
Full Post List

Jul 26, 2024: A Weinermobile rolls over on a U.S. freeway, oh the humanity!

Jul 25, 2024: Starting a virtual walk of the John Muir Trail.

Jul 24, 2024: Today I completed walking the 535 mile distance of the Camino de Santiago, tracked in the Walk The Distance app.

Jul 22, 2024: I am of the opinion that the U.S. Presidential election cycle is too long and tool expensive. Time is needed for a good democratic process, but still …

Jul 22, 2024: Over the years I have heard it said that the Democrat and Republican political parties are essentially the same. To the extent they are both political …

Jul 22, 2024: According to Ben Thompson, EU regulation requires Microsoft to provide kernel space access to security software providers and the same regulation does …

Jul 20, 2024: What I know is that Jesus taught love expressed as forgiveness as non-violent resistance against the idea that the only way to peace is through …

Jul 20, 2024: I agree with all of Dave’s points here about the Democrat candidacy for President. As much as I dislike straight party voting, I think in this …

Jul 14, 2024: Finished reading: Render Unto Caesar by John Dominic Crossan 📚 Most of Crossan’s writing puts the teaching of Jesus within our human evolutionary …

Jul 14, 2024: Finished reading: Naming the Powers by Walter Wink 📚

Jul 12, 2024: The way political parties vet their candidates for President is through primary elections. Democrats making claims that Biden’s advisors have …

Jul 2, 2024: Seems to me that the SCOTUS ruling yesterday means that any order the President gives to the military is lawful. In other words, it sure looks to me …

Jul 1, 2024: Maybe I was dreaming. I could have sworn I was taught in school that the U.S. Constitution institutes checks and balances between the three branches …

Jul 1, 2024: I wonder. Does, the SCOTUS decision today on the Presidential Immunity case put a thumb on the definition of “high crimes and …

Jul 1, 2024: I guess Nixon was right. Is what Trump did on January 6 an official act as POTUS? What is the definition of an official act? Anyone celebrating this …

Jul 1, 2024: Read a blog post by Doc Searls about the crazy number of accounts one needs to “use” the Internet that directs me to what Searls calls …

Jun 28, 2024: It’s embarrassing. Unfortunately, for too many it is funny, but the consequences are dire. We ought to be asking how it got this way, and I …

Jun 26, 2024: Should government officials be allowed to receive gratuities from individuals or businesses to which they awarded government business? SCOTUS says …

Jun 26, 2024: When one violently confronts evil, evil persists because that confrontation in turn makes one evil; this is nearly the whole of the teaching of Jesus, …

Jun 21, 2024: Cool cloud formation during my evening walk.

Jun 13, 2024: As far as I can tell, one of the main measures that a typical person has for inflation is the price of gas. Many complaints I read about Biden are …

Jun 13, 2024: Forty years go today the Chicago Cubs signed Rick Sutcliffe and the team would go on to the NLCS for first time in my life. Unfortunately, in 1984 the …

Jun 13, 2024: Matt Webb has a different take on AI that appears to be a polar opposite to mine that aligns with personal computing. Webb sees the potential for …

Jun 13, 2024: The main reason why I have invested in and use Google’s hardware, mostly phones running Android, all these years is that I believe the idea of …

Jun 13, 2024: A People's AI

Over the last year we’ve seen Microsoft, Google, and now Apple demonstrate what they are doing with AI. As a somewhat casual observer, it seems …

Jun 13, 2024: I am so old that I know who is the person who does the speaking part and laugh in Thriller.

Jun 12, 2024: On this date the Chicago Cubs' record is 32-35 and they are 7 games behind Milwaukee for the NL Central division and a half game behind the last …

Jun 11, 2024: I created a notes outline of the Apple 2024 WWDC Keynote while watching the stream of the keynote. I will make updates to the outline as I read …

Jun 10, 2024: Forty seven years ago today Apple launched the Apple II and basically at that point really started becoming the Apple we now know today. I doubt that …

Jun 8, 2024: I wish that my RSS feed reader could filter out items behind a pay wall, or at least flag them in some way. It would also be nice if bloggers either …

Jun 7, 2024: The reviews of last nights Michigan Central live concert that I have read do a good job of describing the moment. The concert was free for the little …

Jun 7, 2024: Over the years I’ve seen so many deer and wild turkey within our condominium that they no longer surprise me, but the appearance of new wildlife …

Jun 6, 2024: I realize that category archives of this blog has pages in a manner similar to how Old School creates monthly pages, so I decided to create a notebook …

Jun 6, 2024: On a whim I decided to give NotebookLM the RSS feed to the essays (titled posts) to this site, and it ingested the feed and does answer questions I …

Jun 6, 2024: Google Updates NotebookLM

Google has released an update to NotebookLM that allows one to provide specific sources to Google’s Gemini LLM, store the results from questions …

Jun 4, 2024: The author of this article, AI Alignment Is Trivial, is overlooking the lessons learned from the Internet. The real concern is not with the …

Jun 4, 2024: The State Of Sports In the Atlantic there is an article (subscription required) that is an ode to the one-hand backhand, which is how I was taught to play tennis, but is …

Jun 3, 2024: I don’t think there is a more fitting example of how Detroit is rising up than the restoration of the Michigan Central Station. I hope to see it …

Jun 3, 2024: If something like inflation starts going bad during a President’s term, and then under that President that something improves or is better than …

Jun 1, 2024: Currently reading: Naming the Powers by Walter Wink 📚 I think this is a good book (series of books actually) for those who desire to follow Jesus to …

May 31, 2024: The difference is – you have to use something before your criticism makes any sense. That was the mistake the music industry made with Napster. …

May 31, 2024: I am seeing lots of people in my social feeds reacting as if these are normal times. As much as I would like to think people will not elect a felon, …

May 29, 2024: For those who wish to use their vote to protest the U.S. participation in the genocide occurring in Gaza with their vote for President, I suggest you …

May 28, 2024: The Debate Never Resolved. Currently reading: Democracy in Chains by Nancy MacLean 📚 Yesterday I read an article about James Buchanan that is inspired by this book, which I …

May 28, 2024: Why do tech reviews matter? Are iPad sales affected in any way by the ‘iPadOS is too constrained" reviews? I don’t think they are, …

May 27, 2024: Remembering Sacrifice As I reflect upon what I wrote earlier today about Memorial Day, it occurs to me that my thoughts about the meaning and purpose of this day are …

May 27, 2024: On Memorial Day, when we remember the sacrifices of those who died serving our country during war, we ought to reflect on what it is that these people …

May 26, 2024: Unofficial start of summer based on the blooming rhododendron.

May 22, 2024: The tariffs on imports from China first imposed by Trump and continued by Biden did not increase jobs in the U.S. but increased prices. While imports …

May 22, 2024: Dave shared an easy way to transcribe voice mails to Google Docs, and I read it I thought, “that’s cool” but then asked myself, when …

May 22, 2024: Feeds All Around provides a way to discover RSS feeds related to a mastodon account. The app appears to be able to dig out the RSS feed from a site. …

May 20, 2024: Cicada Brood emergence time cycles with prime numbers like 13 and 17 years may be an evolutionary protection against predators.

May 20, 2024: Eleven elements of the Periodic Table are in the human body. The human body is an incredible, but there is a surprising amount about it, particularly …

May 18, 2024: It was a beautiful July day here in southeast Michigan.

May 16, 2024: The spread of major sports streaming outlets is getting ridiculous. Netflix will be streaming two NFL games on Christmas day. At least that is a …

May 16, 2024: New iPads: Deja vu All Over Again

I was mostly offline the last week as I on the road visiting family and friends. Catching up on my feeds, I see the reactions to the reviews of the …

May 5, 2024: Finished reading: The Jesus Driven Life by 📚Michael Hardin. The author’s use of the work of Rene Girard to understand humanity, and from that …

May 1, 2024: 1984 Is In The Past

Dave Winer recently wrote that we in the United States are already living in an authoritarian state. He cites as evidence the probability that SCOTUS …

Apr 30, 2024: It’s ironic that people who mock the idea of college students equating speech to violence whenever they react to somebody saying things they …

Apr 25, 2024: I am beginning to think that while much focus is on the upcoming Presidential election what may be more important is Democrat majorities in the Senate …

Apr 25, 2024: SCOTUS Can Push The Republic Over the Edge In my opinion the Presidential Immunity case before the Supreme Court could be the most consequential to the future of the United States of any case …

Apr 25, 2024: It is draft day in Detroit!

Apr 24, 2024: The 2024 NFL Draft is tomorrow and Detroit is buzzing. This is a time when I wish I were still working at the RenCen, I am sure the energy of the …

Apr 24, 2024: I wish that I could use the glossary function in Drummer for my posts so that links to pages I frequently refer to, like my now page, are …

Apr 24, 2024: Change To How I Make Summary Posts

I upgraded the theme to this site and now the summary posts function stopped working. I had not read an update that with the release of Version 2.7 of …

Apr 24, 2024: Rolling Through The Blogs

Dave Winer is putting much effort into rebooting blogrolls, which traditionally are a list of other blog sites shown on the right side of a main blog …

Apr 19, 2024: Finished reading: The Divine Dance by Richard Rohr 📚 Trinity matters to the extent that our understand of God matters, which does matter because we …

Apr 19, 2024: What we are seeing played out between Israel and Iran and between Israel and Hammas is retribution. Violence begetting more violence. Empire convinces …

Apr 18, 2024: Today I start lap 59 around the sun. Unlike the last two years, there is no snow. Morning sunshine gave way to clouds in the afternoon. My bride and I …

Apr 16, 2024: From Buildings To Floors

Yesterday GM announced that it is moving its headquarters from the Renaissance Center to the new Hudson building next year. The announcement has me …

Apr 15, 2024: I’ve added a blogroll to my Daynotes blog to checkout how it works. I think I prefer the blogroll to be a tab on that site rather than a block …

Apr 14, 2024: The weather today felt more like mid July rather than mid April, with temperature approaching 80 degrees. I very much enjoyed my walk tonight.

Apr 14, 2024: Finished reading: The Trouble with Resurrection by Bernard Brandon Scott 📚

Apr 9, 2024: First flowering tree to bloom this year, as always.

Apr 9, 2024: I watched an introduction to AI video yesterday in which the presenter went to great lengths to try and convince me that AI is really ok and we really …

Apr 8, 2024: This is what 99% of a solar eclipse looks like. Still plenty of light.

Apr 8, 2024: Right now it is a normal, sunny Monday morning.

Apr 8, 2024: Good morning Cubs fans! Welcome to Eclipse day. Our Cubbies have played three series and won two of them. We could have won all three of them if you …

Apr 5, 2024: The flowering tree in our neighborhood that always blooms first has blossoms.

Apr 4, 2024: I just checked and discovered that circle to search is on my Pixel 7A. I don’t know why I didn’t get some form of a notification from …

Apr 4, 2024: We Need An Emoluments Amendment

I don’t think it controversial to say that much of what ills the government of the United States is caused by money. What may be controversial …

Apr 2, 2024: How much of the lack of trust in Biden and Trump is due to money? What about politicians in general? Of news organizations? Of the medical industry? …

Apr 1, 2024: Today is the Chicago Cub’s home opener after they completed the first series of the season with one again and two loses against the Texas …

Mar 27, 2024: Pugnosticating The 2024 Chicago Cubs

The Chicago Cubs have completed the 2024 Cactus League spring training “season” and will start the 2024 MLB season tomorrow at the Texas …

Mar 27, 2024: If you are watching the NCAA men’s or women’s basketball tournament and think to yourself, “that’s a nice basketball …

Mar 24, 2024: Finished reading: FAITH IN THE FACE OF EMPIRE by RAHEB 📚 Can a people enslaved in empire not realize that they are enslaved?

Mar 24, 2024: Finished reading: The A to Z of the New Testament by James F. McGrath 📚

Mar 22, 2024: The 2023-24 CCHA Mason Cup champions. Michigan Tech is going to the NCAA tournament!

Mar 22, 2024: Apple will say that consumers benefit from their exclusive control over the iPhone ecosystem. I imagine that Google will say that consumers benefit …

Mar 22, 2024: Markets and Ecosystems Based on what I’ve read so far, it seems to me the biggest challenge the DOJ has in its lawsuit against Apple is convincing a court that there …

Mar 22, 2024: Two days after the spring equinox, mother nature does have a sense of humor. Just got back from a short walk and I think there is about four inches on …

Mar 20, 2024: I agree with everything that Om Malik wrote in this post about how AI IS Changing Writing, in particular the following: My approach to AI has been to …

Mar 20, 2024: I agree with everything that Om Malik wrote in this post about how AI IS Changing Writing, in particular the following

Mar 20, 2024: The upcoming U.S. Presidential election is unique in my life time in that it is an election between two incumbent Presidents. Consequently, we …

Mar 18, 2024: I might be out of touch, but the idea of one being able to buy a Macbook at Walmart seems odd. It feels like a cheapening of the brand. I get the …

Mar 18, 2024: To Be Disturbed By Ideas Is O.K.

From “The Problem with Defining Antisemitism” by the New Yorker

Stern tells this story in “The Conflict Over the Conflict,” a work that …

Mar 18, 2024: I have to remind myself that the high 30/low 40 degree temperatures that we are currently experiencing is closer to normal than the 70 degrees we had …

Mar 17, 2024: Watching me like a hawk on St. Patrick’s day.

Mar 15, 2024: Site Changes It started with a post that Manton Reece wrote about long form content publishing in a microblog format and before I knew it I had completely …

Mar 15, 2024: I don’t think the blogroll on the right side of Scripting News is visually appealing. To my eyes the page is now cluttered and that affects …

Mar 15, 2024: I know that one can have a physical book printed from a journal in DayOne. What I would like is to be able to import all of the titled posts …

Mar 14, 2024: Daffys are about to make their appearance. Spring is springing.

Mar 14, 2024: Everything old is new again, even on the Internet. Blogrolls are making a come back. One can think of them like the news feeds/timelines one sees on …

Mar 14, 2024: Today I am starting my next virtual walk of the Camino de Santiago. I think I should be able to complete the 577 miles later this year.

Mar 13, 2024: It took 582 days for me to walk the equivalent of the 2024 miles of the Appalachian Trail. Goal achieved!

Mar 13, 2024: I’ve written down some of my thoughts about the pending iPad announcements. I am curious about what Apple will announcement but not anticipating …

Mar 12, 2024: I will make the case that March is one of the better, if not the best, months of the year. March 1 begins meteorological spring, temperatures get …

Mar 12, 2024: I am down to the last five miles of my virtual walk on the Appalachian Trail that I started on July 24, 2022. I should complete the walk some time …

Mar 12, 2024: A problem that I see about reporting on inflation is there is little understanding nor explanation for why inflation is occuring, only assumptions. …

Mar 12, 2024: What is Realtime? “Our automated engine continuously tracks public data feeds, detects key changes in real-time, and uses AI to distill them …

Mar 11, 2024: I did some reminiscing about the smartphones that I have owned since I first started using Android in 2008. Looking back at that those phones the ones …

Mar 11, 2024: The first day of Daylight Savings Time is never as bad as the second day, which is a work day. Need more coffee!

Mar 6, 2024: “Global village is not created by the motor car or even by the airplane. It’s created by instant electronic information movement. The global …

Mar 5, 2024: We know that Trump and Netanyahu share similar ideological goals, so re-electing Trump makes it almost certain that the United States will not exert …

Mar 5, 2024: As I read and learn about the history of Israel and Palestine, and reflecting on the history of the United States, I think that part of why there are …

Mar 4, 2024: Spotted the neighborhood hawk last night.

Feb 29, 2024: Assuming that Mitch McConnell sees himself as fighting a war for a better America by his definition for what that means, at some point he will realize …

Feb 29, 2024: It’s leap day! I feel like this day needs to be properly observed.

Feb 28, 2024: I think this article by The Atlantic titled “The New American Nihilism” that describes the concept for the “need for chaos” …

Feb 28, 2024: Just took a walk, the thermometer says the temperature is 44 degrees but there are 19 mph winds from the northwest making it feel like 30 degrees, …

Feb 27, 2024: The thermometer shows that the outside temperature is 73⁰, but I had to convince myself to just wear the hoodie when I went for my walk. I took a pair …

Feb 26, 2024: I saw a text message from my buddy first thing yesterday morning, telling me that the Cubs had signed Cody Bellinger. It’s a three year for $80m …

Feb 24, 2024: Finished reading: If the Church Were Christian by Philip Gulley 📚

Feb 23, 2024: Go Cubs Go! First day of MLB spring and the sun is shining.

Feb 23, 2024: On paper the Cubs don’t look much better than last season, in fact you could make the case that they are worse. The saving grace is that no …

Feb 23, 2024: Today is the the first day of spring. The Chicago Cubs and Chicago White Sox start spring at 3 PM EST today, and the Cubs have not signed Cody …

Feb 22, 2024: Dear Google. Please stop being hostile to users by switching Google Assistant with Gemini on Pixel phones. I rely on Google Home routines and because …

Feb 18, 2024: Finished reading: Saving Grace by Kirsten Powers 📚”Grace is what makes human coexistence possible.”

Feb 16, 2024: Finished reading: Gold from Iron by Triumph Books 📚As a fellow Yooper, I was cheering for Nick Baumgartner at the 2020 Winter Olympics. While this is …

Feb 16, 2024: Retirement practice brought me to Ground Control roasters in downtown Farmington, Michigan.

Feb 16, 2024: Public Service Announcement! It’s seven days until the Chicago Cubs spring training 2024 opener. Spring is only seven days away people!

Feb 16, 2024: Today I am enjoying my first vacation day, or what I like to call retirement practice, of the year. My company provides the Presidents Day holiday on …

Feb 11, 2024: Finished reading: The Amen Effect by Sharon Brous 📚

Feb 9, 2024: I installed the Google Gemini app on my Pixel 7a and found that it breaks the ability to initiate Google Home routines/automations via Google …

Feb 9, 2024: Day 3,285

Feb 8, 2024: February 8, nearly a new record high but still crazy warm for this time of the year. Forecast for tomorrow is more of the same.

Feb 8, 2024: It is very strange to see Michigan Tech Winter Carnival snow statues with exposed grass near by. It’s amazing what they were able to build given …

Feb 7, 2024: I’ve been receiving many “offers” from AT&T lately trying to get us to drop our landline and convert it to AT&T’s VoIP …

Feb 6, 2024: Smart Monitors On Faces Despite reading more about the Apple Vision Pro, I have yet to warm up to the idea of strapping a headset on to my face, no matter the potential cost …

Feb 4, 2024: Temperature way above normal for February, makes for a very nice day. More of the same for the upcoming week, but I doubt that Mother Nature …

Feb 1, 2024: Having seen more writing on the decline of local news, I sought out and found a link to an independent news site for the county that I live it. In a …

Jan 31, 2024: Really good, and I think really important, column here by David Brooks in The Atlantic, The Zeitgeist of Doom. I think he correctly puts his finger on …

Jan 30, 2024: I think the biggest argument that should be made to the American people is that you are being used. I get the feeling that everything is so bad that …

Jan 30, 2024: It’s still morning and my gratitude list is full. Grateful for fresh fallen snow. Grateful I work from home so that I don’t have to drive …

Jan 29, 2024: If you know someone living in southeast Michigan today, be kind, they are likely hurting from the crushing defeat of the Detroit Lions to the San …

Jan 27, 2024: Finally some blue skies and sunshine, if only for a brief moment this morning. A day in Michigan to get outdoors.

Jan 26, 2024: I don’t think I’ve ever seen Pebble Creek this high. It’s the result of several days of rain and melting snow.

Jan 25, 2024: I had not thought much about the computer mouse and its slow moving extinction until I read this article from The Atlantic. The emergence of the real …

Jan 25, 2024: Today I was looking for a book in my home library and came across this, which caused me to chuckle in light of everyone posting pictures of their …

Jan 24, 2024: Now that I am annotating more PDFs using the Boox Note Air 3C I am looking for ways to make the annotations searchable as that is not what is produced …

Jan 23, 2024: I bought the Boox Note Air 3C for the ability to better hand write notes in digital ink and to read with less eye strain. Reading and writing with any …

Jan 23, 2024: “The American media has spent a generation letting politicians lie about every stupid little thing, and the net effect was to make an …

Jan 23, 2024: Reading Dave Winer’s recollection of first seeing and using the Mac on the 30th anniversary of its introduction has me reflecting on my first …

Jan 22, 2024: Just a couple of turkeys hanging out in a tree.

Jan 22, 2024: Parting Ways With Evernote Today I canceled my subscription and closed by account with Evernote, which most will think a trivial event. People stop using software all the time, …

Jan 19, 2024: Skiers favorite fresh powder.

Jan 18, 2024: What separates the Boox Note Air 3C from competing products is that it has the Google Play store and is capable of running any Android application. …

Jan 18, 2024: My latest technology purchase is the Boox Note Air 3C, which is a Android tablet that has a color eInk screen. If you are familiar with the Amazon …

Jan 16, 2024: “If he [Trump] should return to the presidency in 2025, we have no reason to expect him to leave in 2029. So maybe the issue on the ballot in …

Jan 15, 2024: Football Fun Yesterday was fun for me as a football fan. I am a life long Green Bay Packer fan and really enjoyed watching the Packers pummel the Dallas Cowboys. …

Jan 13, 2024: At my home we got sleet, snow, and some wind but not the extent to which had been forecasted. It’s icy enough to keep me indoors and I see some …

Jan 12, 2024: Weather forecasts from all local outlets declare that a snowpocalpyse is imminent. The skeptic in me suspects the actual results might not be so …

Jan 11, 2024: BGR reports that Rabbit Inc. received 10,000 orders for the R1, which I made note about yesterday, on the day they announced it. I imagine for many …

Jan 11, 2024: Enough snow has fallen to make it pretty and the walking slippery.

Jan 11, 2024: Woke up way to early this morning and could not fall back asleep, therefore I will be running on lots of coffee.

Jan 10, 2024: Personal Computing Continues To Get Real Back in 2011 when Apple announced the iPad I believed it marked the real beginning of the personal computing era rather than the beginning of the …

Jan 10, 2024: First significant snow storm of the winter in southeast Michigan resulted in no snow at my home. So far this year we have had some snow flurries that …

Jan 9, 2024: A lot of attention is being spent on Artificial Intelligence, with most seeing it as the next big technological iteration after mobile Internet access …

Jan 8, 2024: Intentional Trusting This article in The Atlantic, We’ve Been Thinking About America’s Trust Collapse All Wrong by Jedediah Britton-Purdy is very good. Too bad it’s …

Jan 8, 2024: Recently discovered Tal Wikenfeld, via YouTube and her song Corner Painter. Currently listening Prince’s Welcome 2 America album on which Tal …

Jan 5, 2024: I store personal data like the steps that I walk in, which I highly recommend. Today I received my Year in Review summary that told me that …

Jan 5, 2024: This article in The Atlantic implies that people, many of them Republican, are resigning from Congress due to frustration with getting nothing done. …

Jan 4, 2024: I have Microsoft Copilot installed on my Pixel 7a and my iPad Mini and don’t understand what are the practical uses for it. It’s a nice …

Jan 3, 2024: What scares me most about a possible second presidential term for Donald Trump is not Trump himself but rather the fact that for his supporters there …

Jan 1, 2024: Year in books for 2023 I doubled the number of books that I read in 2022. Here are the books I finished reading in 2023.

Dec 29, 2023: Enjoying a day in Grand Rapids before hockey tonight.

Dec 28, 2023: Today I reached a milestone of sorts, our car crossed the 100, 000 mile mark. It’s the first time I’ve owned a car that I’ve put …

Dec 25, 2023: We got a green Christmas, but there is a strange glowy thing in the sky.

Dec 25, 2023: “When we say “Come, Lord Jesus” on this Christmas Day, we are preferring his Lordship to any other loyalty system or any other final frame of …

Dec 25, 2023: “We do not think ourselves into a new way of living. We live ourselves into new ways of thinking.” — Preparing for Christmas: Daily Meditations for …

Dec 24, 2023: Weird weather on Christmas Eve. The birds seem happy, they are very vocal.

Dec 24, 2023: Finished reading: This Here Flesh by Cole Arthur Riley 📚

Dec 24, 2023: “A life that is holy is a life that allows for all of your uncertainties, your curiosities and unbelief. That doesn’t just allow for them but holds …

Dec 22, 2023: One major improvement that Lilihub has over the native web app is that when reading the Timeline past the first page and then clicking a …

Dec 21, 2023: Over the course of my career the company I work for has provided me a number of different computers to do my job, most of them have been pretty cheap …

Dec 21, 2023: It’s the first day of winter and what snow we got earlier is almost gone. Forecast through Christmas is for temperatures in the mid 40s.

Dec 21, 2023: “We all tend to aim for the goal instead of the journey itself, but spiritually speaking, how we get there is where we arrive. The journey determines …

Dec 20, 2023: It’s another MLB offseason, deep in to December, during which the Chicago Cubs have yet to sign any free agent. By this time last year the Cubs …

Dec 19, 2023: We got a dusting of snow yesterday, enough to cover the grass. I don’t expect the snow to last for Christmas.

Dec 19, 2023: What I like most about Readwise Reader is its support for keyboard shortcuts, just about anything one might want to be done can be done via the …

Dec 18, 2023: Got an early Christmas present from Google last week when the December 2023 Security Update was pushed to the Pixel 7a. After the update the battery …

Dec 17, 2023: It is said that what Jesus most often spoke was, do not be afraid, and some claim the United States is a Christian nation, yet those people are driven …

Dec 17, 2023: “In each case Jesus describes his work as moving outside of polite and proper limits and boundaries to reunite things that have been marginalized or …

Dec 15, 2023: First thing I noticed when I started my walk this morning is the number of squirrels out and about. Temps are going above normal today, and they seem …

Dec 15, 2023: I have started the final segment, which is Maine, of the Appalachian Trail in the Walk The Distance app. I started walking the distance of the …

Dec 13, 2023: Finished reading: Strange Rites by Tara Isabella Burton 📚

Dec 13, 2023: I think the biggest consequence to what Om predicts is a potential shift in how we direct young people toward professions that provide for a good …

Dec 13, 2023: Om Malik’s blog post about AI has an interesting chart from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook that predicts the …

Dec 12, 2023: After the American Revolution was over and time came to decide how we were to govern ourselves, some might have wished to make George Washington a …

Dec 12, 2023: In 2005 in McCreary County v. ACLU, Sandra Day O’Connor tendered the decisive vote to hold unconstitutional a Kentucky courthouse’s Ten …

Dec 10, 2023: Finished reading: Romans for Normal People by J. R. Daniel Kirk 📚

Dec 10, 2023: “Whatever you trust to validate you and secure you is your real god, and the Gospel is saying, “Will the real God please stand up?”” — Preparing for …

Dec 9, 2023: It’s 60 degrees outside!

Dec 8, 2023: Every day that the sun is shining during winter is a good weather day.

Dec 8, 2023: “When people say piously, “Thy kingdom come” out of one side of their mouth, they need also to say, “My kingdom go!” out of the other side. The …

Dec 7, 2023: Google dropped the December Feature update for their Pixel products that includes new watch faces that are already available in the Watch app on my …

Dec 6, 2023: Seems to me that the 2023 college football “playoff” decision that picked Texas and Alabama over undefeated Florida State is strong …

Dec 6, 2023: I think most people intuitively know the corruptible nature of wealth, and that is why they don’t trust any of our institutions. We see any …

Dec 6, 2023: When Feeling Better Trumps Being Better I am reading Jonathan Haidt’s article in The Atlantic, The Coddling of the American Mind, and I am wondering whether the hypersensitivity to …

Dec 4, 2023: Seems to me there ought to be one simple message broadcast large, wide, and far, and that is to not trust anything on X, the site formally known as …

Dec 3, 2023: The epitome of a gray day.

Dec 1, 2023: Notice that the version of Feedland Dave is built to be hosted by Wordpress is at

Dec 1, 2023: Article recently published lists the metro Detroit intersections with the most crashes during 2022. I live near, and thus frequently drive through, …

Nov 30, 2023: Apparently writing and maintaining a list of apps that one uses is a thing. Some folks are even publishing this info via RSS, although I am not sure …

Nov 30, 2023: I think this says that I am boring.

Nov 30, 2023: Is it just me, or does there seem to be server problems in land today? Seems like external app access is available, I am able to access via …

Nov 30, 2023: My Praise for The posts that I write here are hosted on a platform known as that hosts my feed (in RSS format) and a network of feeds to which members of …

Nov 28, 2023: Never before, in my life time, have I seen a person who ran for President of the United States and lost be nominated again by their party for the next …

Nov 28, 2023: I’ve come to the belief that religion may be the most dangerous of our instincts because of how it is used by those in power to gain and grow …

Nov 28, 2023: What OpenAI Shares With Scientology: “The OpenAI saga is a fight between God and Money; between a quite peculiar quasi-religious movement, and a …

Nov 27, 2023: The basis of my concern about AI and the saga that unfolded weeks ago is the knowledge that humans see the world in the simple binary of winners and …

Nov 26, 2023: My first walk today was in the falling snow, the first of the season.

Nov 23, 2023: Have no fear…

Nov 22, 2023: I can’t help but feel that the big picture behind the OpenAI saga that occurred over the last fourteen days should be the recognition that the …

Nov 19, 2023: Finished reading: People of the Way by Kurt Struckmeyer 📚

Nov 18, 2023: Finished reading: The Franchise: Chicago Cubs by Bruce Miles 📚I enjoyed reading this one about my favorite baseball team.

Nov 9, 2023: I can’t be the only person to think that the Humane missed an opportunity when the designed the Ai Pin to be a square rather than something that …

Nov 8, 2023: Thunderstorms with 46 degree temperatures just doesn’t seem right, but yet that is what is going on outside right now.

Nov 8, 2023: I keep reading articles that are interpreting the hiring of Gregg Counsell is a sign that the Cubs will be aggressive in the free agent market this …

Nov 8, 2023: The United States is not about my freedom, it is about our freedom. The consequences of the selfish, individual, and not Christ-like ideology promoted …

Nov 8, 2023: Thinking back to this glorious morning in Houghton.

Nov 7, 2023: I realize that what I wrote below and how I relate what the Chicago Cubs have done (sports) to the state of the world may appear to be overly …

Nov 7, 2023: I have read The Athletics’s articles on the firing of David Ross and the hiring of Gregg Counsell that confirmed that the decision went down as …

Nov 6, 2023: Another Chicago Cubs Scapegoat Whenever a general manager/front office of a professional sports team fires a good coach, or in baseball manager, I am suspicious of the true …

Nov 3, 2023: I find this to be an interesting debate of whether or not humans have free will. I think argument made against free will might really be making the …

Nov 3, 2023: “Our growth (transformation) relies in embracing the seemingly conflicting values of liberty and unity, by transformation from an either/or …

Nov 2, 2023: Seven years ago the greatest game ever played was played, on a Wednesday, in Cleveland.

Nov 2, 2023: I thought that the Arizona Diamondbacks were going to win the World Series, but I guess I forgot to take into account the fact that the middle three …

Nov 2, 2023: Just Looking In The Rear View Mirror From the perspective of my life time of 1966 to present, I think the most consequential change on society has been the rise of conservatism. Today …

Nov 1, 2023: I’ve read, and recommend, Steven Sinofsky’s reaction/response to POTUS' Executive Order on AI. I am inclined to agree on it’s true …

Oct 31, 2023: Was it an event or a release? For me an event is in real life and running a pre-recorded video stream is something else, and I wonder whether that is …

Oct 31, 2023: It’s 30 degrees outside. Just five days ago I was walking outside in a T-shirt.

Oct 30, 2023: This article in The Atlantic raises concerns about the changes in the U.S. economy driven by private equity but doesn’t touch on what may be …

Oct 27, 2023: World Series Starts Tonight Two wildcard teams, the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Texas Rangers, will play each other in the 2023 MLB World Series. Before the playoffs began I …

Oct 26, 2023: Wearing a T-shirt outside on October 26, 2023.

Oct 25, 2023: I took many pictures during our trip last week, and some of them are too good to not share. Therefore, expect more pictures over the coming days. This …

Oct 24, 2023: I learned via HPC Factor that Microsoft’s extended support for Windows CE 8 has come to an end, completing the embedded operating system’s …

Oct 24, 2023: Fall colors are not just about the leaves, it is as much about how the sunlight hits the leaves. My wife took some incredible photos during the golden …

Oct 24, 2023: We traveled from the southern most point to the northern most point of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan last week during near peak fall colors.

Oct 13, 2023: I understand the frustration that Dodger, Braves, and Orioles fans feel right now, their teams won divisions and had the best season records but are …

Oct 13, 2023: The smoke alarm near our bed room decided to notify us that the battery was getting low at 4:15 AM. It’s a sealed, ten year unit so I will need …

Oct 12, 2023: I recommend this article in The Atlantic, What Happened to Empathy? From it this question, “How emotionally healthy are we, as a people, when, …

Oct 12, 2023: Morality cannot coexist in a world in which the ends justify the means. A world void of morality is barbaric. This article by Zack Beauchamp of Vox is …

Oct 11, 2023: I’ve read some common themes regarding Google’s change to seven years of full support for Android on the Pixel 8 phones. The comments boil …

Oct 10, 2023: Personal computing is a tool used by humans for good or bad, as is the case for every tool ever invented. The problem then is not with the tools, but …

Oct 8, 2023: The temperature outdoors dropped to the low forties over night and it got down to the low sixties in our house, so my wife turned on the furnace. I …

Oct 6, 2023: Google announced the Pixel Watch 2 during the Pixel event earlier this week. I’ve been wearing the original Pixel Watch and the sports band it …

Oct 5, 2023: If you think you are not religious then you don’t know what is religion. I think Americans are more religious today than ever before, but …

Oct 5, 2023: All of the MLB wild card series games of both leagues are done with sweeps of each. The NL wildcards that I preferred to advance won. The Diamondbacks …

Oct 4, 2023: We have had temperatures well above average the last few days, and today could be the last one in the 80s so I’ve tried to get outside often. …

Oct 4, 2023: I had an early meeting this morning so that enabled me to take my morning walk earlier than normal. The morning sun is glorious in what might be one …

Oct 3, 2023: My 2023 MLB Playoff Preferences I am not as crazy as to pretend that I can predict what will happen in this year’s Major League Baseball playoffs, but I did want to go down on …

Oct 1, 2023: The mornings of sitting outside on the patio drinking coffee are numbered for this year. The leaves are falling.

Sep 29, 2023: The intoxicating drug of wealth and the power it affords is driving the human race toward extinction, it appears to only be a matter of when and how.

Sep 29, 2023: “The Trump campaign is very good at manipulating the media, because it understands that liberal ideological bias is not the primary factor in …

Sep 28, 2023: I’ve written before about how the then low cost Timex Sinclair 1000 personal computer was so influential on my life. Today’s equivalent to …

Sep 28, 2023: Much more of the moon was visible when I started to take this picture, but still I like it.

Sep 27, 2023: I found the site Georgia v. Trump, a curation of articles published about the Georgia 2020 election interference trial. Added the RSS feed to my …

Sep 27, 2023: I use Drummer to write many of my posts for I wonder what happens when I delete a post way back in the past? As a test, I deleted a post …

Sep 27, 2023: Now that the iPadOS lock screen supports widgets, I’ve started playing with focus modes to change what I see throughout the day. Two of the key …

Sep 27, 2023: Looking back at it, the last week of the MLB baseball season is often been filled with angst. I do agree with what I wrote back in 2019, I’d …

Sep 26, 2023: I read that the U.S. government is again providing free Covid tests. We have a bunch of tests that probably expired and should be thrown out.

Sep 25, 2023: Over the weekend the samples of the astroid Bennu collected by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft landed in Utah. The samples were collected hundreds of …

Sep 23, 2023: Today is the first day of autumn and on this, a day in the life of a member of the micro blog community in West Bloomfield, Michigan, ducks are …

Sep 22, 2023: I’ve turned an emotional corner regarding this year’s Chicago Cubs. I now don’t expect them to make the playoffs, they are clearly …

Sep 21, 2023: Cubs starter Justin Steele got pounded by Pirates last night, and the Cubs lost 7-13. Fortunately, the Marlins also lost so the Cubs maintain the half …

Sep 19, 2023: Why The Cubs Are Fading The World Series, like most major sports championships, is won by defense. In baseball that mainly translates to pitching, but also fielding. When you …

Sep 18, 2023: We are at the start of the second to the last week of the 2023 Major League Baseball season with the Chicago Cubs in the midst of a five game losing …

Sep 16, 2023: I’ve read in many places how Republicans are authoritarian, no longer support democracy, and would dissolve the constitution. I don’t …

Sep 16, 2023: I don’t understand why Satya Nadella ever agreed to have Microsoft re-enter the smartphone market. Three years ago they produced the Surface …

Sep 11, 2023: The United States of America is only 247 years old. In comparison to the world, the U.S. is a toddler, to the universe, an infant. Our growth …

Sep 8, 2023: It is a sign of something, but I am not sure of what, when influencers make walking while not tuning out the world with headsets a thing. My wife …

Sep 7, 2023: Tim Hortons has a credit card for which one can earn Tims Rewards. One redeems Tims Rewards for items on Tim Hortons menu. Problematic capitalism …

Sep 6, 2023: It has come once again, 906 Day!

Sep 5, 2023: Last Friday I was bemoaning the fact that September had come signaling the pending end of summer. Today mother nature is saying, “not so …

Sep 5, 2023: America has never truly been a democracy, it has always been an oligarchy behind the mask of “representative democracy.” A group of rich, …

Sep 4, 2023: Sitting outside on the patio this morning, the first Monday morning of September, what is known as Labor Day in the United States. The air is thick, …

Aug 31, 2023: Welcome To September Baseball As of this morning the Chicago Cubs are 3 games behind the Milwaukee Brewers for the N.L. Central lead and have a 2 game lead in the N.L. Wildcard. …

Aug 30, 2023: I wonder, how much of inflation is caused by Trump’s tariffs? One of the arguments that any opponent to Trump should make is that there is a …

Aug 29, 2023: Time For The Chicago Cubs To Embrace The Pressure The 162 game schedule is a big part of what makes Major League Baseball unique among professional sports in the United States because it tends to …

Aug 26, 2023: I use Readwise Reader to read articles that I select from my RSS subscriptions, and I think it has information that would like to extract. For …

Aug 26, 2023: It has been so long since I have used Google Reader that I have forgotten why it was so valuable. Now I keep seeing the same articles in my feeds, …

Aug 25, 2023: Casey Newton’s article on The Verge, “Why note-taking apps don’t make us smarter” hits home. I use a variety of different apps …

Aug 24, 2023: The Republican party is a circus and Trump is P.T. Barnum. I don’t see how any of candidates who debated last night seriously think they can win …

Aug 23, 2023: Cubs vs. Tigers at Comerica Park, Detroit, Michigan The Chicago Cubs are playing the Detroit Tigers in Detroit this week, and I went to the Monday and Tuesday night games. The Cubs won 7-6 Monday night …

Aug 22, 2023: In the upper deck tonight and this happened.

Aug 21, 2023: Cubs win! Cubs win! Cubs win!

Aug 21, 2023: Go Cubs Go!

Aug 21, 2023: Another deer family passed me by yesterday.

Aug 14, 2023: I agree with most of what David Brooks writes here, but I do think he is missing some context. The main societal change of my life time has been the …

Aug 12, 2023: Putting this here so that it’s not forgotten. Thanks to Patrick Rhone for sharing. Love Notes to Newton - Full Movie - Official - YouTube. The …

Aug 11, 2023: Yesterday Ruth and I celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary doing something we had never done together, and we survived.

Aug 8, 2023: I’ve set up Joplin to be my digital scrapbook / repository to possibly replace Evernote. A big part of the process was getting OneDrive to run …

Aug 8, 2023: Retirement practice (aka vacation) day 2. Annoyed that my morning coffee is interrupted by the lawn care people. Over joyed that my morning coffee is …

Aug 7, 2023: On the first weekday of this vacation I had this fantastic seafood omelet and grits at We Got Brunch.

Aug 6, 2023: Yesterday the Cubs beat the Braves, who by record is the best team in the National League. Today will be a test to see whether the Cubs can beat a …

Aug 5, 2023: Zack Beauchamp To figure out how to get the country past its current impasse, we need to look at reality as it is, not as we imagine it might be. And …

Aug 5, 2023: I am seeing lots of articles about the demise of the PAC-12 college conference. To an older guy such as myself I find the current conference names no …

Aug 5, 2023: Beginning a summer vacation week at my favorite place under these trees.

Aug 3, 2023: Reading what I wrote about the results at the end of the MLB trade deadline last year where the Chicago Cubs did not sell Wilson Contreras or Ian …

Aug 2, 2023: The game last night encapsulates why it has been frustrating to follow the Chicago Cubs this season. They have the hitting to put up a huge number of …

Jul 30, 2023: The Chicago Cubs winning streak ended at eight games today with a loss to the Cardinals in the last game of the season against their division rival. …

Jul 30, 2023: Once again I am looking for the best replacement for Evernote. I have found that I can import my Evernote notes into Obsidian and notes that contained …

Jul 30, 2023: Here is a really good article titled the “Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism.” At the conclusion the words “be careful what you ask for, …

Jul 28, 2023: The Chicago Cubs beat St. Louis last night and evened their record to 51-51, and sit at 5.5 games behind first place in the NL Central and 4 games …

Jul 24, 2023: Today is the one year anniversary of when I started tracking my walks in the Walk The Distance app. In that one year I have walked 1,231 miles, which …

Jul 22, 2023: Spoiler, every industry in the United States is “Big Tobacco,” not just Big Tech. It is the American form of capitalism that makes it ok …

Jul 22, 2023: Right now Cody Bellinger is carrying the Chicago Cubs, so when he is traded some time in the next couple of weeks the Cubs will stop being competitive …

Jul 21, 2023: Read this morning that Tony Bennett has passed away, and what a life of 96 years to celebrate! Happy to be able to say that I got to see him perform …

Jul 20, 2023: Danah Boyd’s take on the emergent Twitter alternatives is worth the read. I think a point not made is whether the emergent service is driven to …

Jul 19, 2023: Last month I wrote about impact the wildfires in Canada had on the air quality at my home. Last week there was another occurrence in which the air …

Jul 18, 2023: In the neighborhood where I live I have developed the reputation as the guy who walks a lot. The reputation may be aided by the fact that I usually …

Jul 18, 2023: I am a proponent of the idea that computer science education should be cross-curriculum rather than focused solely on singular classes and college …

Jul 17, 2023: Yesterday I added a TP-Link switch that supports Matter to my smarthome configuration. The installation process was not as smooth as advertised, but …

Jul 17, 2023: Hope Is Not A Strategy I am resigned to the fact that Chicago Cubs are not going to be a playoff team this year, which makes them sellers for the upcoming trade deadline, …

Jul 14, 2023: The MLB All-Star break is over and the Cubs play a rare Friday night game at Wrigley that I am looking forward to watching tonight to end the week. …

Jul 13, 2023: I am confused about cross posting. It looks like I should be able to cross post to Bluesky and Mastodon as part of my “base” …

Jul 13, 2023: The reason I will never vote for Donald Trump as President is how he handled COVID-19. Trump demonstrated that he did not and will not see himself as …

Jul 13, 2023: In my opinion, the debate over whether or not the COVID-19 pandemic leaked from a lab or naturally occurred keeps missing the real issue of the U.S. …

Jul 10, 2023: Chrissy Stoop writes that the strongest promoters of Christian Nationalism are the church going true believers. I think that Evangelicals have …

Jul 9, 2023: Finished reading: Treasure and Treason by Lisa Shearin 📚

Jul 9, 2023: Religious freedom is an oxymoron.

Jul 7, 2023: Threads is having rapid success because it’s not really a new social network, it’s the Instagram social network in a different form. You …

Jul 2, 2023: People in power who have a chip on their shoulder are dangerous because they cannot be influenced by the will of a majority. Such people live their …

Jul 1, 2023: I am a life long Chicago Cubs fan, and so that gives me the perspective of comparing the current Cubs teams to those of the past. The 2023 edition of …

Jun 28, 2023: Unlike other weather items, it appears there is no common source for air quality stats. Right now Google says AQI here is 167 while AccuWeather says …

Jun 28, 2023: Smokey Eye Not Good I watched the Air Quality Index for my home showing on the Nest Hub creeping up all yesterday afternoon to as high as 193, due to the wildfires in …

Jun 27, 2023: The Air Quality Index has cross the unhealthy range here in West Bloomfield, Michigan.

Jun 27, 2023: I have an account on Bluesky: It looks and feels like Twitter. In summary, I question whether the world really needs more social …

Jun 27, 2023: Dan Seifert writing for The Verge provides an interesting comparison between the Samsung Z Fold and the Pixel Fold. Samsung’s foldable is …

Jun 27, 2023: The Pixel Fold has started to ship and tech reviews are being published. The reviews that I have read so far are biased by the cost of the phone, the …

Jun 24, 2023: “If capital wishes to call labor entitled, capital must acknowledge that it is the most entitled creature in society, craving eternal growth at …

Jun 24, 2023: I am now curious enough to want to create an account on Bluesky, does anyone have an invite code?

Jun 24, 2023: As the Chicago Cubs prepare to play the St. Louis Cardinals today, I reflect on my comments during the winter on how much the Cardinals improved …

Jun 23, 2023: Generational Expectations On Time For Change Lately I have been ruminating on generational differences in relationship to technology. Like all things, technology changes over time. I remember a …

Jun 22, 2023: Finished reading: See No Stranger by Valarie Kaur 📚 I led a group discussion of this book with friends from church. Christians know of Jesus …

Jun 22, 2023: Fitbit/Google has enabled the blood oxygen saturation reading of the Pixel Watch, but it only works at night! I don’t understand why Fitbit has …

Jun 22, 2023: I spend every work day in my home office that is located in the basement of our house, which can be 2 to 5 degrees cooler than the main floor, …

Jun 22, 2023: After reading this article about RFK Jr. and his candidacy for President, it occurs to me that what should be most important is how a person works and …

Jun 21, 2023: It’s the first official day of summer, which means we are now at peak amount of daylight for the year. According to an app I have that is 15 …

Jun 20, 2023: Nice weather here at Pebble Creek

Jun 19, 2023: The blog post titled “How technology has changed the world since I was young” by Noah Smith lacks a very significant impact of the …

Jun 17, 2023: I am grateful for mornings like today, when the temperature is mild and there is a nice breeze with the birds chirping and fluttering about. I might …

Jun 16, 2023: Yesterday the Chicago Cubs swept the NL Central leading Pittsburgh Pirates. The Cubs are currently 3.5 games behind the Pirates with a 31-37 record, …

Jun 14, 2023: Yesterday I experienced something for the first time, a strong downpour of pea sized hail. I was in the basement and yet it sounded like the roof was …

Jun 12, 2023: Is the Vision Pro an iPhone or a Newton?

Jun 12, 2023: I like sharing pictures on this blog and I wish that had a simple way for creating photo albums. I just returned from a trip and I would …

Jun 11, 2023: In the butterfly exhibit of the Milwaukee Public Museum. Google says this is a Heliconius.

Jun 11, 2023: I am experimenting with and learning about the wide angle lense of my Google Pixel 7a. I like how this picture turned out.

Jun 6, 2023: Railhouse Brewery Outta The Blue

Jun 5, 2023: Vision Pro might be the ultimate test of the Apple cult. Could be a John Sculley / Apple Newton moment.

Jun 5, 2023: Apple mythology states they enter a market when they have a better take on it. In what way is Vision Pro a better take on prior AR / VR solutions? …

Jun 5, 2023: I was not expecting to be able to watch the Apple WWDC keynote, but Murphy has enabled me to do so and I am jotting notes during the session.

Jun 4, 2023: Is it me, or does some hotel cancellation policies feel like a scam? What I am seeing is to be able to cancel as late as 24 hours before some hotels …

Jun 3, 2023: Stand off king of the hill

Jun 2, 2023: The Chicago Cubs are nearly five behind the A.L. Central leading Milwaukee Brewers, which is where I said they were back in December, before the …

Jun 2, 2023: First Impressions Of The Google Pixel 7a Google announced and began selling the Pixel 7a earlier last month, and I ordered a Sea colored version from Amazon about a week later. The Pixel 7a …

Jun 2, 2023: Detroit Grand Prix I am watching the IndyCar practice of the Detroit Grand Prix, which is racing around the Renaissance Center where I worked for nearly nine years. At …

Jun 2, 2023: I agree with Bernie. After Biden signs the debt ceiling bill he should file suite against Congress asking the Supreme Court to declare the debt …

Jun 1, 2023: Roses are blooming

Jun 1, 2023: I’ve created a public repo on Github that contains an archive of my blog archive files. The files contain blog posts starting in March, 2014 to …

May 31, 2023: Everyone wants the government to spend less. Politicians threaten to destroy the full faith and credit of the United States with claims they desire to …

May 31, 2023: With AI, Focus On The People When I read something about the dangers of AI I can’t help but fear the writers are missing an important point. Saying that AI is bad is like …

May 30, 2023: Army Talk Orientation Fact Sheet, Fascism! March 24, 1945.

May 30, 2023: I’ve been walking…since last July

May 30, 2023: Thinking about Large Language Models like chatGPT has me considering the idea that the keyboard could disappear as the primary input device to a …

May 30, 2023: Was the “Show More” button always on the Discover feed? I don’t think it was and not sure how I feel about it, I like the idea of …

May 30, 2023: Some time today I will walk the 1,000th mile virtually along the Appalachian Trail since July 24, 2022.

May 29, 2023: “Do you really want freedom? If you do, it starts by tolerating those with whom you disagree and not treating them with contempt.” This …

May 27, 2023: Finished reading: Jesus Unbound by Keith Giles 📚 “Remember: Our relationship is not with a book, but with a person. Yes, we may learn more details …

May 27, 2023: “We waste a lot of energy on the past and future when the present is all that’s guaranteed. We push for more—but really, we need to find our …

May 27, 2023: Don’t leaf me behind

May 23, 2023: Does screen refresh really matter on smartphones? One of the unwritten rules of tech is the idea that more is better, the purpose of which is to have us continually buy the latest generation of a …

May 21, 2023: Google's Tech Ecosystem Failure I have now replaced two Pixel phones with a newer model and each time I do I am astounded by how little Google understands technology ecosystems. Not …

May 21, 2023: On the topic of photos, I wish the iOS/iPadOS version of could get pictures from Google photos. For Android users, the most direct way to …

May 21, 2023: Learned that Glass is available for Android, and it seems to me appropriate that with a new phone/camera I check out a new photo sharing app. Have to …

May 20, 2023: Testing the camera of my new Google Pixel 7a Regular, zoom, and wide angle

May 16, 2023: “Countries such as Serbia, whose governments made the promise of security central to their power, have come to depend on keeping alive the very …

May 15, 2023: Temperature back down into the forties this morning, turned the furnace back on to get the basement home office comfortable.

May 13, 2023: I wonder what will be the price of the Pixel Tablet come this Christmas? I bet near $400.

May 13, 2023: If I were in charge of marketing a foldable phone, I think I would call it a mobile 2-in-1 rather than foldable because that puts emphasis on the …

May 13, 2023: In the category of just because we can do something doesn’t mean we have to. The reality is that Fortune 100 companies will hire McKinsey …

May 12, 2023: It is practically impossible to trust any of the cable TV news outlets because they are all owned by corporations who we know to be driven by profit …

May 11, 2023: This E-Ink display by Philips looks really interesting although right now a bit too expensive. Not available in the United States.

May 11, 2023: As Steven describes it, Tailwind is a “personal” Large Language Model that an individual can train based on their own input. It sounds …

May 11, 2023: Like a lot of people, I imagine, I was frustrated while watching most of the Google I/O keynote yesterday because I was more interested in the …

May 10, 2023: I think the Cubs are being hurt most by Seiya Suzuki not hitting, continuing to play Eric Hosmer, and Yan Gome’s injury. The Cub really need …

May 8, 2023: Impressive New Zealand road trip journal/web site.

May 8, 2023: I’ve enabled passkey login for my Google account but it doesn’t work on Linux even if I store a passkey on a Yubikey. Not sure when it …

May 7, 2023: “We have millions and millions of Christians who have had no experience of God, and the Church, for the most part, prefers it that way. We can then …

May 6, 2023: Finished reading: Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman 📚 “To still others he [Jesus] is a man who found the answer to life’s riddle, and out …

May 6, 2023: Good morning

May 5, 2023: Rule one of being a United States citizen, and really a citizen of any country, ought to be, ignore all political advertising. It’s shocking to …

May 4, 2023: The U.S. Constitution puts in place a structure of “checks and balances” between the three branches of government to prevent tyranny, and …

May 1, 2023: The lesson we should have learned from the Internet is that technology is not really the problem, the real problem is the humans who use the …

May 1, 2023: The entire history of the United States has been one long debate, some times out in public but often times in private, about freedom for whom? More …

Apr 30, 2023: “During times of war hatred becomes quite respectable, even though it has to masquerade often under the guise of patriotism. To even the casual …

Apr 30, 2023: I think the reason why some are concerned about chatGPT is that they know the tendencies of most towards laziness. For most, if they read something …

Apr 30, 2023: Yesterday morning it was cloudy and misty while I did the annual stride down the Detroit River walk.

Apr 25, 2023: Straight Jacket Voting We frequently fall in to the trap of thinking that how things work today is how they have always worked. Take for example voting in the United States. …

Apr 21, 2023: Here is a fascinating article about the relationship between vision and football wide receivers. It says that the best NFL wide receivers have less …

Apr 18, 2023: Freedom Versus The Internet The most dangerous affect of bans on books and teaching by government is its erosion on the culture of free speech. While the United States has the …

Apr 18, 2023: Oops, she did it again! Second year in a row of snow on my birthday.

Apr 17, 2023: Retirement practice

Apr 17, 2023: Finished reading: To Follow the Lamb by Ted Grimsrud 📚