared the cache and uninstalled …

Sep 28, 2019: I have a problem with Republicans critiquing Democrat election strategy because they don’t want Trump to be re-elected. Trump represents your party. …

Sep 27, 2019: I’ve got a Sandisk USB-C storage drive that I have been using with my Pixelbook. For some reason the write speed has become incredibly slow, …

Sep 27, 2019: The Lovable Losers Of My Youth The common denominator for all my favorite professional sports teams is that they were losers during my childhood. The Green Bay Packers were the …

Sep 27, 2019: Will the Chicago Cubs win another game this season? The last weekend is coming up, but they haven’t won since the collapse. Have a chance to spoil the …

Sep 27, 2019: I am going ahead and installing iPadOS on my iPad Pro. Got to take the plunge at some time.

Sep 26, 2019: I have installed iPadOS on my iPad Mini. I like having more icons on the home screen, I now have only two home screens on the Mini. Not sure that …

Sep 26, 2019: So, what if we made a really big Bulletin Board System, one that could be dialed-in to from any city, and where thousands of people could interact, …

Sep 26, 2019: I am receiving emails from various iOS app vendors warning me their apps are not compatible with iPadOS and to not upgrade my device if I need their …

Sep 24, 2019: Mischa Hildebrand: In order to successfully avert the climate catastrophe, we quickly need to solve our collective action problem. We have to find a …

Sep 23, 2019: We are all about tradition and laws. Oh, wait. Never mind.

Sep 23, 2019: If Trump gets his way and practically nobody is able to immigrate to the United States, in what way does that make your life better?

Sep 23, 2019: The Atlantic, The Press Is Embracing False Equivalence Again To be “fair” in covering him (Trump) is to be unfair—to the truth, to history, to the …

Sep 19, 2019: First Humberto took a swing at Bermuda and now hurricane forecasters say Jerry may be taking aim at the small island that is currently mostly without …

Sep 10, 2019: I watched the Apple iPhone event this afternoon and found all the emphasis on the cameras to be over the top. I know that Google has received praise …

Sep 10, 2019: I wonder if I am the only person who thinks Apple should do the same thing they did with the iPod and make the Apple Watch work standalone or with …

Sep 10, 2019: Happy Apple event day! Does the Internet have holidays?

Sep 10, 2019: What exactly is personal about the personal computer?

Sep 9, 2019: Politico: The irony is that more democracy—ushered in by social media and the Internet, where information flows more freely than ever before—is what …

Sep 9, 2019: Emotional programming has been happening since Gutenberg. It is what advertising is all about, and the Internet is the optimal platform for emotional …

Sep 9, 2019: Definition of Insanity Home Run hitting is vulnerable to breaking down. Combine that fact with an aging starting rotation and an inconsistent bullpen and you have a summary …

Sep 6, 2019: Happy 906 Day!

Sep 5, 2019: I find that ars technical publishes the most in depth reviews of Android, and so I can recommend their review of Android 10 if you want to know all …

Sep 3, 2019: Google’s official Android site has flipped to Android 10, so I assume today is launch day. I’ve been on the beta but not sure when I will …

Sep 3, 2019: Today is the first day back to school for many kids, young (elementary/high school) and old (college). School years can be one of the best times of …

Sep 2, 2019: As I write this, the 2019 Chicago Cubs have not scored a run in two and half games. In September. When you need to win games to win a division and/or …

Sep 2, 2019: Summer’s end

Sep 2, 2019: Healthline: The rhomboid muscle is located in the upper back. It helps connect the shoulder blades to the rib cage and spine. It also helps you …

Sep 1, 2019: Summers end

Aug 29, 2019: Things that make you go hmmm… When I look at my keyboard I see the label on the C key completely worn off. The A key is half gone. E, D, V, N, …

Aug 26, 2019: Rumor has it Android 10 will be released on September 3.

Aug 26, 2019: Congrats to Brent Simmons for shipping NetNewsWire 5.0, which is the latest incarnation of an old RSS reader for Mac. I understand the app has been …

Aug 25, 2019: “You don’t have to wait for something “meaningful” to come into your life so that you can finally enjoy what you do. There is more meaning in …

Aug 24, 2019: Chromecast Overheating I’ve been using Chromecast ever since Google first started selling them, and upgraded to the Ultras when they became available. One is attached to …

Aug 24, 2019: Adult Required Reading, contemporary books to read inspired by school required reading.

Aug 24, 2019: I now have 250 entries in the Site Index of my wiki.

Aug 24, 2019: Tomorrow I will be a guest in the MobileViews podcast and to prepare I have written down my mid year Orchids and Onions awards.

Aug 24, 2019: On one hand I don’t like to see the cooler weather because it is a sign that summer is drawing to a close, on the other hand, I am enjoying the …

Aug 24, 2019: “What the world doesn’t tell you—because it doesn’t know—is that you cannot become successful. You can only be successful. And what is that? …

Aug 23, 2019: Today I discovered NixOS, and the web site provides a nice VirtualBox appliance to easily download and test it. What I find is that it runs very well …

Aug 22, 2019: A year ago I signed up for Exist in search of an application that would help me analyze the data I Collect in Google Fit. Unfortunately, it only …

Aug 22, 2019: My measurement of a great article written for the web is the number of links it contains, and by that measurement, this is a great article written for …

Aug 22, 2019: I just learned about Google Meet, is this really a free web conferencing app? It’s obviously a version of Hangouts.

Aug 22, 2019: The official release of Android 10 must be imminent, perhaps as early as tomorrow. I’ve been running beta 6 on my Pixel 2 for a little more than …

Aug 22, 2019: And now we know, Google has run out of desert names for Android. From hence forth release versions of Android will be known by their release number …

Aug 18, 2019: I find it ironic the Little League would be the one to have a true World Series.

Aug 18, 2019: The MLB game in Williamsport during the Little League World Series has got to be one of the coolest things MLB does.

Aug 17, 2019: Chatwood should be the current closer for the @Cubs until Kimbrel gets back. He clearly has the best arm in the pen.

Aug 17, 2019: Go Cubs Go The Chicago Cubs have one of the best home records and one of the worst road records, and they have the best run differential in their division. …

Aug 16, 2019: At the bottom of this page are links to pages that describe all of the new items introduced in each of the Android Q betas. After a few days of use, I …

Aug 15, 2019: We appear to be within a few weeks of Google flipping the bit on Android Q that turns it in to Android 10, so I have installed Q on my Pixel 2. …

Aug 14, 2019: On Our Twenty Third Wedding Anniversary Each year we try to celebrate our wedding anniversary on vacation to spend time together. This year we traveled to Marquette, Michigan, stayed at the …

Aug 14, 2019: This happened at the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore two days after our tour. You will see several kayaks along the water, there were 20 in total …

Aug 11, 2019: One of the many pictures I took at Pictured Rocks. I can’t get over the color of the Lake Superior water and of the rocks.

Aug 11, 2019: Without Google Night Sight

Aug 11, 2019: About last night

Aug 11, 2019: Art by @LakeSuperior

Aug 8, 2019: On the road again

Aug 7, 2019: During Presidential elections we hear a lot about the plans the candidates have for what they will do if elected. We want the candidates to have plans …

Aug 6, 2019: Set them free from being white. 23 Now before faith came, we were imprisoned and guarded under the law until faith would be revealed. 24 Therefore …

Aug 6, 2019: Addiction: compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (such as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by …

Aug 6, 2019: A year ago today Android 9 (Pie) was released. I assume that Android 10 (Q) cannot be far away. I am surprised by how little information I’ve …

Aug 5, 2019: Take a moment today to contemplate that you are, we all are, human beings. Like me, you probably think of yourself as human and overlooking the …

Aug 4, 2019: The party of Reagan has gone from the Brady bill to total paralysis. It’s the party of “no” and completely void of leadership. So afraid of change …

Aug 3, 2019: Saw another set of ducklings on my walk last night.

Aug 2, 2019: Said last year: True originalists understand that the founders did not build a Presidency, they built a Congress. The problem is that for the last 100 …

Aug 1, 2019: Many fans were wondering if the Cubs were going to make a big splash at the trade deadline–and did they ever. The Cubs have done the unthinkable and …

Aug 1, 2019: Oscar Mayer hot dog ice cream sandwich is both real and terrifying - CNET Amanda Kooser, Candied hot dog bits + hot dog sweet cream + spicy Dijon …

Aug 1, 2019: You don’t suppose that doing nothing to address the data security issues we learned from the 2016 election is a backup plan if Trump loses in …

Jul 31, 2019: Yellow mustard flavored ice cream. No thank you!

Jul 31, 2019: FTC says to not expect that $125 from the Equifax settlement. Only $31m was set aside so, the more asking for a piece the smaller the size. What did …

Jul 31, 2019: WALTR 2 looks useful if you need to directly share files between a computer, particularly Windows, and an iOS device. I store files on iCloud so that …

Jul 30, 2019: A built-in photos page has been added to, let’s see how it works. It’s pretty fast, check out the Photos menu item up above.

Jul 29, 2019: Dan Conover: But the core challenge isn’t about moving to the center or getting out the vote or appeasing the activist base. To break the grip of …

Jul 29, 2019: What is going to happen if the Fed cuts interest rates?

Jul 28, 2019: Very good advice, this, I put it up there with the idea of a bucket list. I don’t have a bucket list, life is the bucket. I also try to live by …

Jul 28, 2019: The Oregon Trail Generation: Life Before and After Mainstream Tech Anna Garvey, If you can distinctly recall the excitement of walking into your …

Jul 27, 2019: Can you be a Christian and not be open to change?

Jul 27, 2019: We have greater access to information than ever before and so little wisdom to discern what it is really informing us.

Jul 26, 2019: What I find most alarming and discouraging is the fact that there has been and therefore will be interference in our elections, and the majority of …

Jul 26, 2019: The conclusion to be drawn from Mueller’s testimony this week is that it is now left to Congress to act. I personally believe not at least …

Jul 18, 2019: The story of how opposition to New Coke developed is prophetic. Imagine if Trump had been president then, it would have been a national emergency!

Jul 17, 2019: Apollo 11 In Real Time is really, really cool. If you are a space geek you probably already know about it, for all you others go check it out!

Jul 16, 2019: Among our problems is a lack of understanding about some fundamentals. One is that greatness is not self-determined. Claiming that I am great does not …

Jul 16, 2019: I’ve been watching the replay of the YouTube live stream of the CBS coverage of the Apollo 11 launch off and on today, celebrating the 50th …

Jul 13, 2019: When is ESPN, amongst others, going to realize Serena Williams is 37 years old and not the player she was 15 years ago? The 6-2, 6-2 victory by Halep …

Jul 12, 2019: Today’s wildlife encounter was with a momma turkey and her six young ones.

Jul 9, 2019: Sad to learn that Ross Perot has died. I did not work for Ross, but I did begin my career with a company (EDS) that still had his finger prints all …

Jul 9, 2019: It’s a year later and Surface Go is still a thing.

Jul 7, 2019: After two days of being cooped up in an air conditioned house because humidity, it’s nice to be outside. Started on the patio, went on a walk, and now …

Jul 6, 2019: Did I wake up in Florida? The dew point is 72 degrees.

Jul 6, 2019: Worse than Bermuda.

Jul 5, 2019: I figured out how to force 2FA to sign-in to my Google Pixelbook.

Jul 5, 2019: An everything bagel with sunflower seeds is a mistake. “Everything” is sesame, onion, garlic, poppy, and salt. And it’s called “everything.” Source: …

Jul 4, 2019: “God unfolds your personhood from within through a constant increase in freedom—even freedom to fail. Love cannot happen in any other way. This …

Jul 4, 2019: Kids playing in the yard. Momma is no where to be seen.

Jul 4, 2019: I just had some visitors wander up while I was reading.

Jul 4, 2019: “An eagerness and readiness to love is the ultimate freedom and future. When you’ve been included in the spaciousness of divine love, there is …

Jul 4, 2019: Enjoying the freedom of sitting on my patio on a Thursday morning.

Jul 3, 2019: Freddie Mercury - Time Waits For No One

Jul 3, 2019: I see that rollout of Chrome OS 75 on the stable channel has been paused, with a number of bugs recorded in the issues log. I do not see indication of …

Jul 2, 2019: A couple of weeks ago I wrote about why Microsoft was not able to produce the second best mobile operating system rather than Google. Google does not …

Jul 1, 2019: Upgraded my Pixelbook to Chrome OS 75 over the weekend and lost the ability to connect to Bluetooth mice. It doesn’t even see the mice, let …

Jun 27, 2019: SCOTUS' ruling on gerrymandering may be as bad as Citizens United, and another nail in the coffin of the Republic. We now have a Supreme Court that …

Jun 27, 2019: What Is The Best Chromebook Now? A friend asks, what is currently the best Chromebook to buy.

Jun 24, 2019: The Risk Of Identifying As A Platform In a YouTube video recently posted, Bill Gates said something along the line of his greatest failure was to not lead Microsoft to produce a mobile …

Jun 24, 2019: NPR: How Prince Worked His Magic On The Bangles' ‘Manic Monday’

Jun 24, 2019: The Salt Lake Tribune: Our nation is operating concentration camps for refugee children. We need to stop denying that and decide if we are …

Jun 24, 2019: Indeed, peace has been elusive for the United States for almost all of its history, he said. That’s ironic, Carter suggested, given how central …

Jun 19, 2019: Took Mom to the zoo in Green Bay.

Jun 18, 2019: Rail House Brewery Dubbel

Jun 16, 2019: If you are sensing a theme, you might be right!

Jun 13, 2019: Mackinac Island

Jun 13, 2019: There is one in every crowd.

Jun 11, 2019: Nancy Pelosi’s weird (and wrong) views about impeachment - CNN Ross Garber: The whole point of an impeachment process is to conduct a fair …

Jun 11, 2019: Two duck families by the pond.

Jun 11, 2019: Last year I wrote about Apple’s plans to enable iOS apps to run on MacOS, comparing it to what Google has done for Android on Chrome OS. Today I …

Jun 9, 2019: Nancy Pelosi is proving to be no different than Mitch McConnell. If the Republic falls, history will record both has having contributed significantly …

Jun 8, 2019: The Rhododendron is blossoming

Jun 8, 2019: Today’s wildlife picture is a duck family in the pond in our condo complex.

Jun 6, 2019: I was not sure our Rhododendron would blossom like this, but she is a survivor.

Jun 6, 2019: I recently crossed the 200 page mark on my wiki. Here are the recent changes.

Jun 6, 2019: Last year I wrote about the Pad and Quill Oxford Case for my iPad Pro 10.5. A year later I can report that I am very happy with the case. The leather …

Jun 3, 2019: I caught as much of Apple’s WWDC 2019 keynote as I could, and consolidated what I have found from various web sites on my wiki. I am looking …

Jun 3, 2019: If you have a chronic illness, you might find Flaredown useful.

Jun 3, 2019: CNET says that Apple may have added mouse support to iPadOS. Talk about burying the lede if true. I wonder, however, whether that includes support for …

May 29, 2019: For A President, Congress Is The Law I wonder, if the Republicans controlled the House, whether there would already be an impreachment inquiry open. Mueller served the role as …

May 29, 2019: A year later my main complaint about remains, it is still too difficult for me as an Android user to post pictures to my blog.

May 29, 2019: Justice Thomas appears to be trying to make the case that abortion is a tool being used to control human breeding, or what is called eugenics. I …

May 28, 2019: The temperature here has dropped more than ten degrees in the last several hours.

May 28, 2019: We’re Running Windows Apps on a Chromebook With the Droplet Computing Beta for Chrome OS Windows-based containers to run Windows apps on Chromebooks …

May 28, 2019: Continue to be surprised by the number of deer I see in our suburban condominium complex. This one was munching on freshly cut grass during my …

May 27, 2019: Bill Buckner dies: Former MLB player passes away at 69 Before Anthony Rizzo, before Mark Grace, before Leon Durham, there was Bill Buckner. He along …

May 27, 2019: Does the Republic for which these people gave their lives still stand?

May 23, 2019: It’s May 23 and I have just turned the air conditioning on for this year, later than normal. The current temperature is 75 degrees with forecast …

May 22, 2019: Shall I go for a walk?

May 21, 2019: Romney’s astonishing nonsense about Amash and Mueller (Opinion) - CNN Mueller did the same thing as the Watergate investigation, he laid out the …

May 16, 2019: At this time of the year I really appreciate where I live and all the flowering trees.

May 14, 2019: Amazon is releasing what it is calling a home security feature to Echo devices it calls Alexa Guard. It looks to me like microphone in Echo devices …

May 13, 2019: Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) on Wednesday introduced a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United ruling, …

May 12, 2019: The Cubs and Brewers are both really good teams, which makes their games so entertaining to watch.

May 12, 2019: A Crostini Meltdown The Crostini Linux containers on my Google Pixelbook melted down after I upgraded the Pixelbook to the stable release of Chrome OS 74, a reminder that …

May 11, 2019: A couple of pictures from my walk today along the Detroit river.

May 8, 2019: How Rachel Held Evans really should be remembered - The Washington Post Such an abundant life ended way too soon. I mourn for the family and friends …

May 7, 2019: Today is Day 1 of Google I/O 2019 and I managed to watch most of the opening keynote via live stream. I’ve created a wiki page to capture …

May 6, 2019: I wonder if Jesus would think the ends justify the means?

May 6, 2019: I wonder why Chrome OS updates take longer to appear on Google devices than on other devices? The Google devices in the update matrix are eve and …

May 5, 2019: Feels like sunshine because it is sunshine.

May 5, 2019: Got the patio furniture out to relax on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

May 5, 2019: Let This Mind Be In You

May 3, 2019: Scripts that allow streaming audio between two Linux machines, for example, a laptop and a Raspberry Pi.

May 2, 2019: I find this to be a half truth about the founding of the United States, agrarian (Jefferson) and industrialization (Hamilton) were conflicting world …

Apr 30, 2019: Game of Thrones: The Battle of Winterfell was an all-time great episode - CNET I watched and enjoyed The Battle of Winterfell but admit that I was …

Apr 27, 2019: Cubs are threatening to score double digit runs again having 7 runs through 5 innings in Arizona.

Apr 27, 2019: Winter is coming…..

Apr 25, 2019: Annual NFL draft brings with it the annual amusement watching Lion fan and reporters whine about their team’s draft pick.

Apr 25, 2019: I think it crazy that the NFL draft is on ABC, says a lot about what the major TV networks have become.

Apr 25, 2019: If you are interested in playing with wiki without committing to your own server, Eric Dobbs provides a few options.

Apr 23, 2019: This is a really good description of leadership.

Apr 23, 2019: How can one follow Jesus and not have empathy?

Apr 22, 2019: Calling Bullshit — Videos The videos on this site look interesting and worth watching.

Apr 22, 2019: I have enjoyed my extended birthday and Easter vacation, although I prefer today’s weather over what we had last Thursday through Saturday. Today I …

Apr 22, 2019: Abraham Lincoln on the Kansas-Nebraska Act: “I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery itself. I hate it because it deprives our …

Apr 22, 2019: Berries be gone. Nice enough to sit out on the patio for the first time in 2019.

Apr 21, 2019: Remember when Republicans talked about the rule of law? They used to talk about that, and other things like the problems caused by increasing the …

Apr 19, 2019: I am surprised that I cannot take a screenshot in the iPad by double tapping the Apple Pencil on the screen. The iOS process to take a screenshot by …

Apr 19, 2019: Migrating To A New iPad I got a new iPad Mini for my birthday. It is noticeably faster than the Mini 4 and I am happy to be able to use the Apple Pencil with it. I have found …

Apr 18, 2019: Today we got confirmation that POTUS is above the law. So much for the rule of law in the United States, particularly if the House Of Representatives …

Apr 18, 2019: Yippee, I made it to 53! Thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes. The entire day has been a gift. Onward to 54!

Apr 18, 2019: Breaking And Fixing Things I have been having fun breaking and fixing my wiki over the last several days, and in the process learned more about wiki. Wiki is written in nodejs …

Apr 18, 2019: Checking in at a new coffee shop on my birthday.

Apr 16, 2019: Calling the Samsung Galaxy Fold a foldable tablet makes sense. What remains to be seen is whether it sells enough at a really high price for more …

Apr 14, 2019: I created an outage for my wiki because I did not read the warnings when I upgraded the wiki software. Fortunately I made a snapshot backup so I could …

Apr 14, 2019: The Pistons are in the NBA playoffs as the eighth and lowest seed in the east, which means they play the top seed Milwaukee Bucks. The first playoff …

Apr 14, 2019: At 2:30 PM I got a notification that Tiger Woods won the Masters, which was a surprise because the final pair usually doesn’t tee off until late in …

Apr 11, 2019: Google has enabled the ability for me to use my Pixel 2 phone as a physical security key by using Bluetooth. I hope to use this with my Pixelbook, …

Apr 10, 2019: Today we saw the first picture of a black hole. I found a good video that explains how to understand the image.

Apr 10, 2019: I think the iPad Mini 5 is the closest we will get to a modern version of the Newton MessagePad. Nebo incorporates some of the handwriting gestures …

Apr 10, 2019: This sounds like a 2-in-1 with built in LTE. It might put an emphasis on Crostini.

Apr 9, 2019: One link out of every 200 disappears from the Internet.

Apr 9, 2019: Why Big Pharma Is Winning the Drug Price Wars Drug companies are able to pay PBMs — as well as hospitals and some doctors — to make sure cheaper …

Apr 8, 2019: It’s that time of the year when the outdoor temperature is so warm the furnace doesn’t run and therefore the basement, where I work, gets …

Apr 8, 2019: Feedbase provides a location for finding RSS feed URLs for popular web sites.

Apr 8, 2019: What if Obama had refused to release his taxes?

Apr 5, 2019: Only at the top of the fourth inning and two hours in to Cubs/Brewers game. Why so slow? Bad pitching and fielding, which is why any rule change MLB …

Apr 5, 2019: is an open annotation tool for the web, allowing anyone to highlight, annotate, or comment on any webpage via a Chrome plugin (web …

Apr 5, 2019: It is always fun to find new people on the Web. Kris Schaffer has a Ph. D., from Yale, but most important, he knows how to drive a zamboni.

Apr 3, 2019: Read this piece about desktop computers in Computerworld. I’ve long sought a cloud-based Windows desktop on demand that I can access from my …

Apr 2, 2019: I see a lot of familiarity between Editor.js and wiki. I also note that WordPress has a block styled editor.

Apr 2, 2019: I have an observation about the Pad & Quill Oxford case for my iPad Pro 10.5, which is that the leather has broken in very nicely and the case …

Apr 2, 2019: Journalism Yes, Media No I have been reading Dave Winer’s writing for a long time, and a common theme of his writing is journalism. My translation of what he has been …

Apr 2, 2019: Ever since Google announced they were no longer supporting Inbox I have been looking for a replacement app. I found Spark to be the best app to …

Apr 2, 2019: If you are at all in to computers and/or you like making things, then I strongly recommend that you get a Raspberry Pi. I have a couple of them …

Apr 2, 2019: Yesterday I figured out how to automatically backup this site and of course I have written down the steps I took in my wiki.

Apr 1, 2019: Testing Wordpress Export In December stopped exporting my site to Github, a consequence of their change from jekyll to hugo as the CMS. We do have manual ways to …

Apr 1, 2019: Oddly, one of the challenging things about wiki is creating new pages. A new page is created by first creating a link to the page and then adding …

Mar 30, 2019: It is very wet outside and the sump pump is running, driving me a bit nuts.

Mar 30, 2019: Duke is lucky two games in a row. Izzo has to beat Coach K. Looking forward to that game.

Mar 29, 2019: I find this article about how the Ricketts acquired the Chicago Cubs fascinating.

Mar 29, 2019: Once again. You can’t lower the cost of health insurance until you lower the cost of treatments. Lower the cost of a CT scan first, then you …

Mar 28, 2019: Warmest day so far and it happens to be in opening day. ‘nuf said. Go Cubs go!

Mar 28, 2019: What I really want is the ability to buy YouTube TV access for a market other than the one I live in so that I could watch all the Green Bay Packer …

Mar 28, 2019: Happy opening day! Looking forward to the Cubs starting the 2019 season this afternoon.

Mar 26, 2019: The Apple Card looks to me to be very much the same as the card that Google tried a few years ago. Granted, Apple’s is a Credit Card while …

Mar 25, 2019: A week ago at this time I was walking on Bourbon Street. Here is an album of pictures that I took during the trip.

Mar 25, 2019: Do people really read magazines still? I really don’t, even though I have dabbled with some of the ones available with my Amazon Prime …

Mar 25, 2019: My bracket of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament is sorta busted. I still have 3 of the 4 final four picks, but I have one whole region out. I …

Mar 25, 2019: Our current state can be traced to the early 90s, which happens to coincide with thinking originating at the Harvard Business School that CEO …

Mar 25, 2019: I agree with David Frum that liberals need to address the practical issues of immigration. However, it seems to me one thing we don’t consider …

Mar 25, 2019: The bracket is set for the 2019 NCAA men’s ice hockey tournament. I would like to see Ohio State, Minnesota State, Notre Dame, and Arizona State …

Mar 24, 2019: Finished reading: The Universal Christ: How A Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, and Believe by Richard Rohr 📚 You will find my …

Mar 24, 2019: It’s a glorious day, the warmest of the year so far. I’ve taken two walks so far.

Mar 22, 2019: I am really bummed to learn that Gmail is dropping support for IFTTT I do have a few IFTTT Gmail applets that I rely upon.

Mar 22, 2019: I followed these instructions to add swipe gestures to Chrome on Android to navigate forward and back.

Mar 22, 2019: My bracket survived the first day of the NCAA mens basketball tournament fairly well and no final four participants were upset.

Mar 21, 2019: I spent the last couple of days in New Orleans, but as fun as that was, I enjoy being home in my recliner watching hoops.

Mar 18, 2019: The new iPad Mini supports the original Apple Pencil, which I have and use with my current iPad Pro 10.5. The question is, can I have the original …

Mar 17, 2019: I have completed my bracket for this year’s NCAA men’s basketball tournament. I have Michigan State and Michigan meeting in the final …

Mar 16, 2019: The bottle if KBS I am having tonight is better than the draft I had last night. I think the colder temperature is the difference.

Mar 16, 2019: Frank’s Web Notes: March 2014 I am feeling a bit nostalgic looking at posts I wrote on my blog five years ago when I was using Fargo. I miss …

Mar 16, 2019: SPC Devotion 2014-03-29 Five years ago I wrote this devotion outline for a meeting of my church planning council. To read the devotion, expand the …

Mar 16, 2019: We went. I drank. The 2019 KBS is good but a bit too boozy.

Mar 15, 2019: Four bottles of KBS 2019 obtained thanks to notification from the Untappd app. Still hope to get a first taste via draft later tonight.

Mar 14, 2019: Only 14 days until the baseball season starts again. Go Cubs go!

Mar 12, 2019: On the web is not the web we wanted meme. The web is ultimately democratic and it shows why the Founders of the United States viewed democracy as one …

Mar 12, 2019: Here are the snow fall totals at Michigan Tech since 1890. I attended Tech from the fall of 1984 to the spring of 1989 and you see that during that …

Mar 11, 2019: Michigan Woman Sets Up a Bird Feeder Photo Booth to Capture Spontaneous Shots of Her Feathered Friends Ostdrossel, a native German who lives in …

Mar 11, 2019: has a new archive/export format, which might mean the Github copy of a site will no longer be available. Might need to figure out how to …

Mar 11, 2019: How are the Self-Proclaimed Economic Savior’s Policies Doing? The Commerce Department said this week that despite two years of America First-ism, the …

Mar 11, 2019: Rep. Justin Amash: I never stop thinking about these sorts of things," he told CNN. “It’s not because I have any immediate plans or …

Mar 10, 2019: Benjamin Franklin: To desire to keep down the rate of wages, with the view of favoring the exportation of merchandise, is to seek to render the …

Mar 10, 2019: It should not be surprising that given the amount of money in politics, that there is corruption.

Mar 10, 2019: Om Malik: The consequences of long-term damage from misinformation at network scale are becoming so real that, at this point, it should be viewed as …

Mar 8, 2019: Axios rightly points a major flaw in healthcare in the United States, that insurance is tied to employment. Another major flaw is even calling it …

Mar 6, 2019: For me, the ideal news reading format is river of news and supports the micropub API to share news items direct to blogs. Right now I have half the …

Mar 6, 2019: There is only one Blockbuster left on the planet. Oh my!

Mar 5, 2019: Fox News, otherwise known as Trump TV.

Mar 4, 2019: Last fall I was seriously considering buying the 1080P version of Lenovo’s Chromebook Yoga 630C and now I am so glad that I decided to not buy …

Mar 4, 2019: And we are back to ten degree temperatures. Hopefully we will be getting warmer weather soon.

Mar 2, 2019: My number one tip for anyone planning to work from home is go invest in a good chair. You want something that is ergonomic and can withstand a lot of …

Mar 2, 2019: Today I replaced the chair mats that go with our office chairs in the basement. We have low, how traffic carpet in the basement but still need a flat …

Mar 2, 2019: Last year on this date two people where shot on the campus of Central Michigan University. I don’t think we have made any progress towards …

Feb 28, 2019: The price of the original Apple Pencil has decreased to $80, which is still too much to buy for a backup. Keeping my eye on it for further price …

Feb 28, 2019: And now the posts have come through. Yippee! :)

Feb 28, 2019: Well, that’s interesting. I just enabled sending posts to the Internet Archive and now so far my post has not appeared on my blog.

Feb 28, 2019: Interesting to see that has added a feature to automatically save posts to the Internet Archive.

Feb 26, 2019: The way I see it, the Detroit Red Wings need a coaching change.

Feb 25, 2019: Android is now FIDO2 certified, which means that it should be easier for applications to use fingerprints for authentication.

Feb 24, 2019: A weather pattern known as a bomb cyclone went through Michigan today. According to the Detroit Free Press the northern part of the Lower Peninsula …

Feb 24, 2019: Last week I was in Halifax, Nova Scotia for business. I didn’t get a chance to do any sightseeing, and it was really too cold to do that, but I …

Feb 23, 2019: It is nearly 40 degrees outside and the first Cubs spring training game is on the air. Spring is coming.

Feb 17, 2019: I created a category called Books. It would be really cool if new entries from indiebookclub were automatically added to my Books category.

Feb 17, 2019: Finished reading: Dynamics of Faith by Paul Tillich 📚 You will find my favorite quotes from this book at The Narthex.

Feb 17, 2019: Is there anything more frustrating in personal computing than Bluetooth? Bluetooth is the achilles heel of the tech world.

Feb 17, 2019: Breakfast guests

Feb 16, 2019: What is REST? REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is a set of design principles for making network communication more scalable and …

Feb 16, 2019: Previously I have been manually curating an Index of my Federated Wiki, but the other day I found a page that automatically creates an index and I …

Feb 15, 2019: So far I am not seeing the high CPU consumption on my Pixelbook as reported by Chrome Unboxed. I only see system:system consuming resources when I …

Feb 13, 2019: I posted a question on reddit asking whether anyone else had problems with the Low Density option for Linux apps on Chrome OS 72. I got a reply with a …

Feb 12, 2019: OMG, how could I forget, pitchers and catchers reported today. Spring is coming!

Feb 12, 2019: I finally have Chrome OS 72 installed on my Pixelbook, but unfortunately the low density option is not working as expected.

Feb 12, 2019: I’ve just had my first Federated Wiki moment where someone picked up up/referenced something that I wrote and expanded upon it.

Feb 10, 2019: Waiting on Google to push Chrome OS 72 to my Pixelbook. Feeling annoyed.

Feb 9, 2019: 1,460!

Feb 9, 2019: The great affliction of our time is the value of information over wisdom and thinking that one is the other. We worship information over wisdom to our …

Feb 8, 2019: I really like the keyboard and touchpad on the Google Pixelbook.

Feb 8, 2019: I’ve figured out how to automatically add sites to the neighborhood of one of my wiki sites. You may find this beneficial to do this if you run …

Feb 5, 2019: See Pew Research Center’s data of U.S. unauthorized immigrant populations estimates by state in 2016.

Feb 5, 2019: Jill Lepore, A New Americanism: At the close of the Cold War, some commentators concluded that the American experiment had ended in triumph, that the …

Feb 4, 2019: A columnist for the LA Times claims America is falling out of love with billionaires. I am not sure that is true. First off, we need to recalibrate …

Feb 4, 2019: It can’t be good for the NFL that their commercial was better than the Super Bowl game. I imagine some in New Orleans would say it was karma. …

Feb 4, 2019: By the way, Patriot fan, your team isn’t as good as you might think. I think had you played the Saints there might have been a different …

Feb 4, 2019: I think we learned from the Super Bowl last night that experience really does matter. If the Rams were playing the Chiefs, they might have had a …

Feb 3, 2019: How better would this Super Bowl be if the Saints and Drew Brees was playing rather than the Rams? The NFL reaps what it sows. 🏈

Feb 3, 2019: Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

Feb 3, 2019: Early in our relationship and when my wife first moved to Michigan from Colorado she observed that the difference between winter in Michigan and …

Feb 2, 2019: I think the fix Manton reports here took care of a problem I had with Omnibear, which is what I use to write most of my blog posts when using a …

Feb 2, 2019: What is a slug in Indieweb?

Feb 2, 2019: The temperature got over 40 degrees today so I went for a walk for the first time in a week.

Feb 2, 2019: A year ago I wrote that I had put the Peel super thin case on my Pixel 2 and I can report that after a year later the case is still on my phone and …

Feb 2, 2019: I did some experimenting and documented my observations about how Crostini runs on my Pixelbook. For people concerned about the performance impact of …

Feb 1, 2019: The pizza run tonight was the first I had been outside since Sunday.

Feb 1, 2019: Lawfare: The United States is in a state of emergency: 28 national ones and many more local. This might come as a surprise, but it isn’t new—this …

Feb 1, 2019: CNN has a list of the current list of 28 national emergencies in the United States.

Feb 1, 2019:, which is the platform for this blog, now supports categories. I am mulling over whether to add them here, but so far I have not found the …

Jan 31, 2019: Living The Dream I’ve had the same reaction to Howard Schultz’s comment about the American Dream as Dave. When I was growing up the American Dream was …

Jan 31, 2019: It is not the job of Congress to simply pass a President’s legislation. It’s their job to represent the people of the United States.

Jan 31, 2019: Even colder today

Jan 30, 2019: My house has too many windows. It’s cold almost everywhere. #FirstWorldProblems

Jan 30, 2019: Baby it’s cold outside

Jan 29, 2019: Dear world. Can we please stop with the satisfaction surveys? I just asked Google Home to convert 12 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius , which it did, and …

Jan 28, 2019: The entire mitten (Lower Peninsula) of Michigan is getting snow, except my house that is in a small pocket where it’s not snowing for another …

Jan 28, 2019: A mitten covered with snow.

Jan 27, 2019: At church today the pastor in his sermon suggested we consider Christianity as different from other religions rather than better. Then, this afternoon …

Jan 25, 2019: It should be clear by now that the only way out of the government shutdown standoff is for the Senate to override the President’s veto, if one …

Jan 25, 2019: Dear Republican Senators. You should be nervous, and the U.S. Constitution gives you the power to open the government, you simply override the …

Jan 24, 2019: The Hill: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) blocked legislation on Wednesday that would reopen most of the government currently closed …

Jan 24, 2019: Amazon is testing an autonomous delivery cart. What it doesn’t show is where it starts from, how it delivers along its route, how one is …

Jan 23, 2019: Why are glasses so expensive? Capitalism at its unchecked finest.

Jan 23, 2019: The real problem with the zeal in declaring anything fake news is the question of who decides what is real news? The problem isn’t whether or …

Jan 23, 2019: My Federated Wiki has reached 100 pages.

Jan 22, 2019: New York Times: The exorbitant prices confound patients and doctors alike since insulin is nearly a century old now. The pricing is all the more …

Jan 21, 2019: Today I am thankful for my house that is my shelter from the cold and a furnace that keeps me comfortable.

Jan 20, 2019: The worst outcome for the #NFL. There is no reason why the Saints are not going to the Super Bowl other than a horrifically missed call by a ref. 🏈

Jan 20, 2019: It seems there is little point to the NFL having replay if it is not used for all calls. The point of replay is the correct egregious errors such as …

Jan 20, 2019: What Does Kirsten Gillibrand Stand For? But her shift in views from a decade ago is already raising questions among Democrats and provoking attacks …

Jan 19, 2019: We have about three inches with more falling. I forgot how it is to walk in real snow, Google Fit should have a walk in snow category.

Jan 18, 2019: I’ve been doing some more wiki gardening. First, there is a page about what I have learned about federated wiki. I’ve also cleaned up the …

Jan 18, 2019: Today I installed Docker on my Google Pixelbook by creating a new LXC container and installing Docker in it.

Jan 18, 2019: According to the weather people, we are to be getting real snow fall tomorrow.

Jan 18, 2019: When did it become the job of Congress to appease the President? McConnell’s impediment to Congress doing its job is actually the problem.

Jan 17, 2019: “After James Franklin’s tangles with the law in Boston, the next battle over the freedom of the press was staged in New York, the busiest port …

Jan 17, 2019: Google’s purchase of smartwatch intellectual property from Fossil is interesting. I don’t know if it is a harbinger of a Google watch but …

Jan 17, 2019: 9to5Mac reports that there is a new iPad Mini coming. I recall seeing news about this at the end of last year, and I hope it is true. I like my iPad …

Jan 16, 2019: John Bogle, founder of Vanguard, has died I read his book Enough: True Measures of Money, Business and Life that I wish more capitalists would read. …

Jan 16, 2019: Hey, CNET published an article with my alma mater in the headlines! Autonomous boats? What about autonomous snowmobiles?

Jan 16, 2019: So, Mitch McConnell is the literally the person causing the shutdown because as the Republican Senate majority leader he refuses to take up the …

Jan 15, 2019: I was wrong last year when I wrote in Android On Tablets that Google would not sell another tablet. The Pixel Slate is a tablet even if Google prefers …

Jan 15, 2019: In some ways we may have a reformation taking place today in the United States. Perhaps we ought to consider it a U.S. Democratic Reformation away …

Jan 14, 2019: They want us to become really afraid; they want us to become divided; they want us to join their “us and them” thing. On a larger scale, I think we …

Jan 14, 2019: Kwilt looks similar to a device I had in the past called Pogoplug.

Jan 13, 2019: How I Collect And Read Web Content

Jan 13, 2019: We now have an Android app for Check out Dialog.

Jan 13, 2019: “The United States rests on a dedication to equality, which is chiefly a moral idea, rooted in Christianity, but it rests, too, on a dedication …

Jan 12, 2019: The real problem with social networks like Facebook and Twitter is that they require using their servers that store all of what you write and share. …

Jan 12, 2019: I am intrigued by the number of alternative social network products being developed. Some consider, which I have been using, as one. I …

Jan 12, 2019: Scuttlebutt is a decentralized, secure gossip platform. Gossip is a method (protocol) for computers to talk with each other.

Jan 11, 2019: Track your time with an 8 sided die. Does anyone else get D&D flashbacks?

Jan 11, 2019: I’ve developed a pretty efficient workflow for adding pages to my wiki. I created the Index page before I learned that you can have a …

Jan 11, 2019: I’ve used Evernote for a long time. One of the problems I have always had with Evernote is that it doesn’t really provide a simple …

Jan 10, 2019: Remember when a president who really wanted to start a war in Iraq claimed there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and he had his war and no …

Jan 10, 2019: So ridiculous that it once again raises the frightening question of how a president who can’t successfully manage peace and prosperity would manage to …

Jan 9, 2019: I played with Google Assistant and IFTTT today, one outcome of which is a way to tell the Assistant to add an entry to my Day One journal.

Jan 9, 2019: Why are our representatives trying to pass any legislation to prohibit boycotts of Israel or any other country or topic? With other pressing matters, …

Jan 9, 2019: Twelve years ago today Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone. It definitely was a revolutionary device.

Jan 9, 2019: Please read this thread that provides proper context to sharing of polling data to adversaries like the Russians. What is also important to understand …

Jan 9, 2019: One thing I remember President Reagan ask for is the ability to do line-item vetos. The thing is that the Constitution provides the power of the …

Jan 9, 2019: What Trump really wants is for Congress to give him a blank check. No Congress should give a President a blank check. The Constitution gives Congress …

Jan 8, 2019: I asked Google Home, “What is Michigan State men basketball team’s record?” and it responded with the record and sent a notification …

Jan 8, 2019: Insight: there is a difference between posting to a social network and simply reading from a social network. Corollary: there is a difference between …

Jan 8, 2019: I’ve made several updates to my wiki page on CES 2019. I am finding this a very easy way to summarize the articles that I have found most …

Jan 7, 2019: GitHub Free now provides unlimited private repositories for up to three collaborators. I think this makes Git/GitHub more useful for storing certain …

Jan 7, 2019: While watching TWiT during lunch today I learned about Mike Elgan’s Nicebook and I think it is a good idea. It relies on Google, as an …

Jan 7, 2019: I did not know that the Wi-Fi alliance has announced a new naming convention. Time to start paying attention for Wi-Fi 6.

Jan 7, 2019: The 2019 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) starts in earnest today, and my RSS feed is full of announcements. I am capturing those of most interest to …

Jan 7, 2019: CNN - 35 Amazing Sports Photos

Jan 6, 2019: How is this constitutional?

Jan 6, 2019: Christmas tree is down and boxed with minimal number of cuts and cursing.

Jan 6, 2019: I spent time today configuring Caddy on my federated wiki and now have it proxying the site and serving HTTPS.

Jan 5, 2019: There are friends and there are friends who you haven’t seen in years and yet when you do see them the conversation picks up practically where it was …

Jan 4, 2019: As part of my exploration in to Federated Wiki, I have found an orientation site that I think provides much useful information.

Jan 2, 2019: Peanut allergies amongst children has increased in the last couple of decades. Why? Most likely it is because parents, with the best of intentions, …

Jan 2, 2019: The latest update to Dialog has been installed in my phone and if all is well this post will appear on my blog. The location for writing a post is in …

Jan 2, 2019: I made the mistake of looking at my 401k today. Thanks Trump!

Jan 2, 2019: ‘Captain’ Daryl Dragon dies with Tennille at his side - CNN The only song of theirs that I remember is Love Will Keep Us Together.

Jan 2, 2019: Stuff actually became public domain yesterday. What a concept!

Jan 2, 2019: Another holiday vacation has come to an end. I did not cross off all the items on my to-do list, but that is a bit of the point. Instead were …

Dec 31, 2018: Why is New Kids On The Block allowed to keep using that name for their band? More like Old Men On The Porch.

Dec 31, 2018: The Yooper GLi championship begins. Let’s Go Tech!

Dec 30, 2018: Smurfs slayed. Michigan Tech plays in the championship game tomorrow.

Dec 30, 2018: We have come to another Great Lakes Invitational hockey tournament. This year Michigan Tech plays the University of Michigan first.

Dec 30, 2018:

Dec 29, 2018: Andrew Sullivan: And so we’re mistaken if we believe that the collapse of Christianity in America has led to a decline in religion. It has merely led …

Dec 29, 2018: These College Football semi final games are awful. We saw better games yesterday.

Dec 29, 2018: Rethinking Religion Finding a Place for Religion in a Modern, Tolerant, Progressive, Peaceful and Science-affirming World by Barbara O’Brien. This …

Dec 29, 2018: From wild man to wise man: reflections on male spirituality by Richard Rohr. The book, From Wild Man to Wise Man: Reflections on Male Spirituality, …

Dec 29, 2018: New York Times, The Year In Pictures 2018

Dec 28, 2018: Today we had 55 degree weather, tomorrow’s high is forecasted to be 34 degrees. Love living in Michigan.

Dec 28, 2018: Why It’s Almost Impossible to Skip a Stone 89 Times - WIRED Everything you ever wanted to know about skipping a rock on water.

Dec 27, 2018: Joe Pinsker, Every day, as Americans dry their hands, soak up their spills, and wipe their counters, they are—whether they know it or …

Dec 27, 2018: USA Today Network in 2016 started categorizing its content by topic and tone, and scoring it based on the emotions it’s believed to most evoke. …

Dec 27, 2018: Reading white text on a black background messes with my eyes.

Dec 26, 2018: Why Do Jews Eat Chinese Food On Christmas? – The Forward Relatively early in to our marriage, my wife and I enjoyed a Christmas dinner at a Chinese …

Dec 25, 2018: My last bottle of KBS 2018

Dec 25, 2018: I got the HooTo USB-C Hub for Christmas and I’ve tested it with the Google Pixelbook.

Dec 25, 2018: We wish you a Merry Christmas

Dec 24, 2018: Imanuel, God With Us

Dec 24, 2018: Jeff Jarvis, As we in news and media attack the platforms and their every misstep — and there are many — we need to turn the mirror on ourselves. It …

Dec 24, 2018: Jeff Jarvis, But transparency is not just about confession. Transparency should be about pride and value.

Dec 23, 2018: Spark Review: Smart Email – MacStories I’ve written of my search for a replace to Google’s Inbox, and on iOS I have settled on Spark. I …

Dec 23, 2018: Of course Brown scores 36 this week after I needed that last week. Sigh.

Dec 23, 2018: Rudolph?

Dec 23, 2018: Made my third trip to the eye glasses place to get my new glasses adjusted and confirm that the prescription is right and the measurements are right. …

Dec 22, 2018: My new glasses before and after with some hat hair after

Dec 22, 2018: About to get a new outlook.

Dec 22, 2018: A sign that I am a certain age, or that I am a little bit strange.

Dec 21, 2018: I fell down the rabbit hole of Federated Wiki after reading a piece by Mike Caulfield titled The Garden and the Stream. It’s made me think about …

Dec 21, 2018: Hmmm, relative?

Dec 21, 2018: I’ve written a wiki page that describes how I use RSS.

Dec 21, 2018: I’ve noticed several folks on are also using Blot, which is a blog platform centered on Dropbox. Blot is not the first blogging …

Dec 21, 2018: I still wish I could batch all of my blog posts for a day into one titled batch, with the title being that day’s date. Perhaps I am being too …

Dec 21, 2018: I got an idea. If you look at the Discuss link on this post, you see that it points back to the discussion thread on What if when you …

Dec 21, 2018: Is Trump’s smartphone the most infamous in history?

Dec 21, 2018: The iPad and Drafts is evolving into my preferred blogging platform due to a shortcut I created that quotes text from web pages in the exact format …

Dec 21, 2018: It’s About The Thing, Stupid, It seems to me the only way to change a thing is to find new people who are just focused on the thing and not on how to …

Dec 21, 2018: If there were no smart phones, would social networks be as popular? Discuss

Dec 20, 2018: Jonathan Chait, Judging by Niskanen’s overview of the landscape, it is difficult to identify any aspect of public policy in which the Republican …

Dec 20, 2018: Winner Of The The Nobel Peace Prize – People First John Philpin, And when I ask myself ‘what can I do to be like them, I look at Xanthe … to all …

Dec 19, 2018: It would be really cool if I could print a shipping label directly from Google Contacts.

Dec 18, 2018: Started the day drinking Peete’s Holiday Blend and now i am listening to Christmas music. I guess the Christmas has arrived.

Dec 18, 2018: A year ago I wrote: It probably starts with listening to hear rather than listening to respond. True today, true tomorrow.

Dec 18, 2018: Now that I my has rolled over a year I am seeing the benefit of On This Day and it is one of my favorite features because it reminds me of …

Dec 18, 2018: Does one need to quit Facebook or merely change how one uses Facebook? It’s like nobody has self control. When my smartphone rings I am capable …

Dec 18, 2018: Chrome OS 71 is now on my Pixelbook. Most noticeable feature is the partnering of my Pixel 2 with the Pixelbook and the simplification of messaging as …

Dec 18, 2018: Decades of data suggest parenthood makes people unhappy - Big Think I see a couple of problems in this article. First is an assumption that happiness …

Dec 18, 2018: Came close to a repeat and rematch fantasy football super bowl, but close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades. Another ffb season is in the …

Dec 17, 2018: The Yoda of Silicon Valley - The New York Times Siobhan Roberts, With more than one million copies in print, “The Art of Computer Programming” is the …

Dec 17, 2018: At first this background image removal tool looked cool but then I tried it and found it only works on pictures in which there are people.

Dec 17, 2018: According to Spotify these are my top tunes of 2018. The problem with the list is, there are some songs in it that I don’t recognize, so I …

Dec 17, 2018: I’ve been groking Federated Wiki and building my site, but I am starting to wonder whether it is still actively in development.

Dec 16, 2018: A Simple Proposal for Killing Comments with Annotated Links - Hapgood I am surprised that Dave never added a “commenting feature” to his …

Dec 16, 2018: Achievement unlocked: Alexa, turn on the Christmas tree

Dec 16, 2018: Paper Thoughts and the Remix Hypothesis, Mike Caulfield, “We’re computer users thinking paper thoughts” – Bret Victor Source: Paper Thoughts and the …

Dec 16, 2018: Google has released the first update to Chrome OS since I’ve owned the Pixelbook and so far it has not appeared. I’m a bit surprised, I …

Dec 16, 2018: For a company that is data driven, I am surprised by how little information Google’s Digital Wellbeing app provides. For example, it …

Dec 16, 2018: Finch in the tree.

Dec 16, 2018: The sun is shining and the birds are at full throat.

Dec 15, 2018: My contribution to decorating the tree is the smart switch that controls the lights.

Dec 14, 2018: I’ve successfully moved my Philips Hue lights from the original version of the Hue bridge to the latest (version 2) version. If you read the …

Dec 14, 2018: It seems that one thing common among micro-bloggers is that they have a Now page on their site for the purpose of sharing what one is currently …

Dec 14, 2018: On the docket for this weekend is migrating my Philips Hue lights from the original version of the Hue bridge to the latest (v2) version of the Hue …

Dec 13, 2018: I am having a lot of fun in my online garden.

Dec 13, 2018: I’ve long supported the idea of reverse chronology in blogs because I always want the current stuff at the top of the page. However, I am …

Dec 12, 2018: Progress Requires Wrong AND Right Progress cannot happen amongst people who are unwilling to accept they could be wrong. The scientific method is based on the truth that ideas, …

Dec 12, 2018: I think that unregulated capitalism is really survival of the fittest applied to wealth. Left unchecked, as it mostly is today, pure capitalism leads …

Dec 10, 2018: The problem is, I have two quarterbacks (Cousins & Wentz) of two mediocre teams. That one of those teams is the defending Super Bowl champs and …

Dec 10, 2018: Fr. Richard Rohr: “The churches are not doing their job,” he said. “That we can create such a high amount of angry, dualistic …

Dec 10, 2018: Web Literacy for Student Fact Checkers – Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers

Dec 10, 2018: Hapgood - Mike Caulfield’s latest web incarnation. Networked Learning, Open Education, and Digital Polarization If you want to learn more about …

Dec 10, 2018: Dear world. I am tired of completing online surveys. Repeat after me. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should do it.

Dec 10, 2018: It’s not the Baseball Writers Association that elected Lee Smith to the Hall of Fame nor was it the baseball writers who elected Jack Morris to …

Dec 9, 2018: Smith, Baines elected to Baseball Hall of Fame Smith, 61, retired after the 1997 season with more saves than any player before him. His saves still …

Dec 8, 2018: Don’t let the sunshine fool you. Baby it’s cold outside.

Dec 8, 2018: A REPLY TO RICHARD ROHR ON THE COSMIC CHRIST – Omega Center Ilia Delio, Christ is the communion of divine personal love expressed in every created …

Dec 8, 2018: A REPLY TO RICHARD ROHR ON THE COSMIC CHRIST – Omega Center Ilia Delio, When we say, “Jesus is the Christ,” we are saying that the humanity of Jesus …

Dec 7, 2018: Lotus Notes still lives? Who are the poor folks still stuck with it?

Dec 7, 2018: I am watching Chromeunboxed’s review of the Google Pixel Slate. The Slates’s support for mice and trackpads may be the most compelling …

Dec 6, 2018: I am having problems at the moment using OneNote on my iPad Pro, so have reverted to my backup Surface 3 and OneNote. What I had not appreciated up to …

Dec 6, 2018: I recently built my own Federated Wiki server and have been having a lot fun adding content to it since. I’ve found that for me it is the best …

Dec 5, 2018: I am looking for a replacement of Google Inbox. I switched to Spark on iOS, but I have not yet found the perfect solution for Android. My key …

Dec 4, 2018: Update regarding the freeze/resumption issue I have been having ever since the Wear OS H update was installed on my watch. I’ve turned off …

Dec 4, 2018: Another thing to note, I started this blog while I was out of the country, in Bermuda for the first time.

Dec 4, 2018: Milestone Achieved Something momentus has happened. If you click On This Day up above you will see posts that were not written today but on this day, last year, when I …

Dec 3, 2018: I’ve continued to see the problem with my Fossil Q Explorist smartwatch that appeared after installing the H update to Android Wear. Today I …

Dec 3, 2018: I may be contrarian, but I don’t like likes. I don’t think much about them on any of my social networks, although I acknowledge their …

Dec 3, 2018: Ask yourself, why are Michigan Republican legislators proposing these bills now when they could have done so earlier this year, or last year, or years …

Dec 3, 2018: My lunch time view. Getting the Christmas mood.

Dec 3, 2018: How has this map changed in the last year?

Dec 3, 2018: Nothing There But The Hair And we as citizens should absolutely not just given in to any politician. We have the obligation to demand that they …

Dec 3, 2018: The user experience with Federated Wiki is different than what most people have with web pages. First, Federated Wiki is a web application and its …

Dec 2, 2018: The Packers have fired Mike McCarthy, which given they will not make the playoffs, is in my opinion the remaining best outcome for this season. I am a …

Dec 2, 2018: Did a little more gardening today, updated the Fossil Q Explorist page with an observation on what I think is triggering the freeze/long resumption …

Dec 2, 2018: Ford Field has become a field of nightmares for top NFL teams. 🏈

Dec 2, 2018: Should I pick up this tight end playing for the Lions? Trey Burton is giving me nothing!

Dec 2, 2018: It’s in the mid 50s here in southeast Michigan, so I had to go for a walk. Last year on this date I was enjoying the sunshine in Bermuda.

Dec 2, 2018: Siri shortcuts has completely stopped working on my iPad.

Dec 2, 2018: For me, the conversation feature of the apps is what makes it stand apart from other social networks.

Dec 1, 2018: Alabama just keeps winning.

Dec 1, 2018: Is streaming three different games on three screens at the same too much? Asking for a friend.

Dec 1, 2018: Suburban roads are not the right place for turkeys. Not sure if this is Darryl, the West Bloomfield turkey as he would now be a few miles south.

Nov 30, 2018: Planting A Garden A few weeks ago I read The Garden and the Stream: A Technopastoral by Mike Caulfield and it really resonated with me. In my mind almost all of what I …

Nov 30, 2018: I’ve updated my Pixelbook page with a section about running Android and Linux apps.

Nov 29, 2018: One annoying thing about running Android apps on the Pixelbook is caused by weather apps that continually display a notification and thus the …

Nov 29, 2018: Are comments about fingerprints really germane to tech reviews?

Nov 28, 2018: Wear OS H Update Problems Wear OS Update H installed on my watch two days ago. There appears to be a problem recovering from the new “deep …

Nov 28, 2018: The American Economy Is Rigged The single worse SCOTUS ruling of my life time is Citzens United. If Congress were serious about doing things that …

Nov 27, 2018: The Wear OS “H” update arrived on my Fossil Q Explorist yesterday. I am curious to see how much battery life improves. Apparently Google …

Nov 27, 2018: Fortran is still a thing And as for the outdatedness, the current Fortran standard is Fortran 2008. The next one is 2018 and it is expected to arrive …

Nov 27, 2018: Parachuting beavers into Idaho and air lifting moose into the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Nov 27, 2018: The Fourth National Climate Change Assessment was published by the POTUS administration on Black Friday. Why they waited until then rather than on a …

Nov 25, 2018: Not having a good fantasy football day. To of my key key players, Brandon Cooks and Tyreek Hill, have a bye, so I was filling the gaps and hoping for …

Nov 25, 2018: I received the Pixelbook on Friday and I have created a new page to document my experiences with it.

Nov 24, 2018: And yet, Michigan’s defensive backs and safeties can’t keep up with the Buckeye receivers. It’s Ohio State’s game to win or lose. 🏈

Nov 24, 2018: What a turn of events! Buckeyes in the Christmas spirit too soon and gift the Wolverines back in to the game with a muffed kickoff. 🏈

Nov 24, 2018: Today could be the beginning or the end of the Harbaugh era at Michigan. 🏈

Nov 24, 2018: Can Michigan go into Columbus and win a big game on the road? 🏈

Nov 24, 2018: I am watching the Washington vs. Washingston State football game (Apple Cup?) mostly because it is snowing there a lot, which adds an extra layer of …

Nov 24, 2018: I’ve decided to buy the Google Pixelbook and I’ve updated the article I originally wrote about my plan with how I came to this decision. …

Nov 21, 2018: Exploding Stars Make Key Ingredient Found in Glass by NASA We are all, quite literally, made of star dust. Many of the chemicals that compose our …

Nov 21, 2018: Slashgear: FUN FACT: Wombats are the only known species “capable of producing cubes organically.” Popular Mechanics has all the facts.

Nov 21, 2018: The worst part about having a cold is how it. just. lingers.

Nov 21, 2018: According to Nomorobo 92% of the calls to my mobile number are from robo calls.

Nov 21, 2018: Jordan Valinsky, Black Friday started in the 1950s in Philadelphia. Source: History of Black Friday - CNN

Nov 20, 2018: On my wish list is the ability to embed images inline with text like Dave does on Scripting News. Perhaps there is a markdown way that I do …

Nov 20, 2018: I have created a knowledge base outline about Crostini containers in anticipation of the arrival of my new Chromebook.

Nov 20, 2018: I don’t listen to podcasts since I stopped commuting to work. I do watch TWiT shows during my lunch breaks. When I walk I prefer to keep my ears …

Nov 20, 2018: Hey my friends who grew up in the ’80s, here is the 1981 Sears Wish Book to bring back some memories!

Nov 19, 2018: Rams and Chiefs offense appear to be playing at a whole other level than the rest of the league. 🏈

Nov 19, 2018: The Appointments Clause, Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution. The Oath of the POTUS is in Article II, Section 1.

Nov 19, 2018: One thing I truly believe, you cannot go forward by going backward.

Nov 19, 2018: We are all sick here in the McPherson homestead. It started with me on Friday and then my wife on Saturday. Might be a Charle Brown Thanksgiving.

Nov 16, 2018: Took this with the Pixel Night Sight mode. No flash. Pryety amazing. The feature is buried under More in the camera app. Sorry for the clutter 🤷‍♂️

Nov 16, 2018: The Academy Is Largely Itself Responsible for Its Own Peril - The Chronicle of Higher Education It’s not about being published, it’s about the desire …

Nov 16, 2018: I’ve updated my article that explains the decision making process I am going through to decide which computer I am going to buy. Pixelbook is …

Nov 16, 2018: Josh Farrant has created a Javascript library for creating iOS 12 Shortcuts.

Nov 16, 2018: Spark only allows me to create reminders for outgoing email. I wish I could create a reminder for mail that is in my Inbox. While I can snooze that …

Nov 16, 2018: Looks like there is a way to run Windows apps on Chromebooks. I’ve written about my plans to buy a new Chromebook that will support the Google …

Nov 16, 2018: I mostly blog for myself, thinking of it as a form of diary. I look back to what I wrote in the past to see where I’ve been and what I was …

Nov 16, 2018: Aaron Rodgers has been playing hurt and there isn’t enough talent on the offense to help pick him up a bit. I expect that if the Packers lose a …

Nov 15, 2018: Today is World Pancreatic Cancer Day. Take a few minutes to learn more about pancreatic cancer. Chances are high that you are going to have cancer, …

Nov 14, 2018: What is the Constitutional definition of the press?

Nov 14, 2018: Manton Reece - ActivityPub for your blog I am on Mastodon. Not sure what that means.

Nov 14, 2018: I’m watching the All About Android podcast in which they are talking about the Samsung foldable screen and they’re talking about it in terms of a …

Nov 14, 2018: Corporate welfare at its finest. The true overlords of the United States. And the overlords will use the money taxpayers provide to pay off …

Nov 14, 2018: Google is adding the Android clock as a trigger for Assistant Routines. I like the idea of the alarm triggering a routine, but I don’t have a …

Nov 14, 2018: The Oath of Office of the President of the United States: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of …

Nov 13, 2018: Ack! Just saw that the developer of TrunkNotes threw in the towel yesterday. Sigh.

Nov 13, 2018: One of the more interesting, to me, features of TrunkNotes is the WiFi sharing that basically turns my iPad into a server.

Nov 13, 2018: What an amazing picture!

Nov 12, 2018: News about the Black Friday sale on the Google Pixelbook has me reconsidering my plan to buy a new Chromebook. While the Lenovo and HP Chromebooks …

Nov 12, 2018: I was on the MobileViews Podcast this past weekend, and I talked about Google’s operating systems and commented on how few new operating systems …

Nov 12, 2018: I decided to renew my Flickr Pro account even though I am annoyed by the doubling of the price and being forced to buy two years at a time. I have …

Nov 12, 2018: I think the “Thunder Purple” color version of the OnePlus 6T looks nice.

Nov 11, 2018: Patrick Mahome’s success during his first NFL season may be more a story more about the sophistication of college football defenses more than …

Nov 10, 2018: Every Android version from the T-Mobile G1 to Android Pie - CNET According to the table in this article, Ice Cream Sandwich has been the most …

Nov 10, 2018: My highlights of Finding God In The Waves

Nov 10, 2018: For the men… from Mike McHargue There is nothing wrong with being a straight, white, and non-disabled man. But, the fact that a broad …

Nov 9, 2018: This week I did some simple testing of Linux-based remote access software to create a virtual desktop that I can access from my computers. I’ve …

Nov 9, 2018: What Is Freedom?

Nov 9, 2018: ‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

Nov 9, 2018: A little diddy about Jack and Diane…

Nov 9, 2018: I could be wrong, but I don’t recall any political candidate, Democrat or Republican, campaigning on doing something to address our gun violence …

Nov 9, 2018: Cool video about upgrades being made to a Fusion Reactor in San Diego.

Nov 9, 2018: First snow fall of the season

Nov 8, 2018: My highlights of When Society Becomes An Addict

Nov 8, 2018: Highlights from What Is The Bible by Rob Bell.

Nov 8, 2018: My hoodie of choice is the SCOTTeVEST cotton Hoodie. One word: pockets.

Nov 8, 2018: Getting the iPad to Pro Would there even be a debate about whether an iPad can be one’s only computer if touchscreens were invented before the …

Nov 8, 2018: Looks like we have a constitutional crisis created by the President.

Nov 7, 2018: Listen to your body. Knowing the symptoms of #PancreaticCancer and early detection could save a life. #DemandBetter …

Nov 7, 2018: I am not feeling euphoric by seeing Democrats win the House. I am heartend by the number of women who ran and won, but this is just the first step. …

Nov 6, 2018: Vannevar Bush, As We May Think: Consider a future device … in which an individual stores all his books, records, and communications, and which is …

Nov 6, 2018: Despite the debate, the reality is that elections in the United States are fundamentally suppressed. The fact that election day is not a national …

Nov 5, 2018: Now Playing History from Pixel 3 rolling out to Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL - 9to5Google I have this feature on my Pixel 2 and find it is a real cool …

Nov 5, 2018: Updated Time For A New Computer after a recent trip to Best Buy.

Nov 5, 2018: After watching The Verge review of the new iPad Pro, I have the sense that the limitations of iOS make the processing power of the A12X moot and the …

Nov 5, 2018: If you did not vote in 2016 and were shocked that Trump won, please know that one very big reason why he did win is because people did not vote. Not …

Nov 5, 2018: The pricing and models for the Lenovo Yoga C630 are confusing. Let’s start with Lenovo direct, they list two models one with a I3 processor, …

Nov 5, 2018: Looked at the Lenovo Yoga Chromebook C630 and the HP X360 14 at Best Buy over the weekend. The C630s being sold by Best Buy do not have a backlit …

Nov 2, 2018: Arrogant Bastard Ale…road trip week is starting to wind down.

Nov 2, 2018: Autumn Restores Fading Memories

Nov 2, 2018: Traveling Light I’ve been traveling over the past week, visiting family and friends throughout Michigan and Wisconsin. This morning I am packing up to depart on …

Nov 2, 2018: I am trying out TrunkNotes, which I learned about here on TrunkNotes is a personal wiki very similar to VoodooPad. One thing I am trying …

Nov 1, 2018: Traditional lunch

Oct 31, 2018: Boo

Oct 31, 2018: Buritto time.

Oct 31, 2018: Time For A New Computer I am planning to buy a new computer and I am gathering information on which model Chromebook that I am considering. If I learn …

Oct 30, 2018: Why ChromeOS? I am planning to by a new Chromebook this year, and I am working on an article that describes which ones I am considering and why. As I …

Oct 30, 2018: One thing I dislike about traveling. Change. Coins. Pennies, why haven’t we got rid of them by now?

Oct 30, 2018: Untitled blog posts were a game changer for my writing I think blog posts are a form of writing that is under appreciated. First, few people remember …

Oct 30, 2018: When did the NFL become like MLB? Lots of trades at the deadline, more than I remember ever happening before. Trades could always happen in the NFL …

Oct 30, 2018: Apple Benefits From Rising Prices But Android Handset Makers Suffer There is a price to be paid to be a follower rather than a leader, and it looks …

Oct 30, 2018: New Apple Pencil 2018 charges wirelessly, has laser engraving - SlashGear The new Pencil only works with the new iPads, probably due to the new …

Oct 30, 2018: My Notes From The Apple Event Tim Cook was max PT Barnum at the Apple Event, which I find annoying after listening for 20 minutes. At this point they …

Oct 29, 2018: Lake Michigan

Oct 29, 2018: The road less traveled

Oct 29, 2018: The Einstein Papers. A Man of Many Parts - The New York Times “A human being,” wrote Einstein in reply, “is a part of the whole, called by us …

Oct 28, 2018: Mackinac Bridge

Oct 28, 2018: I am not horsing around.

Oct 27, 2018: On the road again. Start with caffeine.

Oct 26, 2018: Ten years ago I was bemoaning another Cubs playoff loss. Ten yeas later, another Cubs playoff series loss. Of course the big difference is that within …

Oct 26, 2018: After Barack Obama was elected in November, 2008, I wrote this.

Oct 26, 2018: Words first written the year that I was born.

Oct 19, 2018: So, it turns out the 2018 Astros were not any better than the 2017 Cubs. Nothing is static, particularly baseball. It is not likely your team will be …

Oct 16, 2018: The gist of the articles currently being written about Aaron Rodgers and the Packers is that the Packers are wasting what time they have left with …

Oct 13, 2018: Still Standing We saw Elton John last night for the first and last time, as this is his farewell tour and I believe it to be true. The show was fantastic, …

Oct 11, 2018: More Thoughts About The Google Pixel Slate Google classifies the Pixel Slate as a Tablet with Google Assistant. Based on my definition of tablets, the Slate is not a tablet, it is a 2-in-1. If …

Oct 11, 2018: My Definition Of A Tablet I do not think we should define a tablet as a screen without a keyboard, instead a tablet ought to be defined by how it is most commonly used, by …

Oct 10, 2018: Changes Google Needs To Make I have a hard time swallowing the $150 price increase between the Google Pixel 2 and the Pixel 3. I know Google can set prices the market will bear, …

Oct 5, 2018: I disagree a bit with Epstein’s view on the leadoff spot in the Cubs lineup. It clearly has been a problem, but it is also about the 2nd spot. …

Oct 4, 2018: Theo Epstein on the Cub’s hitters: It’s probably time to stop evaluating this in terms of talent and start evaluating it in terms of production …

Oct 3, 2018: Civics Lesson First, one needs to learn what history says it means to be an American. Next, one needs to decide what they believe it means to be an American. How …

Oct 1, 2018: Looking back, it occurs to me that my analysis of the Cub’s performance in last year’s playoffs might be applicable to this year too. The …

Oct 1, 2018: Overtime Baseball The Cubs and Brewers are playing game 163 starting at 1 PM EST to determine who wins the NL Central division and who will have the best record in the …

Sep 28, 2018: Wear OS update today: 5 reasons to be excited - SlashGear Awaiting the update for my Fossil Q Explorist.

Sep 28, 2018: They Liked His Anger The Senate Judiciary Committee’s recommendation for a full vote on Kavanaugh demonstrates the value of diversity. All the Republicans on the committee …

Sep 15, 2018: Keep An Eye On The Watch I think the smart watch market is fascinating. On one hand you have Apple, with one design and software innovation and on the other hand you have a …

Sep 14, 2018: I am wearing a Fossil Q Explorist, third generation. Battery life has been good enough to get through my day up until recently. It’s hard to get …

Sep 10, 2018: The Right To Not Be Forgotten Dave Winer has been writing about owning and archiving what one writes and publishes on the web for a very long time. I think the heart of the matter …

Sep 10, 2018: The Packers made an incredible comeback last night because of Aaron Rodgers. The fact that team is so dependent on one player is nearly negligent. …

Sep 4, 2018: Real Respect Not Displays I don’t get the mindset of conservatives. They say things like they want small government and want government out of people’s lives and …

Aug 29, 2018: Apparently Google announced they will be releasing a new version of Wear OS within the next month. Articles are available from several sources, all …

Aug 23, 2018: Last night the Cubs played much better and broke out of a hitting slump to beat the Tigers 8 to 2.

Aug 22, 2018: I took pictures while at the Cubs/Tigers game last night.

Aug 22, 2018: No joy in Wrigleyville; the mighty Cubs could not score more than one run last night. I hope to see more runs by the Cubs tonight. I say put the no …

Aug 21, 2018: Is there a Cubs victory at the end of this rainbow?

Aug 21, 2018: The Cubs picked up Daniel Murphy in a trade with the Nats. It is an interesting signing of a player who seems to hurt the Cubs whenever he plays them. …

Aug 13, 2018: My Wish I think of as a publishing platform, for two reasons. First, what I write is published to my blog. Second, what I write is published to …

Jul 21, 2018: My first computer was the Timex Sinclair 1000 that my grandmother gave me as a birthday present in 1983. I got that computer because it was cheap …

Jun 30, 2018: Blogging Since 1999 I’ve ported a blog post I wrote in 2014 using Fargo to the site I am setting up using Jekyll and Netlify. The post is an historical account, …

Jun 30, 2018: Well, that was interesting. I updated my Pi3 with the latest release of Raspbian and then decided to clone my new Jekyll repo and edit the about page …

Jun 30, 2018: Long Form Writing and Trying Out Netlify Unlike most others here at, I consider my as my blog. The reason is that I distinguish blogs from long form writing and …

Jun 13, 2018: The Overthrow Will Not Be By Force. Too many people in the United States think our government will be overthrown by force when the reality is it is happening in just the opposite manner. …

May 29, 2018: IPad+Lightening Digital AV adapter+HDMI cable+MLB At Bat app = watching the Cubs on the hotel room TV.

May 29, 2018: Tolerance Is Fundamental To Freedom Tolerance is fundamental to freedom. If we stop tolerating actions or opinions that we disagree with, you stop freedom, democracy disappears and is …

May 16, 2018: The Cubs lost another game to the Braves. The Braves look for real.

May 8, 2018: Drafts or Ulysses? One thing I find frustrating about iOS are the number of apps that all seem to do the exact same thing. How do you decide on one over the other? An …

May 7, 2018: The Cubs put Yu Darvish on the 10-day DL for the flu?!

May 7, 2018: Updates to Google Assistant are coming to Wear OS.

May 5, 2018: Watching the Cubs play the Cardinals. So far two calls have been overturned by replay. Replay is showing how bad baseball umpires are, you can almost …

Apr 26, 2018: Micro Blogging versus Social Networks You might think it too fine a point, but I think any blogging product requires the ability to edit what one has written. To me, editing is a …

Apr 25, 2018: Gmail versus Inbox Google has released the new version of Gmail, which I am checking out. I have been using, and like, Inbox mostly because how quickly I can use it to …

Apr 25, 2018: Did a little more investigation into the watch face that Fossil “pushed” to my smart watch last weekend. What happens is, you receive a …

Apr 22, 2018: I got a Fossil Explorist Q, which is a Wear OS smart watch, for my birthday. Today Fossil pushed a face, commemorating Earth Day, to my watch, which …

Apr 19, 2018: Everything restored on the Pixel 2 except for the Android Wear settings, so now I have to factory reset my watches and completely reconfigure them to …

Apr 13, 2018: Boycotts and Free Speech What, if any, relationship is there between free speech and cable TV, and in particular news or opinion shows on cable TV? Cable TV is not the public …

Apr 2, 2018: Mugsy is a robotic coffee maker with a Raspberry Pi brain.

Mar 22, 2018: Here is a complete run down on the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ benchmarks.

Mar 21, 2018: I received the new Raspberry Pi 3 B+ that became available on Pi day. This new model has a faster processor and faster networking, and in my …

Feb 27, 2018: There Is No Such Thing As Health Insurance Twenty states have filed suit against the federal government basically because there is no business model in healthcare insurance. Before we can fix …

Feb 8, 2018: Carnival In Da Moonlight Michigan Tech’s annual Winter Carnival is in progress, with the snow statue competition completing this morning. I attended Tech from 1984-89 …

Jan 30, 2018: Feedback On The OmniFocus Roadmap A couple of thoughts about OmniFocus after reading Omni’s roadmap for 2018. As an iOS user but not a Mac OS user, I have long heard about …

Jan 25, 2018: Capitalism <> Democracy The American Dream is Over. This is the Age of the European Dream. One might not agree with the entire premise of the above article, but I think there …

Jan 18, 2018: Hanselminutes: Raspberry Pi clusters and Serverless… This entry is coming from Feedbin, does this get posted to my blog or just added to the Timeline? Update: So, this …

Jan 17, 2018: Yet Again Focusing On The Wrong Thing The lesson to be learned from the false missile alert in Hawaii is not how someone screwed up, a bad communication plan, nor bad UI design. The lesson …

Jan 12, 2018: Life of a scouting report: How the Cubs have streamlined an age-old process Might be only significant to a life long Cub fan such as …

Jan 10, 2018: The Continuing Search For The Perfect Todo App It’s the beginning of the year and therefore the time for my yearly ritual of trying to find a to-do (task management) app that I like and think …

Jan 6, 2018: Psion Is Trying To Make A Comeback I am interested to see how well received Psion’s Android clamshell device will be at CES. Psion is a blast from the past, at it’s height …

Jan 5, 2018: Real geeky discussion about why the Raspberry Pi is not affected by Meltdown and Spectre leads to explanation of the issue Meltdown and Spectre …

Jan 2, 2018: The Storyline For Today's GLi Championship Later today Michigan Tech will play Bowling Green in the championship game of the 53rd Great Lakes Invitational hockey tournament. It is the first GLi …

Dec 30, 2017: Android On Tablets Is Dead, Long Live Android On Tablets Google has stopped selling the Pixel C, and there is no replacement Android tablet in the Google Store. Consequently, you will now see articles about …

Dec 27, 2017: Forgive Us Our Debts, As We Forgive The Debts Of Others He died for our debts, not our sins If we think deeply about the consequences of debt you see meaning. Holding debt over a person is to have power …

Dec 25, 2017: Setting Up Pi Zero I got a Raspberry Pi Zero W for Christmas that I am setting up, and so far not having much luck getting the OS to install. I think the file transfer …

Dec 22, 2017: Day One Journal Day One Journal is now available for Android, and now I have a decision to make. Before Day One changed to a yearly subscription, I had purchased a …

Dec 20, 2017: SSH Apps On iPad What is the best ssh app to use on an iPad? Right now I use Termius, but it does this thing where it doesn’t scroll properly as the screen fills …

Dec 20, 2017: Amazon Lockers I got an email from Amazon telling me that I can use an Amazon Locker to receive items shipped to me. There is a Whole Foods near me that has a …

Dec 17, 2017: The NFL Continues To Reward Violent Hits Despite scientific research and Congressional hearings, the NFL is still not serious about the safety of its players due to concussions. In fact, the …

Dec 16, 2017: Tweeking CSS Ok, after some fiddling I now have the home page rendering as I want it to on tablets. First I experimented with the viewport setting, but that did …

Dec 16, 2017: Not Centered The next technical issue I want to resolve is the rendering of my main blog in portrait on tablets. As you see, the viewport is shift to the right, …

Dec 10, 2017: What We Need Is Wisdom “Wisdom comes from dealing rightly with the information, but information has become a consumer item in its own right. We have no place …

Dec 10, 2017: Patience “Communism tries to enforce equality, Nazism tries to enforce security and solidarity within a group, fundamentalist religion tries to …

Dec 10, 2017: A Call To Live Differently “We don’t think our way into a new life; we live our way into a new kind of thinking. The Gospel is before all else a call to live …

Dec 9, 2017: I Want A Posting Switchboard I’ve tried several apps that provide a central location for writing and a way to “broadcast” that writing to different networks, but …