At my home we got sleet, snow, and some wind but not the extent to which had been forecasted. It’s icy enough to keep me indoors and I see some tree branches that have fallen due to the weight of the snow. I know there are thousands of homes that lost power, but fortunately we were not one. Right now the temperature is 26 degrees with a wind chill of 14, and we are heading into a week of temperatures in the teens for highs and single digits to below zero for lows.
First thing I noticed when I started my walk this morning is the number of squirrels out and about. Temps are going above normal today, and they seem gleeful.

We traveled from the southern most point to the northern most point of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan last week during near peak fall colors.

The holiday weekend has begun with beautiful weather. On days like this I am grateful to live in Michigan.

Looking through the pictures that I took during my most recent trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and I think this one of the Cut River Bridge is one of the best.

Here We Go Again Michigan
It seems logical to me that the number of cases of COVID-19 will increase as the weather gets colder in the northern United States causing people to spend more time indoors without good ventilation. A report over the weekend appears to provide the statistical evidence, the R0, or rate of infection, has jumped to 1.12, you want it to be below 1. Daily new cases per 100,000 people is 11.7, a number above 10 is considered high. The good news is that ICU occupancy is low so for now hospitals appear to be capable of meeting demand, but an increase in the rate of spread increases the probability of people with pre-existing conditions who catch the virus need hospitalization. Lending further support to the “colder weather” theory is the fact that the new Michigan outbreak is in the Upper Peninsula.
Given the Michigan Supreme Court’s decision that the Governor has over-stepped her authority with her efforts to contain the disease and the Republican party’s preference to not issue mandates, it is likely the spread will increase unless citizens self comply or take county and city health orders seriously. I expect the State Legislature to pass legislation to prevent counties and cities from issuing their own health orders.
Peace #mbaug 📷

Wild thing…

Autumn is when the Upper Peninsula of Michigan shows it’s true colors. #puremichigan #michiganders #906