Over the years I have heard it said that the Democrat and Republican political parties are essentially the same. To the extent they are both political parties, this is true, but I think the real consequential factor in the United States since 2016 is how different the parties have become. How it came to be that Biden dropped out of the 2024 Presidential race as the Democrat candidate will not and cannot happen in the Republican party because nobody in that party has the willingness, strength of character, or courage to challenge its king. The 2024 Federal and State elections are truly about two different parties. Democrats will challenge their leaders, and I believe would impeach and convict their President if found guilty, Republicans will not challenge their President nor impeach him let alone convict him, as we have seen them do when the House impeached Trump twice. Recent Supreme Court decisions have made it imperative members of Congress put their oath to preserve, defend, and protect the Constitution above party.