I understand people’s reasons for why they do not like either Trump or Harris, in fact those reasons are obvious, either vote to put a person in office who only thinks of himself or vote for the person who is part of an administration supporting ongoing war and killing in Gaza and Ukraine. The Biden administration that Harris is part of is not doing all of what I want it to do, but in making my decision for whom to vote I also ask myself, of these two candidates which one is more likely to be influenced by public outcry or activism after being elected? Which party in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches is more likely to produce change that I want?

I see a better chance for what I want happening if Harris is President rather than Donald Trump because my values align better to Harris than Trump. Further, I do not see either not voting or voting for a third party or write-in candidate as furthering my cause and I feel no satisfaction in declaring that I did not support either as if that washes my hands of any responsibility.

These are my views on this election and they do not matter except in the possibility that they are a point of view you are open to considering. Perhaps you disagree and that is ok, that is the purpose of non-compulsive elections, private and split-ticket voting.